基于智能优化算法的控制器优化设计终稿- 副本 联系客服

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毕业 任务书

设计设 论文论




1、利用已有的专业知识,培养学生解决实际工程问题的能力; 2、锻炼学生的科研工作能力和培养学生的团结合作攻关能力;


1、熟悉掌握粒子群算法的基本原理; 2.对PID控制进行优化设计;


第01周----第02周: 英文翻译;

第03周----第04周: 了解智能算法的发展趋势; 第05周----第06周: 学习粒子群算法;

第07周----第09周: 设计PID控制器系统结构;

第10周----第11周: 设计基于智能优化算法的控制器优化结构; 第12周----第13周: 搭建Matlab/Simulink PID控制优化设计仿真程序,进


第14周----第16周: 撰写毕业设计论文,论文答辩;


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摘 要






Particle swarm optimization is an emerging global based on swarm intelligence heuristic search algorithm, particle swarm optimization algorithm competition and collaboration between particles to achieve in complex search space to find the global optimum. It has easy to understand, easy to achieve, the characteristics of strong global search ability, and has never wide field of science and engineering concern, has become the fastest growing one of the intelligent optimization algorithms.

The PID parameters optimization method has a lot of kinds, all kinds of methods all have their own characteristics, should according to the characteristics of the actual system choosing proper method. There are a lot of methods of optimization for the parameters of PID, and each of them has its own characteristics. The proper methods need to be selected according to the actual characteristics of the system. In this paper we adopt the Particle Swarm Optimization to tune the parameters. To finish it, the following tasks should be done. First, choose the controlled object, this paper selects control object for unstable system transfer function, through the simulation of control system step by step. Second, according to the characteristics of the particle swarm algorithm, each of the parameters set PSO, use of MATLAB program, to optimize the

kp、ki、kd of the PID. Third, Using simulink tool of simulation of PID parameters

optimization system, and simulation that the optimal parameters of the system to be affected, curve. Analysis results indicate that the algorithm process, performance index has been declining, PSO looking for more optimal parameters, so by using particle swarm optimization algorithm of the obtained result is obvious.

KEY WORDS: PID, Particle Swarm Optimization, Optimal Design, Simulink