陕西省黄陵中学2017届高三上学期第三次质量检测英语试题 doc 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章陕西省黄陵中学2017届高三上学期第三次质量检测英语试题 doc更新完毕开始阅读f6307028cdbff121dd36a32d7375a417866fc1f2



听力1-5 CCACA 6-10 BABAB 11-15 AACCB 16-20 BCCBC

阅读理解21-25 BAACD 26-30 BCADB 31-35 DCBAD



完形填空41-45 BCACD 46-50 ABCBD 51-55 BCCDA 56-60 CDBAA 单词填空

1-6 forgive arrival rags diet adventure strengths 7-12 manners climate consulted admire discount downtown 13-18 system wept independence permitting floating limited 19-24 slightly Puzzled mixture patience to of 25-30 with in for up It which V.


1. ... in our way to ... in → on 2. ... so we got close ... 去掉so 3. ... an old woman lie ... lie → lying 4. ... just stand there ... stand → stood

5. ... the hospital immediate… immediate → immediately 6. ... her balance but fell… but → and 7. Soon his son came ... his → her

8. We refused money ... money前加the / his 9. Hurried to school ... Hurried → Hurrying 10. ... for that we had ... that → what VI. 书面表达

It?s said that we are what we eat, so it?s important for us to form healthy eating habits. However there exist bad eating habits among us, which will surely do harm to us.

To keep fit, first of all, we should have a healthy and balanced diet. For example, we can often eat proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables ,fruit as well as main food, which provide rich and necessary vitamins for us. As an old saying goes,”An apple a day,keep a doctor away”.

On the contrary, if we eat a great deal of food , such as chocolate, cake and meat, which contain too much fat and sugar, they will make us put on weight easily. Therefore we should cut down the amount of them. Besides, we?d better have meals regularly. These tips sound easy to do, but not many people can succeed in sticking to them.

As far as I?m concerned, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. In short, whatever we do, please remember the saying ? We are what we eat.? If we understand it and apply it to our life, we will benefit a lot from it.