2019_2020高中英语阅读强化训练(含解析)牛津译林版必修5 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019_2020高中英语阅读强化训练(含解析)牛津译林版必修5更新完毕开始阅读ec78a180f11dc281e53a580216fc700aba685223

B.your head is in the clouds C.every cloud has a silver lining D.you see a cloud on the horizon

C 解析:细节理解题。由第三段的This means that there is a good side to every situation,no matter how bad it may seem.可知,every cloud has a silver lining有“乌云背后有阳光”之意。

4.Phrases like “it never rains but it pours” and “weathering a storm” are related to something________.

A.changeable C.acceptable

B.unfavorable D.unbelievable

B 解析:推理判断题。由最后一段的No one likes to be stuck in the rain or storm,so it’s no surprise that phrases about them are generally negative.可知,包含雨和暴风雨的习语通常与不利的事情有关。

Ⅱ 完形填空

The sky was getting dark as we walked through the forest. My two friends and I felt hot and __1__.We were heading for a small village in northern India. The villagers were __2__us, but we were already four hours late.

As the last of the daylight __3__, we began to feel very __4__and afraid. We tried to find our way to the village, but it was __5__to tell which path we should follow in the darkness. All around us, strange creatures made __6__noises as they woke up and began to hunt for food. We hoped they wouldn’t want to eat us!

Then George, who was in front,__7__ suddenly. He ran towards us rapidly, pointing at a large, dark shape moving through the trees. We could __8__ the black stripes(条纹) and shining yellow eyes of the most dangerous animal in the __9__.We stared at the tiger,too__10__to move.

After a few seconds that felt like hours, there was the sound of branches(树枝) breaking, and the tiger jumped at us, roaring(咆哮)loudly. We__11__, because we were sure it would kill us.

__12__, though, the tiger stopped—and then I noticed that it had six legs, two of them __13__!

The“tiger”stood up, and a young man__14__the striped skin covering his head and shoulders. “Hello !”he said, smiling broadly.“I’m Abi,from the village.When you didn’t __15__, we were worried, so I came to __16__ you,”he explained.“It’s traditional for us to __17__the tiger skin to greet new guests... and I couldn’t

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help playing a trick on you! I hope you don’t __18__.”

Recovering from the __19__, we began to laugh. We followed Abi to his village, where the villagers gave us a warm __20__.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者描述了他和同伴所经历的一次特殊的欢迎仪式。 1.A.cold C.hurt

B.angry D.tired

D 解析:由上文的The sky was getting dark及下文的we were already four hours late可知,我们很“疲惫(tired)”。

2.A.expecting C.accepting

B.doubting D.believing

A 解析:由下文的I’m Abi,from the village...we were worried可知,我们要前往的那个村的村民知道我们要去,因此他们“期盼着(expecting)”我们的到来。

3.A.broke C.approached D 4.A.busy C.dirty B 5.A.simple C.hard

B.safe D.popular B.lost D.hot B.continued D.disappeared

C 解析:由tried to find our way to the village以及in the darkness可知,随着最后一丝日光的“消失(disappeared)”,我们开始感到“迷路(lost)”了,因为在黑暗中“很难(hard)”辨别该走哪条路。

6.A.funny C.terrifying

B.impolite D.encouraging

C 解析:由下文的We hoped they wouldn’t want to eat us!可知,四周未知生物发出的声音“令人害怕(terrifying)”。

7.A.started C.smiled

B.stopped D.changed

B 解析:由下文的He ran towards us rapidly可知,走在最前面的乔治突然“停了下来(stopped)”。

8.A.see C.miss A

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B.forget D.imagine

9.A.zoo C.garden

B.forest D.house

B 解析:由上文的a large,dark shape moving through the trees和下文的We stared at the tiger可知,我们能“看见(see)”“森林(forest)”里最危险的动物。

10.A.excited C.ashamed

B.puzzled D.frightened

D 解析:我们盯着老虎,因为“害怕(frightened)”而不敢动。 11.A.laughed C.shouted

B.begged D.argued

C 解析:咆哮的老虎向我们扑来,我们“叫喊起来(shouted)”。 12.A.Immediately C.Secretly

B.Unluckily D.Strangely

D 解析:由下文的转折the tiger stopped可知,原本扑向我们的老虎很“奇怪地(Strangely)”停了下来。

13.A.local C.guests’

B.human D.tigers’

B 解析:由下文的a young man可知,我们所看到的老虎有六条腿,其中两条是“人类的(human)”。

14.A.tried on C.threw away

B.took off D.brought out

B 解析:由下文的covering his head and shoulders可知,当伪装者“脱掉(took off)”老虎皮后,我们发现那只吓人的“老虎”原来是人装的。

15.A.wait C.arrive C

16.A.look for C.look at

B.look after D.look to B.follow D.leave

A 解析:由上文的we were already four hours late可知,我们一直没有“到达(arrive)”,这让村民们很担心,于是一位名叫Abi的村民主动出来“寻找(look for)”我们。

17.A.send C.cut

B.wear D.wave

B 解析:由上文的covering his head and shoulders可知,“穿着(wear)”老虎皮迎接客人是Abi他们村的一种传统。

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18.A.mind C.work

B.fail D.remember

A 解析:由上文的I couldn’t help playing a trick on you可知,Abi希望我们不要“介意(mind)”他的恶作剧。

19.A.pain C.shock

B.injury D.accident

C 解析:了解了情况后,我们从“惊愕(shock)”中回过神来,哈哈大笑起来。 20.A.heart C.welcome

B.feeling D.invitation

C 解析:由Abi迫不及待地去找我们可知,村民们应该是热情地“迎接(welcome)”了我们。

阅读强化训练(七) (建议用时:25分钟)

Ⅰ 阅读理解

Teens suffering from depression are not likely to tell parents straight up, and they may use confusing language to describe their feelings, researchers said. According to Daniela DeFrino of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of

Medicine and College of Nursing, teens rarely stated they were depressed, but they often described their feelings like,“I’m down.I always find somehow to go back to stressful mode.”

“Parents can easily overlook these expressions or link them to regular stress,” said DeFrino.“But sometimes there is so much more under the surface that can lead to depression.”DeFrino and colleagues went through deep interviews done with 369 teenagers taking part in an ongoing health study paid for by the National Institute of Mental Health.The teens, considered at risk for depression, gave indirect clues to their state of mind.

These teens are reported feeling angry, a loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy, and either sleeping too much or having trouble sleeping.In terms of the reasons,most mentioned homework pressure and expectations of success.Teens whose moods had worsened talked about arguments with parents, verbal(口头的) and emotional abuse.Two-thirds of the teens had visited doctors for health problems.“Doctors,

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