【模拟试卷】2019-2020 学年高三下学期3月月考英语试卷(新高考卷)(山东版) 附答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【模拟试卷】2019-2020 学年高三下学期3月月考英语试卷(新高考卷)(山东版) 附答案更新完毕开始阅读f49d211177a20029bd64783e0912a21614797f8e

as we can 44 our families and friends and the people that we absolutely love. To live in the moment means 45 (enjoy) each and every one that we come in contact with.”

“When Kobe Bryant died, a piece of me died.” “Please, rest in peace little brother.”

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (满分15分)


1. 钟南山,1936年10月出生于南京,是21世纪最出名的医学家之一。 2. 1960年,毕业于北京医学院并留校任教。

3. 2003年春,SARS在中国和世界爆发,以钟南山为代表的医护工作者经过长期努力,抗击了非典;2004年,钟南山被评为“感动中国2003年度”十大人物之一。

4. 他在医学领域工作60多年,是一位受国人尊敬的好医生。 注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 不必逐词逐句翻译,保持行文连贯。









第二节 (满分25分)


At first, Surrell didn’t see the black smoke or flames shooting from the windows of his neighbors’ home. He and his wife were just having a dinner in their own house in Allentown, Pennsylvania, when they heard someone screaming, “The house is on fire!” He went to investigate. That’s when he saw two women and a girl crazily at a loss on their porch (走廊). It was his neighbor’s house.

“The baby’s inside there!” one of the women cried. Though the fire department had been called, Surrell, then 64, instinctively(本能地)ran inside. “The baby” was 8-year-old Tiara Roberts, who always called him Uncle Surrell. She was the woman’s granddaughter and a playmate of Surrell’s three youngest kids, 8, 10, and 12. The other two on the porch were Tiara’s aunt and cousin.

Entering the burning house was like running into “a bucket of black paint”. The thick smoke caused Surrell to walk blindly around, burned his eyes, and made it impossible for him to breathe. He felt his throat and lungs burned, and every blink

stung(蛰)his eyes. The conditions would have been very dangerous for anyone, but for Surrell, who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(慢性阻塞性肺病)and was in hospital just half a year ago, they were life-risking.

After a few minutes in the smoke-filled house searching but in vain, he ran outside to catch his breath. “Where is Tiara?” he asked desperately.

“The second floor,” her aunt shouted back.

Surrell knew he couldn’t hold his breath for long. So he uttered a little prayer, “Well, God, this is it. You got to help me, because I’m not coming out without that little girl.” Para












____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Para 2: Surrell woke up in the hospital a couple of days later. _____________________________

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