用扫描线算法实现多边形的填充 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章用扫描线算法实现多边形的填充更新完毕开始阅读fb6a4ecce55c3b3567ec102de2bd960590c6d9dd


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一 算法分析。

1. 基本原理:每一条扫描线与不自交多边形有偶数个交点, 如果将交点的横坐标按

升序排列,则第一二,三四…个交点之间的点为多边形内的点。所以一条扫描线上的填充过程可分为下面三个步骤: (1) 求扫描线与多边形的交点; (2) 对所求交点排序;

(3) 将交点两两配对,并填充每一段区域。


3.对交点的排序可在建立Edge Table 中实现,具体见程序清单。

4.数据结构:除了上《逐点判断法》中的Polygon,Point结构外,还要用到边结构 定义如下: typedef struct tEdge {

int yUpper; /* 边的上端点的y坐标值 */ float xIntersect,dxPerScan; struct tEdge * next;


由于程序是参考” Computer Graphics,C Version 2nd Ed “中的程序,因此先列出程序清单如下。

二 程序清单。

/********************************************************************************** Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm. Referenced Program Is In

\ CopyRights 2002 By LiLi.

**********************************************************************************/ #include \#include \#define MAX 10

#define WINDOW_HEIGHT 480 typedef struct {

int x; int y;

}Point; typedef struct {

int PolygonNum; Point verteces[MAX];

}Polygon; typedef struct tEdge{

int yUpper;

float xIntersect,dxPerScan; struct tEdge * next; }Edge;

int Color; main() {int i; Polygon *P;

void ScanFill(Polygon *);

printf(\ scanf(\ for(i=0;iPolygonNum;i++)

{printf(\ scanf(\

printf(\ scanf(\ }

printf(\ scanf(\

P->verteces[i].x=P->verteces[0].x; P->verteces[i].y=P->verteces[0].y; ScanFill(P); getch(); }

/* Insert edge into list in order of increasing xIntersect field If the xIntersect is the same then sorting by dxPerScan */ void insertEdge(Edge *list,Edge *edge) {

Edge *p,*p1,*q=list; p=q->next; while(p!=NULL)

{if(edge->xIntersectxIntersect) p=NULL; else

{p1=q;q=p;p=p->next; } }

if(q->xIntersect==edge->xIntersect&&q->dxPerScan>edge->dxPerScan) {p1->next=edge;edge->next=q; } else


q->next=edge; } }

/* For an index, return y-coordinates of nonhorizontal line */ int yNext(int k,int cnt,Point *pts) { int j;

if((k+1)>(cnt-1)) j=0; else j=k+1;

while(pts[k].y==pts[j].y) if((j+1)>(cnt-1)) j=0; else j++; return(pts[j].y); }

/* restore lower-y coordinate and inverse slope for each edges. Adjust and store upper-y coordinate for edges that are the lower member of a monotonically increasing or decreasing pair of edge */

void makeEdgeRec(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int yComp,Edge *edge,Edge *edges[]) {

edge->dxPerScan= (float)(x2-x1)/(y2-y1); edge->xIntersect=x1; if(y2yUpper=y2-1; else

edge->yUpper=y2; insertEdge(edges[y1],edge); }

void buildEdgeList(int cnt,Point *pts,Edge *edges[]) {

Edge *edge; int x1,y1,x2,y2; int i,yPrev=pts[cnt-2].y; x1=pts[cnt-1].x; y1=pts[cnt-1].y; for(i=0;i

if(y1!=y2) /* nonhorizontal line */ {edge=(Edge*)malloc(sizeof(Edge));


makeEdgeRec(x1,y1,x2,y2,yNext(i,cnt,pts),edge,edges); else /* down-going edge */ makeEdgeRec(x2,y2,x1,y1,yPrev,edge,edges); } yPrev=y1; x1=x2;y1=y2; } }

void buildActiveList(int scan,Edge *active,Edge *edges[]) {

Edge *p,*q; p=edges[scan]->next; while(p) {q=p->next; insertEdge(active,p); p=q; } }

void FillScan(int scan,Edge *active) {

Edge *p1,*p2; int i;

p1=active->next; while(p1) {p2=p1->next;


putpixel((int)i,WINDOW_HEIGHT-1-scan,Color); p1=p2->next; } }

void deleteAfter(Edge *q) {

Edge *p=q->next; q->next=p->next; free(q); }

/* Delete completed edges, Update 'xIntersect' field for others */ void updateActiveList(int scan,Edge *active) {