施工组织设计(中英文对照) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章施工组织设计(中英文对照)更新完毕开始阅读f3b493d61611cc7931b765ce0508763230127400砼的凝结时间和和易性:砼责任工程师及时检查砼的凝结时间及和易性是否能满足工程需要。如和易性不能满足要求,立即退回砼,不能加水;如砼流动性过大,可能造成砼离析等现象,立即退回砼,不能迁就使用。对所供应的砼的凝结时间不符合要求的应通知停止现场搅拌棚出料。分析原因,尽快整改。The engineer shall timely make the slump test and check if the concrete set time complies with the project requirements. Reject the concrete below the standard. More water is never permitted. Inform the batching plant to stop discharging and make analysis, find out the reasons and make remedies.砼的振捣Vibration:砼振捣应设块人振捣,应快插慢拔,避免撬振钢筋,模板,每一振点的振捣延续时间,应使砼表面呈现浮浆和不再沉落,一般为20-30S,要避免过振产生离析。当采用插入式振捣器时,捣实普通砼的移动间距,不宜大于振捣器作用半径的1.5倍;捣实轻骨料砼的移动间距,不宜大于其作用半径,振捣器与模板的间距,不应大于其作用半径的0.5倍,并避免碰撞钢筋,模板,吊环,预埋件等;振捣器插入下层砼内的深度应不小于50mm。Vibrations shall be made by professionals and in so doing: prompt insert the vibrator and slow pull-out, avoid from prying; make vibration about 20-30 seconds for each point and always avoid from making over-vibrations. Also avoid from hit the reinforcement steel, form, rings, embedded plates or units. The insertion of the vibrator head shall be no less than 50 cm.浇筑砼的过程中应派人看护模板,发现模板有变形,位移时立即停止浇筑,并在已浇筑的混凝土凝结前修整完好。During casting, professional carpenters shall watch the form work. Should any deform or displacement happen, immediately stop casting and make remedies, which shall be completed before the set of the concrete already cast.对已浇筑完毕的砼,应在12小时后加以覆盖和浇水。对采用硅酸盐水泥或矿渣硅酸盐水泥拌制的砼,不得少于7小时,对掺用缓凝型外加剂或有抗渗性要求的砼,不得少于14小时;浇水次数应能保持砼处于湿润状态;对楼板夏季高温时产加浇水次数并要保证表面湿润,用塑料面覆盖严密,并保持塑料料布内有凝结不,严防砼裂纹的出现。12 hours after casting,

the concrete shall be covered and cured with water. For the concrete made of Portland cement and iron Portland cement, the sad time shall not less then 7 hours. For the concrete with slow set additives or barrier property, the said time shall not less than 14 hours. Watering shall be made as frequently as to keep the concrete wet and damp. In summer, make more frequent watering to ensure its surface being wet and carefully cover it with polythene sheet, avoid from cracks appearing.已浇筑的楼板、楼梯踏步的上表面砼要加以保护,必须在砼强度达到1.2Mpa后方可上人,为防止现浇板受集中荷载过早而产生变形裂纺,钢筋焊接用电焊机、钢筋不得直接放于现浇板上。Take protective measures for the surfaces of those slabs and staircase steps already completed casting. When the rigidity is 1.2MPA, people may step on them. To avoid the slab from deforming and cracking due to carrying load too early, the welding machine and the steel bars shall not be directly laid on the slabs cast at site.

5.2.5砌体工程The Brick and Block Work

本工程砖基础采用MU10标准砖,M10.0水泥砂浆砌筑,±0.000以上外墙采用多孔砖,内墙采用200厚砼砌块砌筑。MU10 standard bricks shall be laid with sand cement mortar in this project. The exterior wall above 0.000 level shall be made with multi-hole blocks. The interior wall shall be made of concrete blocks 200mm in thickness.砌体施工前,应将基础面或楼层结构面按标高找平,依据砌筑图放出第一皮砌块的轴线、砌体边线和洞口线。Before starting the brick and block work, make level of the surface of the foundation and the different floor surfaces, mark the axis, sideline and opening for the first layer.拌制砌筑砂浆:现场采用砂浆搅拌机拌合砂浆,严格按照配合比配制。Mix the mortar by the mortar-mixer and strictly follow the mix ratio.砌块排列:按砌块排列图在砌体线范围内分块定尺、画线,排列砌块的方法和要

求如下:砌块排列上、下皮应错缝搭砌,搭砌长度为砌块的1/2,不得小于砌块高度的1/3,也不应小于90mm,如果搭错缝长度满足不了规定的搭接要求,应要据砌体构造设计规定采取压砌钢筋网片的措施。The arrangement of the bricks and blocks shall follow the drawings. The blocks are laid in the way: upper layer and lower layer are off set joints, the overlap shall be half of the block length but neither smaller than one third of it height, nor smaller than 90 mm. If the overlap does not comply with the requirement, steel plates shall be applied as per the stipulations for block work design.外墙转角及纵横交接处,应将砌块分皮咬槎,交错搭砌。For exterior wall corner and cross joints, blocks shall be laid with overlaps every other layers.砌块就位与校正:普通混凝土小型砌块不宜浇水,当天气干燥炎热时,可在砌块上稍加喷水润湿。龄期不足28天及潮湿的小砌块不得进行砌筑。小砌块的强度等级应符合设计要求,并应清除砌块表面的杂物后方可吊运就位。砌筑就位应先远后近,先下后上,先外后内,每层开始时,应从转角处或定位砌块处开始,应吊砌一皮、校正一皮,墙皮拉线控制砌体标高和墙面平整度。Positioning and Correction: It is not advisable to make watering on normal blocks of small size. When the weather is hot and dry, one may spray some water on the blocks. The blocks with less than 28 curing days shall not be worked with. Their rigidity shall comply with the design requirement. Their surfaces shall be cleaned and then move to the work place. The block work shall be made in the way as: first far away places, then closer; first lower layer then upper layer; first exterior wall then interior wall; start from the corner or the positioning block for each layer; correction shall be made when one layer completed; the level and flatness of the wall shall be well controlled.砌筑墙体要同时砌起,不得留斜槎。每天砌筑高度不超过1.8米。The wall shall be executed one layer after another and no step-shape wall is allowed. The height of the wall made daily shall not more than 1.8 meter.转角及交接处同时砌筑,不得留直槎,斜槎水平投影不应小于高度的2/3。The cross corners and corners shall be made simultaneously, The teeth-shape wall are not acceptable. The horizontal projection of the step-shape wall shall not be smaller than two thirds of it height.

5.2.6屋面防水工程The Roof Water-proofing Work

屋面工程是建筑工程的一个重要组成部分,它的质量与建筑工程质量有着密切的关系,所以在施工全过程中应综合运用管理技术,专业技术和科学方法,以屋面结构性能,使用功能和观感质量的控制为主,进行屋面工程质量的保证。The roof work is one important part of the construction project. The roof work quality is closely related to that of the project. To ensure the roof work quality we have to apply comprehensively the administrative and professional techniques, and scientific methods with the roof structure, its capability, function and outlook as the control points.找平层施工The Screed Execution:1、屋面找平层先找坡,弹线,找好规矩,从女儿墙开始,按开沟,排水口顺序进行,并且贴灰饼,冲筋, 以控制找平层的标高和坡度。Identify the slope, mark the lines, start from the parapet, in the order of ditch and discharge, make the layout to control the level and slope.2、屋面找平层的坡度必须符合设计要求,排水的水落口周围应做成略低的凹坑,纵向排水最低点对排水口,排水口与水落管的落水口连接应平滑,顺畅,不得有积水。The slope must comply with the design requirements. The water trap for discharge shall be made as a small pit. The slope shall be smooth for discharge the water.3、找平层表面压实平整,使排水坡度符合设计要求,待砂浆稍收水后,用木抹子压平,并在初凝后,终凝前进行二次压光,最后在终凝前轻轻取出分格木条。The surface of the screed shall be compacted and easy for water discharge. When the mortar sets, smoothen with a trawl. Finally remove gently the wooden strips used to separate the whole roof.