河北省石家庄市2018届高三模拟考试(二)英语试卷含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章河北省石家庄市2018届高三模拟考试(二)英语试卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读f82e9c759fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d68f

Yours, Li Hua



听力(20×1.5=30):1—5 CAABB 6—10 BABCC 11—15 ABACA 16—20 BABCC 阅读理解(15×2=30):21—24 ACCD 25—27 CBD 28—31 ABDC 32—35 BABD 七选五阅读填空(5×2=10):36—40 DAGCF

完形填空(20×1.5=30):41—45 CBDBC 46—50 ADBDB 51—55 DACAB 56—60 CDACA 语法填空(10×1.5=15): 61. running 62. construction 63. which 64. originally 65. has served 66. a 67. in 68. attractions 69. located 70. is recognized 短文改错(10×1=10):

Last Sunday, I went on a hike with one of my best friend, Kevin. I got up early that morning and prepare lots of

friends prepared

food in my lunchbox and then I went ∧ Kevin’s home to pick him up. On the way to the mountain, we enjoyed at

to 删除at

seeing many beautiful flowers along the road. After we arrived at the mountain, all of us couldn’t help admire the

both admiring (或help ∧ but )

natural scenery. Then he advised that we had a race between us, what made me excited too. But I agreed have which So


immediately. In a hurry, Kevin tripped on a stone and fell all the way down. Fortunate, he got stuck on a tree and I

Fortunately pulled him up at last. What a day! 书面表达(满分25分): 参考范文: Dear Peter,

How is everything going? I’m Li Hua, writing to invite you to attend an activity held by our school “Visiting an Old Town & Learning History”.

There’s an old town near our city, located 15 miles north of the city center, and we intend to visit it next Sunday. We’ll be leaving at 8:00 sharp in the morning and a school bus is available for us at the school gate. All the participants are supposed to check the history of the old town online ahead of time, making it easier to truly understand its history. If you’re interested in this activity, I can sign up for you.

Looking forward to your early reply. (113 words)

Yours, Li Hua

听力原文: (Text 1)

W: How long will I wait?

M: It may be twenty or thirty minutes during weekdays. But today is the weekend, there are so many patients waiting outside. Maybe you need to wait for about 45 minutes. (Text 2)

M: Can you lend me your biology book? I’ll give it back to you on Friday. W: Good, because I’m writing my essay at the weekend. (Text 3)

M: Have you seen Mary? I have a meeting with her today. W: She’s off to Italy for a one-day meeting, isn’t she? M: That’s next week.


W: Then she must be in the manager’s office then. That’s right, it’s computer training. (Text 4)

M: Did you get anything from the duty-free shop?

W: Well, I looked for the CDs I’d promised I’d get for Tony. Unfortunately, they’d sold all of them, so I had enough money for a handbag for myself. But I forgot about the chocolates for Mary. (Text 5)

W: Hey, is this really you? M: Yes. I really love it. W: When did you take it?

M: At Christmas when I was ten. I got a new camera from my parents. And I took this picture with it. (Text 6)

W: Morning, Alan.

M: Hi, Jane. I’m on my way to the department meeting now, so as I was passing your office, I thought I’d ask for those sales figures I need.

W: What? The ones for your lecture on Friday?

M: That’s right. I’m in the conference tomorrow, so I’ll take them with me now if I can. W: Fine. Here they are. M: Thanks. (Text 7)

W: Hi, Tom. You look unhappy. What happened?

M: I’m worried about the presentation which I have to give next Friday evening. I don’t know how to prepare for it.

W: Oh, maybe you can ask for some advice from our tutor or senior students who have given a presentation before.

M: But how can I get in touch with a senior student?

W: You can look for some useful information on our school network, www.studentlink.com. M: Really? Can I get all the answers on the web?

W: Of course. You can ask questions on the web, and then wait for someone to answer. Or you can also


keep in touch with our tutor by e-mail or telephone. (Text 8)

W: What were you doing when the car crash happened? M: I was cycling home from school with my friend. W: Were you going fast?

M: I don’t think so. That’s a medium speed for my bicycle. I usually cycle like this and nothing has ever happened.

W: What color were the traffic lights? M: They had turned green for us.

W: So how do you remember the accident?

M: The businessman was walking across when his phone rang. He stopped to answer it, I guess. It was still ringing when we were already sitting on the ground. W: Did you see the car crash?

M: Yes. The driver didn’t stop the car until it was too late. The businessman was knocked over. I fell off my bike and my legs were hurt here, but I was worried about the businessman. He was unconscious when the ambulance came. (Text 9)

M: Ms. Fischer. I see you are now working at the university in teaching program development. W: Yes.

M: It says here that you are developing language lessons for the computer. So why are you interested in our company?

W: Well, the project that I’m working on is going to end in a few months, but I have become very interested in the field and would like to continue it.

M: But right now you are developing software. If you worked for us, you would be selling software. W: Yes, I understand that. I’ve been working recently on testing the programs on students, and I’ve learned a great deal from that process. That means then that I can explain the product in a convincing manner. M: Yes, that certainly would be an advantage. Do you have a lot of international travel experience? For this job, we would be sending you abroad.