大学英语教学中传统教学法与任务型教学法的比较研究 联系客服

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The Comparative Study between Traditional Method and Task-based Language Teaching Method in

College English Teaching

Huang Tingting

(School of Foreign Languages,Weinan Normal University,Weinan 714000,China)

摘要: 随着全球化形势的发展,以及对具有英语综合能力的人才的需求,任务型教学法由国外引入到我国的大学英语课堂教学中。本文从各个方面着手,通过对传统教学法和任务型教学法的分析比较,表明了任务型教学法在英语教学上的应用优势。此外,本文还具体提出了如何在课堂英语教学中应用任务型教学法,以及需要注意的若干问题。

Abstract: With the globalization and the demand for the talent with comprehensive ability in English, task-based language teaching method has been introduced into Chinese college English teaching class. Through careful comparative analysis on traditional teaching method and task-based language teaching method,this paper accurately reflects the application advantages of the latter, and expounds how to make use of it in English class and a few problems to which teachers should pay attention.

关键词: 传统教学法 任务型教学法 任务 比较

Key words: traditional teaching method;task-based language teaching method;task;compare 中图分类号:G42文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2011)26-0151-02 0引言
