人教版英语八年级下册unit1全单元教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章人教版英语八年级下册unit1全单元教案更新完毕开始阅读f6308c9ff505cc1755270722192e453611665b10

学科 英语 课题 《 unit1 2d ,4b 》主备人:年级:__八____

知识目标:Learn to give others some right advice according to their problems. 能力目标:Enable students to talk about 教学health problems and give advice with the 目标 language points. 情感目标:Students care more about themselves and their family members’ health. 教学 重点 教学 难点 课 型 Learn to talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “should”. Learn to give appropriate advice to the certain health problems. 听说 学生活动 课 时 3 教师活动 Tell them that they'll continue to learn how to talk about health problems and give advice. Today they'll learn a conversation and talk about health problems. 环节 目标导学 个性修改 Continue to learn how to talk about health problems and give advice. Learn a conversation and talk about health problems. Ask the students to read the dialogue by themselves , underline the new words and the words they don't know. Get them to answer the questions given by the teachers. 自主探学 Read the dialogue by themselves , underline the new words and the words they don't know. Answer the questions given by the teachers. Get them to work together and find out the answers according to the conversation. Then role play the conversations. 合作助学 work together and find out the answers according to the conversation. Then role play the conversations. 当堂测学 After finish 2d, get them to finish 4b on page4. Finish 4b on their exercise book. 板书设计 教学资源 (含自编习题、阅读文章、听力资料、知识链接等) What's the matter? I have .... What should I do ? Should I ...? You should.... 完成下列句子。 1、你还好吗? Are you _____? 2、我该怎么办? _____ should I _____? 3、我应该量体温吗? Should I _____ ____ ________________? 4、我头疼。 I have ___ ________________. 5、你周末做什么了? What_____ you_____ on the _________? 6、你应该离开电脑休息一下。You need to _____ ________ ______ _______ the computer. 7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think you should ______ ______ and rest. 学生课堂学习情况反馈 教学反思

学科 英语 课题 《unit1 3a-3c 》主备人:年级:___八__

知识目标:Learn and master how to give some right advice to others with the target language. 教学能力目标:Enable students to practice reading 目标 and writing with the language points. 情感目标:Educate students to care about and help the people in trouble. 教学 重点 教学 难点 课 型 Learn to talk about health problems and accidents and give advice by using “should/ should n’t”. Reading comprehension . 阅读 学生活动 课 时 4 教师活动 Tell them that they'll read a passage and finish the questions according to the passage. 环节 目标导学 个性修改 Read a passage and finish the questions. Get them to underline the new words and phrases , then look through the passage quickly and find out the main idea of the passage. 自主探学 Underline the new words and phrases , then look through the passage quickly and find out the main idea of the passage. Get them to work together to read the passage again and finish 3b. 合作助学 work together to read the passage again and finish 3b. Check the answers of 3b. And ask them to discuss the questions in 3c. 当堂测学 Check the answers of 3b. Discuss the questions in 3c.

板书设计 go along shout for help lying on the road without thinking twice expect to do... get off to one's surprise agree to do thanks to in time save a life 教学资源 (含自编习题、阅读文章、听力资料、知识链接等) 1.When I walked past the park, I saw some old people ___ Chinese Taiji. A.do B. did C. doing D. are doing ( )2、To surprise, I failed(失败) in the history exam. A. she B. hers C. her D.herself 3、 her husband, she has now become a famous film star. A. Because B. Thanks to C. Thanks for D. With the help ( )4、 People smell (闻) with their ___. A. noses B. ears C. hands D. mouths Unit 1 What’s the matter? 学生课堂学习情况反馈 教学反思

学科 英语 课题 《 unit 1 grammar-4b 》主备人:年级:_八_

知识目标:Learn to give others some right 教学advice according to their problems. 目标 能力目标:Enable students to talk about health problems and give advice with the 教学 重点 Learn to talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “should”.