行列式计算方法 联系客服

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目 录

中文摘要、关键词 .................... 错误!未定义书签。 绪 论 ................................................ 1

1行列式的定义及性质 .................................. 1 1.1行列式的定义 ..................................... 1 1.2行列式的性质 ..................................... 2 2求解行列式的方法 .................................... 3 2.1行列式的常用方法 ................................. 3 2.2其它方法 ........................................ 15 2.2.1拆项法 ....................................... 15 2.2.2因式分解法 ................................... 16

参考文献 ............................................ 18 英文摘要、关键词 ................. ...错误!未定义书签。


摘要 行列式的计算在代数中具有重要地位,对于行列式的计算,往往由于方法的

不同难易繁简程度差别甚大,欲使计算过程简单明了,要善于选择适当的方法,掌握一定的技巧。初学者会感到计算行列式很困难,行列式的计算方法主要是运用行列式的性质,但如果没有掌握计算方法往往花费许多时间还是得不出结果,因此按方法类型学习,一般效果较好。而对行列式进行计算不是唯一目的,主要是利用行列式去解决一些问题,使复杂问题简单化。懂得如何计算行列式显得尤为重要,行列式的计算方法多种多样。本文先给出行列式的定义以及基本性质,然后介绍各种具体的计算行列式方法,最后由行列式与其它知识的联系介绍其它几种方法。通过这一系列的方法来提高我们对行列式的认识,给我们以后的学习奠定坚实的基础。 关键词 行列式,上三角,范德蒙行列式,递推法

The calculating methods of determinant

Abstract The determinant computation plays an important role in algebraic. Some of

the determinants are easy but some are difficult. That is all depend the method we selected. We must have the ability to select appropriate method in order to make the calculation process simple and clear. Beginners will feel difficult to calculate the determinant. the calculation of determinant always use the properties of the determinant.But if we have not master the method of calculation, we may spend a lot of time in calculating it and get nothing. So knowing kinds of determinant is help for the result. On the determinant calculation is not the only purpose, mainly using determinant to solve the problems, so that the complex question simplification.Knowing how to calculate determinants appears particularly important. The calculating methods of determinant variety.This paper first presents the definition and basic properties of determinant, then introduced some methods of calculation of determinant, the determinant and other knowledge links in several other ways.Through this series of methods to enhance our understanding of the determinant,we will fell easy when we are calculating a determinant in the later learing. Keywords determinant, triangle, Vandermonde determinant,Recursive method

绪 论






(1)n级排列:由1,2,3…n组成的一个n元有序数组称为一个n级排列。 (2)在一个排列中,如果一对数的前后位置与大小顺序相反,即:前面的数大于后面的数,那么它们就称为一个逆序。一个排列中逆序的总数称为这个排列的逆序数。

(3)逆序数为偶数的排列称为偶排列,逆序数为奇数的排列称为奇排列。 下面,引入行列式的定义:

a11a21定义:n阶行列式a31a12a22a32a13a23a33an3a1na2na3n等于所有取自不同行不同列的n个元素的annan1an2乘积a1j1a2j2a3j3anjn的代数和,这里j1,j2,j3,……jn 为1,2,3,……,n的一个排列,每一项都按下


列规则带有符号,当j1j2j3……jn是偶排列时, a1j1a2j2a3j3排列时,a1j1a2j2a3j3即:
