人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题及答案解析1-12单元-七年级英语下册单元评价检测十一 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题及答案解析1-12单元-七年级英语下册单元评价检测十一更新完毕开始阅读fc83156d4afe04a1b171de54

疑问句, 不适合用于答语。nothing意为“什么也没有”,符合答语。

3.【解析】选B。后句是否定句,排除A、D选项,can’t stand意为“无法忍受”,故选B。 4.【解析】选B。分析该句的空格处,缺少作定语的词语,只有two-day符合要求。 5.【解析】选C。考查替代词。问句中的从句意为“谁弄坏了我的眼镜?”时态是过去时,所以选C。

6.【解析】选D。考查say something/anything about. . . “就??说一说/讲一讲”, 句意: 你能就肥皂剧说点什么吗?

7.【解析】选A。考查ask sb. to do sth. “让某人做某事”。


9.【解析】选D。how about后接动词-ing。其余选项后接动词原形。


Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选B。由第三句asked some students可知。 2.【解析】选A。考查ask sb. about sth. “问某人关于某事”。

3.【解析】选B。answers是可数名词,该空缺处所在的句子是肯定句,排除A、D,没有lot of 短语,应是a lot of 或lots of, 故选B。 4.【解析】选B。和likes并列的应是dislikes。



7.【解析】选A。句意为“它们(纪录片)是给父母看的”, for意为“为??”,故选A。 8.【解析】选B。考查don’t mind,而He said后接的是从句,受主句过去时态的制约,所以选B。



10.【解析】选B。enjoy sth. “喜欢某事”,everyone是不定代词,作主语时看作单数形式。所以用动词enjoys。

Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选C。 由短文的开始部分可知。 2.【解析】选D。由第二段的内容可知。 3.【解析】选A。由短文第一段的第二句话可知。 4.【解析】选B。由短文第三段的第一句可知。


Ⅴ. 答案:1. agree 2. nothing 3. culture 4. idea 5. colorful 6. take 7. sitting 8. coolest 9. today’s 10. scarfs/scarves

Ⅵ. 答案:1. saw nothing 2. How/What about

3. showed; to me 4. What does, think of 5. Did; put Ⅶ. 答案:1. 15-year-old 2. speaking 3. enjoy 4. sports 5. think of 6. can’t stand 7. How about 8. In fact 9. like 10. joining Ⅷ. 【参考答案】www. xkb1 .com

A frog is our friend

Frogs live in the river. They are good at swimming. In summer, I enjoy listening to them sing. They are my favorite animals. Someone can’t stand the sound of their singing, but in fact, they also love frogs. They think frogs are helpful animals. They can help farmers catch harmful insects. They are our farmers’ popular helpers.

These days I see someone selling or eating frogs. We should protect frogs and

stop killing them. I hope everyone should take good care of our friends—frogs. What do you think of frogs?