牛津译林版7B英语期中复习专题练习—首字母填空(包含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章牛津译林版7B英语期中复习专题练习—首字母填空(包含答案)更新完毕开始阅读fd5e36e6a9956bec0975f46527d3240c8547a11d




Dear Kitty,

News! We have a new f___1___! The rooms are small, but they are c__2____. There are m_3__ rooms here than in our old flat. This is good because now I have my o___4__ room. In the old flat, I s___5___ a room with my sister.

My b___6____ is my favourite room in the flat. I can be alone in it. I can read or draw. I can listen to the radio or play CDs. I can play games on my c__7__ and send e-mails to my friends.

My s_8___ favourite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook our meals. She is a very good cook. She t__9__ me how to make many d__10___ kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Moroccan food. It is very delicious.

That’s all for now. Write soon and tell me about your home. All good wishes!

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Most Mongols(蒙古人) enjoy l__1__in yurts(蒙古包). Yurts are d____2__from our houses. They are a kind of round houses. They are strong e__3___in the rain or wind. Some of the yurts are very big, and some are very s__4___. The biggest ones can hold(容纳)more than six h___5___people, but the small ones only hold a few people. People feel c____6___in the yurts. It’s warm in winter and cool in s____7__. Mongols usually keep lots of animals, such as sheep and horses. When the animals eat up the g__8__, people will move to another place with their

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animals and h____9___. They can build yurts in a s__10___ time.

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Sunshine Zoo is a nice place to visit. Walk from the South Gate, go s_____1____ on, and you will find the Panda House. Pandas are c____2______. They like eating 3__________. To the n_____4_____ of the Panda House, you’ll find the p_____5_____. They are the kings of the animals world. Remember not to go near them because they are d_____6_____. To the west of the Lions’ Area, you will see lots of b____7_____. They can make beautiful s____ 8____. Go on and you will see the clever and f____9____ monkeys. To the east of the Monkeys’ Forest, you will see the giraffes. The giraffe has a long n_____10_____. It is the tallest animal on the earth.

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Your mother is the most important person in your life. She helps you with your homework. If you get ill, she stays with you the w____1_____ night. She makes your m___2_____ every day. Your mother is a____3____ there for you. That's why there is a s____4____ day for mothers a____5____ the world .

Mother's Day becomes a modern holiday in the US. A woman called Anna Jarvis and her mother, Anna Reese Jarvis, live in a poor town. They work hard to make the town b___6_____. Jarvis' mother died(去世) on Sunday,May 14,1905. Their church holds a Mother's Day to thank her f____7____ the help .

Today, people in m____8____ than 40 countries celebrate the day. They give their mothers

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carnations (康乃擊)and o____9____ presents. In the language of flowers, carnations stand for h___10___, sweetness and love.

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My Home Village

My home village is a small one. It's in Yuxian County of Shanxi Province. It is small, but it's very beautiful.

There are many hills a 1 my home village and they are more beautiful than

some big mountains. In spring, we can fly k 2 which are made by ourselves o 3 the top of the hills. The kites fly very h 4 . In s 5 , the trees are green and the grass is green too. It is green e 6 on the hills. There are so many wild apple trees on the hills. The wild apples are n 7 to eat. In autumn, the corn under and around the hills is ripe. So we eat it almost every day.

In w 8 , when it snows, all the ground is covered with snow. We can play w 9 snow and sometimes we eat the clean snow with sugar. In my hometown the sky is blue, the air is clean, the water is sweet and the people are very f 10 . I love my hometown!

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Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others when you're free? Then j 1 us to be a volunteer! We have voluntary jobs of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old 3 / 7


children to people in their seventies, can b 2 a volunteer. You can help people in m 3 ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. H 4____ need volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats w 5 homes. There is something for e 6 . \a volunteer, I don't want to get anything. Seeing the \children's h 7 faces, I'm glad, too,\ 8 . Now I help older people learn h 9 to use computers,\If everyone helps out a bit, we'll have a b 10 world to live in. Are you interested? Call us on 800-555-5756 .

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Pedro is walking in the park. He finds a w 1 under a big tree. It goes well and looks very n 2 . “Whose watch is it?” Pedro s 3 to himself.

He looks a 4 the park. A girl and her father are t 5 photos beside the lake. A woman is sitting on the grass. N 6 finds Pedro pick the watch up. “How beautiful the watch is!” Pedro thinks. “I r 7 like this watch. I don’t need to a 8 Jack the time all the time if I have one. No one sees me.” Pedro’s face is red.

“Don’t t 9 other people’s things.” Pedro thinks of his mother’s words. “ I won’t f 10 good if I take this watch.” Pedro thinks.

At last, he decides(决定) to find the person who loses the watch.

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