在Abaqus中使用梁单元进行计算 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章在Abaqus中使用梁单元进行计算更新完毕开始阅读ef6c66d826fff705cc170a52


Nickname file used by Abaqus/Standard. It stores a set of internal identifiers for the degrees of freedom in a model.


Output database. It is written by the analysis and continue options in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. It is read by the Visualization module in Abaqus/CAE (Abaqus/Viewer) and by the convert=odb option. This file is required for restart.


Sparse solver operator file, which is a temporary scratch file used by the sparse solver in Abaqus/Standard.


Package file, which contains model information and is used by Abaqus/Explicit only. It is written by the analysis and datacheck options. It is read by the analysis, continue, and recover options. This file is required for restart.


Modified version of original parametrized input file showing input parameters and their values.


Modified version of original parametrized input file showing input free of parameter information (after input parameter evaluation and substitution has been performed).


Parameter evaluation and substitution message file. It is written when the input file is parametrized.


Part file. This file is used to store part and assembly information and is created even if the input file does not contain an assembly definition. The part file is required for restart, import, sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis, symmetric model generation, and underwater shock analysis, even if the model is not defined in terms of an assembly of part instances. This file may also be needed for submodeling analysis.


Python scripting file. You must create this type of file to define a parametric study.


Restart file, which contains information necessary to continue a previous analysis. The restart file is written by the analysis, datacheck, and continue options. It is read by any restarted analysis.


Lanczos scratch file. This is a temporary scratch file that is used to hold temporary information required by the Lanczos solver.


Perturbation results scratch file. This file temporarily holds element results needed for output in Abaqus/Standard perturbation steps.


Sparse solver database file. This is a temporary file that is used by the sparse solver.


Selected results file, used by Abaqus/Explicit. It is written by the analysis, continue, and recover options and is read by the convert=select option. This file is required for restart.


Linear dynamics data file. It is written during the frequency extraction procedure in SIM-based linear dynamics analyses (see ―Using the SIM architecture for mode-based linear dynamic analyses‖ in ―Dynamic analysis procedures: overview,‖ Section 6.3.1, for details) and is used to store eigenvectors, substructure matrices, and other modal system information. This file is required for restart.


Sparse solver file used to store the solution vectors for a problem. This file is a temporary file used by the sparse solver in Abaqus/Standard.


Sparse solver scratch file. This temporary scratch file is used by the sparse solver in Abaqus/Standard.


Status file. Abaqus writes increment summaries to this file in the analysis, continue, and recover options.


State file. It is written by the datacheck option in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. It is read and can be written by the analysis and continue options in Abaqus/Standard. It is read by the analysis and continue options in Abaqus/Explicit. Multiple state files may exist if the element operations are executed in parallel in an Abaqus/Standard analysis. In such a case a process identifier is attached to the file name. This file is required for restart.


Substructure file, used by Abaqus/Standard.


File containing information about the input file variations generated by a parametric study.


Communications file. It is written by the analysis and datacheck options and is read by the analysis and continue options.


2011-02-13 21:19:25| 分类:ABAQUS |字号 订阅

ABAQUS产生几类文件:有些是在运行是产生,运行后自动删除;其它一些用于分析、重启、后处理、结果转换或其它软件的文件则被保留,详细如下: 1.model_database_name.cae 模型信息、分析任务等 2.model_database_name.jnl


*.cae和 *.jnl构成支持CAE的两个重要文件,要保证在CAE下打开一个项目,这两个文件必须同时存在; 3.job_name.inp

输入文件。由abaqus Command支持计算起始文件,它也可由CAE打开; 4. job_name.dat

数据文件:文本输出信息,记录分析、数据检查、参数检查等信息。ABAQUS/Explicit 的分析结果不会写入这个文件 5.job_name.sta

状态文件:包含分析过程信息 6. job_name.msg

是计算过程的详悉记录,分析计算中的平衡迭代次数,计算时间,警告信息,等等可由此文件获得。用STEP模块定义 7. job_name.res

重启动文件,用STEP模块定义 8.job_name.odb

输出数据库文件,即结果文件,需要由Visuliazation打开 9.job_name.fil

也为结果文件,可被其它应用程序读入的分析结果表示格式。ABAQUS/Standard记录分析结果。ABAQUS/Explicit.的分析结果要写入此文件中则需要转换,convert=select 或convert=all 10. abaqus.rpy

记录一次操作中几乎所有的ABAQUS/CAE命令 11. job_name.lck

阻止并发写入输出数据库,关闭输出数据库则自行删除 12.model_database_name.rec

包含用于恢复内存中模型数据库的ABAQUS/CAE命令 13. job_name.ods

场输出变量的临时操作运算结果,自动删除 14.job_name.ipm

内部过程信息文件:启动ABAQUS/CAE分析时开始写入,记录了从 ABAQUS/Standard或ABAQUS/Explicit 到 ABAQUS/CAE的过程日志 15.job_name.log

日志文件:包含了 ABAQUS执行过程的起止时间等 16.job_name.abq



模型文件:在ABAQUS/Standard 和 ABAQUS/Explicit中运行数据检查后产生的文件,.在 analysis和continue 指令下被读入并重写,为restart所需的文件。 18.job_name.pac

打包文件:包含了模型信息,仅用于ABAQUS/Explicit ,该文件在执行 analysis、datacheck命令时写入,执行 analysis, continue, recover 指令时读入,restart时需要的文件。


零件信息文件:包含了零件与装配信息.。restart时需要 20.job_name.sel

结果选择文件:用于ABAQUS/Explicit,执行analysis、continue、recover 指令时写入并由 convert=select 指令时读入,为restart所需的文件。 21.job_name.stt

状态外文件:数据检查时写入的文件,在ABAQUS/Standard中可在analysis 、