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“一名求职者需要表现出仅凭不准确、不完整的信息就做出决策的能力。他或她必须能接纳不确定因素并冒着风险做出结论,”一位客户在职业描述中写道。A candidate needs to have demonstrated the ability to make decisions with imperfect or incomplete information .He or she must be able to embrace ambiguity and stick his or her neck out to drive to a conclusion , wrote one of my clients in a job description .

9豪特赞同这一说法。“商业成功通常有这样一个特质:那就是能接受不确定因素和风险——个人的,组织上的和财务上的。Haut agrees .Business success is often defined by comfort with ambiguity and risk-personal ,organizational ,and financial . 这就让许多科学家感到不适应,因为学术上的成功其实是依靠认真而严谨的研究。This creates a disconnect for many scientists because success in academia is really more about careful ,studied research .更进一步说,伟大的科学常常是由找寻答案的过程和答案本身两者同时来定义的。因此科学家们往往沉迷于过程。 Further ,great science is often defined by how one gets to the answer as much as by the itself , so scientists often fall in love with the process .在企业里,你需要了解过程,但最终你会迷上答案,然后根据你认为该答案对你的企业所具有的意义来冒风险。像这样敢冒风险是一套技能组合,是所有雇主在他们最好的员工身上所寻找的东西。” In a business ,you need to understand the process , but you end up falling in love with the answer and then take a risk based on what you think that answer means to your business . Putting your neck on the line like this is a skill set that all employers look for in their best people .

10风险容忍度的另外一个要点是求职者对失败的承受度。 Another


important piece of risk tolerance is a candidate’s degree of comfort with failure . 失败很重要,因为这表示你不怕冒险。Failure is important because it shows that you were not afraid to take chances .所以各家公司总会寻找有可能犯错误并敢于承认错误的求职者。大家都知道如何谈论成功——或者当他们在寻找工作的时候应该知道。但很少有人乐意谈论失败,更少有人知道如何从失败的边缘吸取教训和获得经验。So companies consistently look for candidates who can be wrong and admit it . Everyone knows how to talk about successes -----or they should if they’re in a job search ---but far fewer people are comfortable talking about failures ,and fewer still know how to bring lessons and advantages back from the brink .“对我的企业来说,求职者需要坦然地谈论他或她的失败,而且他或她需要有真正的失败经历,而不是特意为面试而杜撰的东西。如果做不到的话,那么这个人冒的风险还不够,”豪特说。 For my organization ,a candidate needs to have comfort discussing his or her failures ,and he or she needs to have real failures,not something made up for interview day .If not ,that person has not taken enough risk .says Haut .

11特征4:善于处理人际关系trait 4:strength in interpersonal relationships 瑞克·李奇在迪科德遗传工程公司从事业务拓展。 Rick Leach is in business development for deCODE Genetics .李奇最近才转行到企业,做业务方面的工作。Leach made the transition to industry recently ,on the business side of things .我向他咨询这个重要特征,是因为在他的新业务角色中,人际沟通能力在成功和失败之间发挥着很大的作用。I asked him about this key trait because in his new business role ,interpersonal abilities make the difference between success and failure .“科学家毕生都在积累知识,培养技术上的敏锐感,”他说,“但为企业工作需要完全不


同的东西——人际交往的能力。 Scientists spend their lives accumulating knowledge and developing technical acumen , he says ,but working for a business requires something else entirely --people skills . 想转行到企业界的科学家们必须优先考虑他们的社会关系资源而不是技术资源。The scientist who is transitioning into the business world must prioritize his or her relationship assets above their technical assets. 对一个以前一直根据专业知识水平被评价的人来说,突然之间要根据他的人际交往能力来评价他,真是十分令人恐惧。”To suddenly be valued and measured by your mastery of human relationships can be a very scary proposition for a person who has been value and measured only by his mastery of things ,says Rick .

12然而,如果认为只有像李奇那样的生意人才需要熟练的人际沟通技巧,那就错了。It would be a mistake ,however ,to assume that strong people skills are required only for business people like Leach .事实上,我所遇见的在企业工作的核心员工们之所以取得成功,很大程度上是因为他们能够与公司上下各种各样的人共事。 Indeed ,the key players I’ve met who work at the bench in industry have succeed in great measure because they’ve been able to work with a broad variety of personalities ,up and down the organization . Unit Two

中餐被公认为全球最佳美食之一,其种类之丰富,工艺之繁复,使其理所当然地成为游客大快朵颐的乐事之一。 Universally recognized as one of the greatest cuisines of the world ,Chinese food in all variety and complexity is unquestionably one of the finest pleasures a visitor can experience


in China . 中国美食

1中国美食是中国文化一道绚烂的风景线,这点从世界各地随处可见的中餐馆可以窥见。Chinese cuisine is a brilliant facet of Chinese culture ,which is proven by the fact that Chinese restaurant are found scattered everywhere throughout the world .当今,烹饪业正以前所未有的速度在发展。Today ,the culinary industry is developing even more rapidly than before .10年前,北京只有几千家餐馆,而今天却有10万多家大小不等的餐馆遍布市内。 A decade ago ,Beijing had a few thousand restaurants , while today there are over 100000 restaurants of different sizes in the city.


众所周知,明朝以来出现了八大菜系,分别是山东菜、四川菜、广东菜、福建菜、江苏菜、浙江菜、湖南菜和安徽菜。It is widely acknowledged that from the Ming(1368-1644) dynasties onwards ,there are eight major schools of cuisine based on regional cooking . They came from Shandong ,Sichuan ,guangdong,fujian, jiangsu ,zhejiang ,hunan ,and anhui ,province .除了这些传统菜系,中国的烹饪业也经历了巨大的变化:每个地方都形成了自己的特色菜,不同菜系汇集于诸如北京这样的大城市。 In addition to these traditional cuisines ,the culinary industry in China has undergone great changes ,as almost every place has its own local specialties ,and as the difference cuisines gather together in big cities ,such as Beijing .
