陕西省西安市第一中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 含答案 精品 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章陕西省西安市第一中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 含答案 精品更新完毕开始阅读ee99479edf88d0d233d4b14e852458fb770b382d

F. This can cause “Freshers’ flu”: people get ill after a week of late nights and non-stop parties.

G. The first week of university life is called Freshers’ Week and is both an exciting and scary experience. 第三部分:英语知识运用



A Commitment to Life

The snow was falling and the roads had become dangerous. The schools were dismissed early, but much to my surprise, my 36 wasn’t canceled. So I went, feeling especially heroic. As far as I could see, I was risking my life to keep my 37 . Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my scheduled donation at the local 38 center.

When I got there, I discovered I wasn’t 39 . Four more “hero-types” were already lying back in donor chairs with lines 40 to their veins, and machines quietly pumping away to 41 their lifesaving gifts.

Seeing my fellow donors honoring their own commitments, I realized why I was there. I lay back in my donor chair, ready to make a difference in the life of someone I would never 42 .

To be honest, I’d never really thought about why I donate. I just do it. But a few months ago, during one of my 43 donations I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer patient and for a newborn baby—both patients needed what I would give in order to live. I’ve viewed my visits to the blood center 44 ever since.

My wife Karen is a 45 , too. And more importantly, she has been on the bone marrow (骨髓) list for fifteen years, ever since she signed up to provide bone marrow to a kindergartner with leukemia(白血病). That little girl died before Karen’s bone marrow could help her, 46 Karen was called again recently. Her test results were still on file, and it turned out she was a potential 47 for someone else. The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to become a bone marrow donor. “Yes,” she said and then immediately began answering questions on the pages of paperwork for further testing. It was a race 48 time.

I wish I could say that this 49 was won. It wasn’t. The caller later

thanked Karen for her participation and asked a few more questions—including whether or not she’d 50 on the donor list. “Of course, “Karen answered.

Last week Karen gave blood and next week I’ll make my usual donation. I’ll 51 an afternoon from my schedule and make an appointment. I don’t know whose life my donation may 52 . Most likely it will be a 53 , but on any day the person needing a blood product could be you or me or maybe a loved one. It is worthwhile to 54 our time to donate.

I really do feel 55 every time I donate. And I like the feeling. 36. A. meeting B. class 37. A. secret 38. A. blood

C. appointment C. shape C. service C. late

D. flight

D. word

B. balance B. alone B. collect B. forget

B. shopping

B. applied

D. care

D. lucky

D. clean D. pleasant D. carefully D. for D. partner

39. A. welcome 40. A. exposed 41. A. examine 42. A. meet 44. A. wisely

43. A. unexpected

C. attached D. added C. produce C. miss

D. recognize

B. regular C. special

C. patient C. and C. risk

B. hesitantly C. differently

45. A. receiver B. doctor 46. A. or B. but 47. A. match 49. A. honor 50. A. rank 51. A. clear 52. A. affect 53. A. child 54. A. waste 55. A. empty

48. A. beyond

B. with B. test B. sign B. touch B. take

D. donor

B. customer

C. against C. prize C. appear C. lose C. hero C. kill

C. create

D. of

D. race

D. remain D. remove D. friend D. save D. nervous

B. separate

D. enrich

B. stranger

B. grateful

C. proud

第二节:短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Access to electricity has always been limited for people living in Nuevo Saposoa, 56 remote village in Peru. However, things went from bad to 57 (bad) in

March 2015 after a flood damaged the power station in the area. The villagers 58 (force)to turn to kerosene(煤油)lamps, which are not only expensive but give off poisonous matter.

Fortunately, the researchers and students at the UTEC in Lima, Peru heard about it and came up with a 59 (create) idea. They designed a lamp that can be powered by plants and soil, both of 60 can be found in the Amazonian rainforests where the village 61 (lie). Called Plantalamparas, the lights draws energy from a plant 62 (grow) in the rainforests and uses it to light up an LED bulb. So far, the bulbs have been a huge success.

This is not the first time the students and professors of UTEC 63 (come) up with a clever approach 64 a problem. In 2014, 65 (deal)with Peru’s severe air pollution they created a large advertising board that could be used as an air purifier(净化器)as well.

第四部分: 写作(共两节;满分10分)



有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Recently, a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great Wall. In the fact, this happens in many place of interest. I had some suggestions to solve this problem.

First, make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti (涂鸦). Besides, punishments, such as a fine, is necessary to tourists with so bad behavior. Also, I think it’s helpfully to put up some boards along the tourist attractions that tourists can

leave messages.

I’m sure with our efforts, more and more people will become concerning about protecting cultural relics.


最近,某中学生英文报开设了“After-class Activities”的栏目。请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。 提示:1.你校开展课外活动的情况;


3.为同学选择课外活动提出建议; 4.为学校开展课外活动提出建议。 注意:1.词数120左右;


After-class Activities

Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in high school._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

高中英语听力训练 (Text 1)

W: Shall I get back by train?

M: Well, mum, the train’s almost as expensive as flying and takes much longer. I’ve booked a flight. It lands in Glasgow at 4 o’clock. (Text 2)

W: Could I possibly ask you to help me get this refrigerator up the steps? M: I’d like to, but there is something wrong with my back. (Text 3)

M: What do you think of the lecture? W: I like it. I think it is very interesting.

M: Really? I don't agree. There is nothing new in it. (Text 4)

W: When will we go to the zoo on Thursday?