五年级英语上第一单元教案 联系客服

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Palace Museum Canada The U. S. Australia The U.K. Rocky Mountains Ottawa White House and Washington, Statue of Liberty D.C. kangaroos Buckingham Palace Canberra London Red and white. a English French leaf Stars and stripes English Blue. white stars English Red, white and English blue. 课后反思:

Lesson17 : Beijing is Great 一、教学目标:

1.知识目标:掌握本课重点概念: Beijing , hotel, trip

2.能力目标:能够运用本课句型I want to go to ___.I want___(somebody)to come.进行简单对话。 3.情感目标:通过介绍北京的天安门,故宫等名胜,使学生感受祖国的伟大 二、教学重点: 1.复习重要词汇:map,China,Chinese,Canada,English,capital city,restaurant,shop,apartment,house。 2.重要概念Beijing,hotel,trip. 三、教学难点: 1.重要概念trip

2.Come and go的理解和运用. 四、教具、学具: 1中国地图一张. 2.录音机及磁带 3.单词卡片

4.天安门,故宫,旅馆,商店等小图片. 五、教学过程 1.Greeting

2. Revision and presentation:

1) T: What’s this?(It’s a map of China.) Where is it? ( It’s Beijing.)

(教师在这里要特别指出Beijing 的写法.)

Beijing is the capital city of China. It’sgreat. Do you want to go to Beijing? Do you want to go on a trip to Beijing?

( 板书 trip) Can you guess the meaning? (旅行)(领读拼读此单词)

But if you go on a trip to Beijing, where do you eat? (In a restaurant.) (学生拼读复习此单词)

Where do you buy? (In a shop.) (学生拼读复习此单词)

And where do you live, in a house or an apartment? (住旅馆里)Yes,you live in a hotel.(引出hotel一词,出示图片并反复拼读此单词。)

3. 利用单词卡片巩固复习trip和hotel.

4.T: Do you love trips? ( Yes) I love trips too. I want to go to Shanghai.

I want my mother and father to come,too.(边写边板书并帮助学生理解come 和 go ) Wang Bin, come here.(辅以手势叫一名同学到前面来并问) Where do you want to go?

Do you want sb to come? ( Yes, I want to go to the USA. I want Li Jian and Liu Pan to come, too.) 多叫几名学生反复操练此句型。

5. Listening:(边听录音边找出表示地点的词汇.) 7. Read after the tape.

8. Practice: Talk about a trip.Make a travel plan. Here is an example:

I want to go to Dalian. I love to go on trips. I want Wu Bing and Li Hong to come,too. Dalian is a beautiful city. It has many parks. I t’s great.

9. Homework: Talk about your travel plan with your classmates. 板书设计:

Lesson17:Beijing Is Great Beijing hotel trip I want to go to ______. I want___(somebody)to come. 课后反思:

Lesson 18:May I Go To Beijing ?


1、知识目标:1)掌握词组too…to…, far from…, from…to…, work hard 2) 熟练掌握并运用句型“ May I-------?Yes, you may./ No, you may not.

2、能力目标:学生能在情境中自发自如地使用英语去交流,熟练使用“May I-------?Yes, you may./ No, you may not。”


教学重点:掌握词组too…to…, far from…, from…to…, work hard 熟练掌握并运用句型“ May I-------? Yes, you may./ No, you may not.

教学难点:熟练掌握并运用句型“ May I-------? Yes, you may./ No, you may not. 教具、学具:录音机、磁带、卡片 教学过程: 1. Greetings.

2. Revision and leading-in:

3. T: Is Li Ming going on a trip? Where does he want to go ? ( He wants to go to Beijing.) T: OK,very good ! Now look here!


What’s this ?

Where is it ?

T: How about Beijing ? C: Beijing is great!

T: Do you want to go to Beijing ? C: Yes!

T: Well, I want to go on a trip,too. May I go to Beijing?(板书) C: Yes!

T: Say “Yes, you may.”(板书) May I go to the Palace Museum? C: Yes, you may.

(教师多问几个May I...的问题,要求学生作答)

T: LiMing wants to go to Beijing ,too. So ,one day , he says to his mother: “May I go to Beijing ?” Do you want to know what his mother say?

(板书课题并把李明以及妈妈的卡片贴在黑板上,做为板书的一部分) 3. Listening and teaching:

T: Listen to the tape.(放录音放到第六幅图) T: What does his mother say ? C: _______ T: Why ? C: _______

T: too…to: it means :太……不能……

Far..from: I’m far from____(指着后排的一个同学) Are we far?(指着前排的一个同学) C: No, you are near.

T: Is he far from Li Ping? (指着间隔约一米的两个同学问) C: No, he isn’t far from him. He is near him.(指出反义词 Far—near)

T: There is only one meter from Zhang to Li.

T: from…to : (用肢体语言帮助学生猜出“从……到……”的意思) T: only :只有,仅有

4. Listening and teaching:

T: Please listen to the tape,and answer the question: What does Li Ming want to do in Beijing?

(放录音,同时把问题出示在黑板上,让学生带着问题听录音。) T: LiMing says___________ (教师拉长音,让学生接后半句) 板书:May I ? T: His mother says________

(把相应的短语卡片贴在May I后边, 把相应的答语写在后面) 4.Practice: (两人一组作问答练习) 5.Game: “Mother,may I?”

T: OK,do you want to play a game ? Let’s play a game. Mother ,May I ? (利用准备好的卡片做游戏)

6. Reading: 7. Homework:

Make up a dialogue about a trip with “May I…?” 板书:

Lesson 18:May I Go To Beijing ? What does LiMing want to do?

LiMing Mrs.Li


Yes, you may.

May I ? No, you may not. 课后反思:

Lesson19: May I Invite Danny and Jenny?


知识与技能:掌握下列单词:come, go ,invite, leave for, arrive in 掌握下列句子:a. May I invite ___? b. I want _____ to come.

c. When do you leave/ arrive?

过程与方法:了解怎么对别人发出邀请,并且能够邀请别人。能够用英语打电话邀请别人一起做某事。 情感态度与价值观:在真实的打电话的语境中,让学生了解中西方打电话中语言的区别,在具体的任务中,学会用英语打电话。 教学重难点:

掌握下列单词:come, go ,invite, leave for, arrive in 在模拟情境中灵活运用下列句型: a. May I invite ___? b. I want _____ to come.

c. When do you leave/ arrive?

教具准备: 模拟电话机,单词卡片,录音机 教学过程:

一、Class opening: 1. Greeting.

2. Game: “Mother,may I?” 二、New Concepts:

1. 设置情境,呈现come和go.

T: Zhang Ting, come here.(辅以表情和动作帮助学生准确地理解自己的意思) Go there and sit down.(语速稍慢并重复,多叫两名学生并变换指令) 2. 再设情境巩固理解并引出课文。

T: I want to go on a trip to Beijing.(做出拿行李的动作并往前走) Here I go!