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Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard. 

14. A)To withdraw his deposit. B) To cash a check. C) To rob the bank. D) To get his prize.

15. A)A radio announcer. B) A bank employee. C) A car mechanic. D)A movie actor. 

16. A) They let him do what he wanted to. B) They helped him find large bills.  C) They pressed the alarm. D) They called the police. 

17. A) He was afraid that he would be caught on the spot  B) Large bills were not within his reach  C) The maximum sum allowed was 55,000.

D) He was limited by time and the size of his pockets. 

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.  18. A)A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge. B) A professional diver.  C) A telephone operator.

D) A guard on the Golden Gate Bridge.  19. A) Someone has fallen off the bridge.  B) Someone on the bridge is being attacked. 

C) Someone is threatening to destroy the bridge. 

D) Someone on the bridge is attempting to kill himself.  20. A) Call the mother to come right away.  B) Try to communicate with them first.  C) Help them to get out of their misery. 

D) Remind them that they have children to take care of. 

2003年12月 Section A

1. A)The man could buy a shirt of a different color. B)The size of the shirt is all right for the man. C)The size the man wants will arrive soon. D)The man could come some time later.

2.A)The woman is watching an exciting film with the man. B)The woman can’t take a photo of the man. C)The woman is running toward the lake. D)The woman is filming the lake. 3. A)It’s quiet in the restaurant.

B)The price is high in the restaurant. C)The restaurant serves good food.

D)The restaurant is too far from their school.

4. A)At a booking office. B)In a Hong King hotel. C)On a busy street. D)At an


5. A)The woman has been complaining too much. B)The woman’s headache will go away by itself. C)The woman should have seen the doctor earlier.

D)The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor. 6. A)Help the woman move the items. B)Hurry to Mr. Johnson’s office.

C)Help move things to Mr. Johnson’s office. D)Put off his appointment with Mr. Johnson.

7. A)The man should not dream of being a superstar. B)The man didn’t practice hard enough. C)The man should find a new partner. D)The man should not give up. 8. A)There is no more left. B)It doesn’t appeal to her. C)It’s incredibly delicious.

D)She has already tasted it.

9. A)The man is usually the last to hand in his test paper. B)The man has made a mess of his midterm exam. C)The man has bad study habits. D)The man is a diligent student.

10. A)The man will drive the woman to school. B)The man has finished his assignment. C)The man is willing to help the woman.

D)The man is losing patience with the woman.

Section B Passage One

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A)The art of saying thank you. B) The secret of staying pretty. C)The importance of good manners.

D)The difference between elegance and good manners. 12. A)They were nicer and gentler.

B)They paid more attention to their appearance. C)They were willing to spend more money on clothes. D)They were more aware of changes in fashion. 13. A)By decorating our homes. B)By being kind and generous. C)By wearing fashionable clothes. D)By putting on a little make-up. 

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A)Children don’t get enough education in safety. B)Children are keen on dangerous games. C)The playgrounds are in poor condition. D)The playgrounds are overcrowded.

15. A)They should help maintain the equipment.

B)They should keep a watchful eye on their children. C)They should stop their children from climbing ladders.

D)They should teach their children how to use the equipment.

16. A)They tend to stay within shouting or running distance of their parents. B)They should be aware of the potential risks in the playground. C)They may panic in front of high playground equipment. D)They can be creative when they feel secure. 

Passage Three

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. A) It takes skill. B)It pays well. C)It’s a full-time job. D)It’s admired worldwide. 18. A) A mother with a baby in her arms. B) A woman whose bag is hanging in front.

C) A lone female with a handbag at her right side. D) An old lady carrying a handbag on the left. 19. A) The back pocket of his tight trousers. B) The top pocket of jacket. C) A side pocket of his jacket.

D) A side pocket of his trousers.

20. A) Theater lobbies with uniformed security guards.

B) Clothing stores where people are relaxed and off guard. C) Airports where people carry a lot of luggage. D) Hotels and restaurants in southeast London.

2004年6月 Section A

1. A) Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time. B) The man saw Mark on the street two months ago. C) The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterday D) The woman had forgotten Mark s phone number. 2. A) The woman is glad to meet Mr. Brown in person.

B) The woman feels sorry that Mr. Brown is unable to come. C) The man is meeting the woman on behalf of Mr. Brown. D) The man is late for the trip because he is busy. 3. A) At 10:25. C) At 10:45. B) At 10:30. D) At 10:40.

4. A) The man refuses to listen to his doctor s advice. B) The man is under pressure from his wife. C) The man usually follows his wife s advice.

D) The man no longer smokes.

5. A) Become a teacher. C) Move to a big city. B) Go back to school. D) Work in New York.

6. A) Quit delivering flowers. C) Work at a restaurant.

B) Leave his job to work for her. D) Bring her flowers every day. 7. A) She can find the right person to help the man. B) She picked up the book from the bus floor. C) She can help the man out.

D) She s also in need of a textbook.

8. A) The man can t come for the appointment at 4:15. B) The man is glad he s got in touch with the doctor.

C) The man wants to change the date of the appointment. D) The man was confused about the date of the appointment. 9. A) The man is worded about his future. B) The two speakers are seniors at college. C) The two speakers are at a loss what to do. D) The woman regrets spending her time idly. 10. A) She also found the plot difficult to follow. B) She has learned a lot from the novel:

C) She usually has difficulty remembering names.

D) She can recall the names of most characters in the novel.

Section B

The library of congress is a now calls national library. It has numerous books and other objects. It has newspapers, ___11___ publications, as well as letters of ___12____ interests. It also has maps, photographs, art-__13___, movies, sound recordings and music ___14_____. All together, it has more than 100 million objects. The library of congress is open to the public Monday through Saturday except for public holidays. Anyone may go there and hold anything in the collection. But no one is ___15_____ to take books out of the building. The library of congress was ____16____ in 1800. It started with 11 boxes of books in one million of the capital building. By 1814, the collection had increased to about 3000 books. They were all ___17_____ that here when the capital was burning down during the American's War with Briton. To note rebuild to library, congress brought the books of President Tomas Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson collections included 7000 books in seven languages. ____________________18_____________________. Today, three building hold the library's collection. The library _____________________ ____19______________________________________. It buys some of its books and gets other's gifts. It also gets materials through its copyright office. _________________20_______________. This means the library of congress receives almost everything that is published in the United States.

2005年1月 Section A