沪教版(三起点)上海教育版英语四年级上册Unit 5《My friends》word教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章沪教版(三起点)上海教育版英语四年级上册Unit 5《My friends》word教案更新完毕开始阅读ecc9da6503020740be1e650e52ea551811a6c901

T: Good morning,boys and girls. Let’s enjoy a story. 2. Guessing game.

It has a big mouth.It has big eyes.It is big and brown.What is lt? It has a small moouth. It has small eyes.It is small and gray. What is it? Are they brothers? Are they friends? Why? Let’s enjoy. Step 2. While—task procedures 1. Picture 1

T: Look at Picture 1. The lion is looking at the mirror. What does the lion think? S: Haha, I am big and strong. Look at my teeth. They are big. 2. Picture 2

T: The mouse is looking at the water.What does the mouse think? S: Xixi, I am small and cute. Look at my teeth. They are sharp. Have students listen and read. 3. Picture 3.

T: Oh, the lion is in the net. He cannot get out. How is he? S: He is afraid. T: What is he saying? S: Help! Help! 4. Picure 4.

T: Look at the mouse. Can the mouse help the lion? S: Yes, he can.

T: He is running to the lion’s back. He is biting the rope. 5. Picture 5.

T: The lion is free. They are friends. 6. Have students listen and read. Step 3. Post—task activities 1. Read the whole story.

2. Role-play in groups. Step 4. Sum up

T: A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。


1. Listen to the story and read.

2. Make a new story about The lion and the mouse.. Blackboard Design

Unit 5 Lesson 2 The lion and the mouse

Lion is big and strong. He has…

Mouse is small. He has ….

Teaching Notes

课时 三


二、教学内容:Learn the sounds.

三、教学目标 1.知识目标:


2)能正确分辨出字母i在单词中的发音,并能利用发音规律读准同类单词。 3)能理解歌谣的意思并能跟随节奏正确朗读。

2.能力目标:了解字母发音的规律,打下良好的语音基础。 3.情感目标:利用有趣的故事激发学生学习的动机。 四、教学重点:

利用字母i 在单词中的发音,读准单词,拼写单词。 五、教学难点:

1.kite 和bike 的发音。 2.歌谣中语义的理解。



Step 1. Pre—task preparations 1. Greetings.

2. Sing the song < ABC song> Step 2. While—task procedures 1. Riddle.

T: It has two wheels. I can ride it. What is it? S: A bike.

T: Great! I have a bike. I like my bike. My bike is nice. 2.Look and say.

T: This is Mike. What does he like? S: He likes his kites.

T: He is flying his kite. It’s very high. 3.Have students listen and read. 4. Find the same sound.

5. Have students read the words. I like my bike Mike kite nice high Step 3. Post—task activities

1. Read the chant. 2. Sum up. Step 4. Homework 1. Listen and read. 2. Make new chant. Blackboard Design

I like my bike. Mike likes his kite. My bike is nice. Mike’s kite is high.

Teaching Notes

Unit 5 Lesson 3 Sounds


I like my bike Mike nice high hi Nike fly dice light right