大学生英语竞赛智力题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章大学生英语竞赛智力题更新完毕开始阅读f641b6c2bfd5b9f3f90f76c66137ee06eef94e4c

1.Here is a puzzle

M y first is in ACT but not in PLAY. My second is in APRIL but not in MAY. My third is in NOBLE and also in LORD. My fourth is in CARD but not in BOARD. My last is in STACK but not in HAY. You look at me every single day. What am I [CLOCK]

2.Rearrange the letters given and make one word that uses all of the letters. A C E L P R

[PARCEL/CARPEL/PIACER(包裹/植物的心皮/砂矿床)] 3.What number should replace the question mark

6 4 1 2 4 3 5 6 4 3 4 7 22 13 21


4.A certain month has five Wednesdays and the third Saturday is the 18th. What is the date of the last Sunday of the month


5.Change one letter in each of the following words to produce a well-known phrase: CAKE CARD [TAKE CARE]

6.This diagram has been drawn in keeping with a certain logic.Can you work out which number should replace the question mark [4,规律:数字恰好是交叠于此的图形个数]

7.Change just one letter in each word to find a familiar phrase. MALE FOOD [make good]

8.Which two words are closest in meaning Cycle ,hawk ,convey,extort,peddle,summon

[hawk,peddle.”叫卖,兜售;散布,传播”,其他单词含义,cycle 循环,convey传达,extort敲诈,勒索;summon 召唤]

9.The man who invented them doesn’t want one. A man who bought one doesn’t need it. A man who needs one doesn’t know it. What is it [A coffin;棺材]

10.Can you find the number which comes next in this sequence 2 3 7 17 39




11.Rearrange the letters given and make one word that uses all of the letters. AEDMNOORRSTT [DEMONSTRATOR]

12.Answer the question below with only one word . What bird lifts heavy things [crane]

13.Answer the question below

If the code for HIKE is IJLF,what is the code for TEAR [UFBS]

14.Move one letter from the first word and add it to the second word to make two new words. Example: hunt sip hut snip Mouth fond [moth found]

15.Use the given patterns and codes,select the code that matches the last pattern.




16.Give the missing group of letters or numbers in the sequence. R15 R1 S5 T8 T7 U16 U4


17.Find the one letter that will end the first word and start second word of the two pairs of words.

The same letter must be used for both pairs of words Example:FAS T RACK DEN T WIN JA AIL STRA HEN [W]

18.Rearrange the letters given and make one word that uses all of the letter.


19.What number should replace the question mark

2 36 6 25 X 216 5 3 [125]

20.which is the odd one out Circle the letter and mark it on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.