新目标英语八年级下学期 Unit 1 教案unit1(4) - 图文 联系客服

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桦甸七中英语教案 姓名 齐敏 授课日期 2011 年 月 日

课题 Unit1 Will people have robots? SectionB( 3a-4 ) 第4课时 总第 4 课时 1. Reviewing and consolidating the 重 Ming’s answer to the question target language by reading Ming’s 点 “What will your life be like in ten 教 answer to the question “What will years?” and the new words in it. 学 your life be like in ten years?” 难 Writing their lives in ten years by 目 2. Learning to use the Simple Future 点 using the Simple Future Tense. 标 Tense by writing their lives in ten years 关Grasping the tense by reading 键 and writing the life in the future 学生出缺席班级人数 情况 缺席姓名 程 序 内 容 与 方 法 修改与补充 时间 StepⅠDesigning the context.(目标确定) Greeting﹠Revision Review the words on P5 by using the cards. Checktheir homework: Get several Ss to talk about Joe. Encourage them to come to the Bb. Tell Ss “In this lesson,we’ll learn sth about Ming’s life in ten years” StepⅡ.Stepping into new materials(目标教学) Ask Ss : “in ten years, what kind of job will you do? Where willl you live? What kind of pet wil you have? pet:宠物 What sports willyou do? Where will you go on vacation?” Writing these questions on the Bb. Tell them: “Think about these questions. Tell me your answers.” Then ask them individually. 程 序 内 容 与 方 法 修改与补充 时间 Say: “I have known sth about your life. Now, we’ll learn sth about Ming. Now, let me tell you. When you hear some words you don’t know. Ask me, I’ll tell you the meaning.” Retell the passage in 3a with “he” like this: in ten years, he thinks he’ll be a reporter. He’ll live in Shanghai... While speaking, I’ll write some words and expressions on the Bb. fall in love with...爱上.. . alone.adj. adv.单独地,孤独地, “probably”means “maybe,perhaps” After telling the passage. Play the tape and ask Ss to listen to the passage. Before listening, I’ll ask some questions: What will Ming be in ten years? Where will Ming live? What kind of pet will Ming have? What sports will Ming do? Where will Ming go on vacation? Change “you” into “Ming”on the Bb. After listening, ask Ss to answer the questions. Explain some important sentences in the passage. ...and fell in love with it:并且爱上了它. fall in love with...爱上.. fall: 落下,跌落,过去式fell 而feel 的过去式是felt,易混淆. Eg. She fell in love with the dress when she saw it yesterday. ...because I don’t like living alone: 因为我不喜欢独自一人居住. alone.adj. adv.单独地,孤独地,不含感情色彩,多指独自一人. all alone: 独自,独立 lonely:孤独,寂寞 往往作定语或表语,有感情色彩,多指内心. I might even keep a pet parrot:我甚至可能会饲养一只宠物鹦鹉.might: may 的过去式.有时在句中只表达的是迟疑,婉转,谦虚的语气,此句中具有这种语气.

程 序 内 容 与 方 法 修改与补充 时间 同最后一句一样的用法. keep:保持,坚持,一直,饲养与feed同义 during the week, I’ll look smart:在工作日,我将看起 来很精神 go skating 去滑冰 同 go swimming/walking/fishing等用法一样. I’ll be able to dress more casually:我将能够穿得更随便一些. able: adj. 有能力的,an able teacher be able to:表示有能力做某事,适用于任何时态 can:常与一般现在时与一般过去时连用,无将来和完成时 eg. I will__________write carefully. I _________swim when I was five. She_________speak English. Tom__________(不能)come because she is ill. StepⅢ Putting into practice(目标练习) Give Ss three minutes to read quickly. Then finish the chart below by themselves. Get four students to give the answers. The teacher must give the right answers to this question, because it’s a little difficult. The answers are: Job: reporter. Pets:parrot, many others Sports: skating, swimming. Places: Shanghai, Hong kong. Australia. Clothes: smart clotjes to wear a suit (during the week), casual clothes( at the weekends). StepⅣ Bringing forth new ideas. Say: “Next I want to know your life in ten years. Write it on a piece of paper. And don’t write your name on the paper. After finishing writing, give me. I’ll read them.Let’s guess who wrote them. Write it carefully. I really want to know.” 程 序 内 容 与 方 法 修改与补充 时间 After that, put all trhe Ss’s papers together and read the papers . Get Ss to guess who wrote it .While reading, correct mistakes.This activity can help the Ss to practice writing the target lauguage about the future. TEST: 1.In ten years, I think I ______(be)a reporter. 2.I ______(go )to Shanghai and _______(爱上了)it last year. 3. I don’t like________(独自一人居住) 4. I ___________(甚至会饲养一只宠物鹦鹉) 5.I’ll ___________(能够穿得很随便) StepⅤ. Getting an improvement Ask Ss to complete 4 in pairs quickly. The second question and the fourth question are difficult. “What willthe weather be like tomorrow=How will the weather be tomorrow? 明天的天气会是什么样的? If Ss can’t understand it,explain it. What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now? 二十年后,青少年将会做什么娱乐活动? Unit1 Will people have robots? 板 SectionB( 3a-4 ) 教书 The key words 学设 What will ming be in ten years?/ 后计 Where will Ming live?/ What kind of 记 pet will Ming have?