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发布时间 : 星期六 文章大学英语第二册第8课 课文及课后答案更新完毕开始阅读ffcaf1bafd0a79563c1e720f


a case in point a very good example 恰当的例子

all but all except 除了...都

(be) different from unlike, not the same as 与...不同

think of ... as regard as

in the case of 就...来说,至于

come to arrive at a particular state or position 变成(某种状态)

lie in exist in 在于

on the other hand from the opposed point of view 另一方面,反过来说

at one's best in as good a state as possible 处于最佳状态

go up rise; increase 上升;增加

go down fall; decrease 下降;减少


Stacia Robbins 斯泰茜娅.罗宾斯

Maryland 马里兰(美国州名)

Abe 艾贝(Abraham的呢称) NOTES

1 This text is adapted from Senior Scholastic Oct. 31, 1980.

2 competency test: test to determine whether or not a person possesses a certain skill. Usually it is done in reading and math computations, not in all subject areas. Recently more and more states in the U.S. are requiring students to pass a competency test to receive a high school diploma.

3 state Regents' examinations: In New York State, the Department of Education requires high school students to take year end examinations n science, math, and language subjects. These required exams are made out by the regents themselves and no one else is supposed to see them prior to their administration.

4 ... the intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word: ... the intention is not to trap all the cheaters, but to get a few as a warnig to other students - if a few are caught, the other students will hear about it and be more hesitant to cheat.

5 income tax: a government tax on a person's or a corporation's income. The U.S. has had income tax laws since 1913.

6 beat the system: \现存社会体制) usually means the network of established political, social, and economic institutions that control a country, but in our text it refers to the educational system and more pointedly the way in which one earns grades. Normally, a student must do a certain amount of work to earn a good grade. However, if you cheat and receive a good grade you have beaten the \


Admit anyway arrest behavior Campaign charge clue contagious Corresponding economy evidence Incident indication launch link Moral numerous overnight possess Reinforce requirement reveal style tempt tend unlike vast

Reading Aloud and Memorizing

1 Read the following paragraph until you learn it by heart:

School children used to know the story of how Abraham Lincoln walked five miles to return a penny he'd overcharged a customer. It's the kind of story we think of as myth. But in the case of Lincoln, the story is true... unlike the story of George Washington and the cherry tree. Washington's first biographer invented the tale of little George saying to his father, \both stories, however, is that honesty was seen as an important part of the American character.

2 read the following poem: Beauty is seen In the sunlight, The trees, the birds,

Corn growing and people working Or dancing for their harvest.

Beauty is heard In the night,

Wind sighing, rain falling, Or a singer chanting Anything in earnest.

Beauty is in yourself. Good deeds, happy thoughts That repeat themselves In your dreams, In your work.

And even in your rest. E- Yeh- Shure 阳光之下 看得到美

绿树成荫,百鸟欢唱。 玉米在生长,人们工作忙, 庆丰收跳舞心欢畅。 夜阑人静 听得到美

风声疯疯,雨声淅沥 歌手在低吟

美就在你自己身上。 高尚的行为,美好的思想 在你的梦中 在你的工作中

甚至在休息时也在不断光大发扬。 E -耶- 舒尔

Comprehension of the Text

3 choose the best answer for each of the following: 1. An increase in the use of state exams many result in a. more states requiring students to pass competency tests. b. more students receiving high school diplomas. c. a drop in criminal misdemeanor charges. d. a rise in high school cheating.

2. The purpose in making students produce an ID card with a photo when they take an exam is a. to make students more aware of the great amount of cheating going on.

b. to catch bright students who sell the information they remember to other students. c. to catch students who take tests for other students.

d. to compare test results of students who sat near each other.

3. The campaign launched by the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland is sited as an example to show that

a. students can be hard on themselves in judging some behavior as cheating b. proctors are very clever at tracking down cheaters.

c. Colleges and universities have resolved to do more than talk about the rise in student cheating. d. psychology professors are determined to catch all those who take tests for their fellow students.

4. cording to the campus newspaper editorial, the purpose of the campaign was a. to help police catch enough speeders.

b. to catch as many cheaters as is necessary to make known the warning. c. to track down as many \d. to stop all forms of cheating once and for all.

5. When the author says that the story of Lincoln and the over-charged penny is seen as myth, he probably implies that

a. nowadays people tend to think what is told in this kind of story is too good to be true. b. honesty used to be thought of as an important part of the American character. c. people are not to be expected to believe such an invention. d. it's the kind of story that is handed down from olden times.

6. According to the author, it is certain that in the last century

a. parents did everything they could to impress moral values on their children.

b. no parents ever spoke of cheating the government on income taxes in the presence of their children, as there were no income taxes then.

c. there weren't any parents who ever tried to reinforce moral values. d. moral values taught in stories were further reinforced by parents.

7. The author suggests that the apparent increase in dishonesty in American society may indicate a. general breakdown in American moral structure. b. inability to face up to normal human behavior. c. t people are getting better at revealing dishonesty. d. t dishonesty tends to ebb and flow.

8. Which statement best expresses the main idea of the text?

a. Americans have become more dishonest in order to survive in a system which is corrupt and unfair. B. Students who cheat in school lack confidence in themselves and their abilities. c. It is high time that Americans presented methods of discouraging dishonesty.

d. Evidence seems to show that dishonesty is increasing in America, but Americans still believe that honesty is an important part of the national character.

4 Answer the following questions:

1. What percentage of American high school students have confessed to cheating to exams according to a recent poll?

Why does the author say such a response may not amount to much?