六年级英语下册Unit7-8备课资料 联系客服

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1. Copy the new words.

2. Make new dialogues of Part C. 3. Preview Part A.

八、 板书设计

Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend

write a letter: a writing paper , an envelope , a postcard , glue, a stamp write an e-mail: an e-mail address , a computer give a fax: a fax number , a fax machine A: Can I have a/an/some/the…? B: What for? A: I want to …

B: Sure. Here you are.

九、 教后记

Unit 7 (第二课时) 一、教学内容

A Listen, read and say 二、教学目标

1、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组penfriend , also , ask for , finish , everything ,


2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语I hope so.

Can I have … ? What should I do?



1、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组penfriend , also , ask for , finish , everything number

2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语I hope so.

Can I have …? What should I do?


能用所学日常交际用语进行自我介绍、询问他人情况及征求意见。五、 教学准备


1)小卡片(通信设备),录音机,磁带 2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。 2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。


Step 1 Free talk/ Revision

1. Good morning, boys and girls.


2.T:How can you contact with(联系) your friend? What do you need? S: a telephone, a telephone number /…

复习Part B单词

3.T: Can I have a/an/some …? S: What for?

T: I want to … S: Sure. Here you are.

Practice in pairs.

4. 接着学生谈到写信的话题,T: Who do you want to write to?

S: I want to write to …

(板书)Who do you want to write to?

Step 3 Presentation

1. T: Do you have a penfriend? S: … T:Liu Tao has a penfriend. Q1: Who is Liu Tao?s penfriend? Q2: Where did Liu Tao know about him? Q3: What does Liu Tao want to do?

2. Listen to the narrative of Part A and then answer the questions . A1: He?s Peter. He?s an English boy.

A2: Liu Tao read about Peter in the newspaper. A3: He wants to write to Peter.

Ask the students to listen again and repeat the narrative.(朗读叙述) 3. Q1: What does Liu Tao want to have? What for?

Q2: Who does Liu Tao want to write to? Q3: Where does Peter live?

Listen to the tape and then answer the questions of paragraph 1.

A1: He?s wants to have some writing paper, an envelope , and some stamps. He wants to write a letter. A2: Peter.

A3: He lives in London.

Read Paragraph 1 after the tape.

4.Q1:Does Peter have any brothers or sisters? Q2: What are his hobbies?

Q3: Do Liu Tao and Peter have the same hobbies? Q4: What is Liu Tao going to write in his letter? Listen to the tape and then answer the questions. A1: Yes .He has a brother and a sister.

A2: He likes listening to music and making model planes. A3: Yes, they do. They both have the same hobbies. (板书They both (两者都)have the same hobbies.) all全部;大家;都(指三者或以上)

A4: He?s going to tell him about his school, his favourite subjects , his new house and his e-mail address.(学生可能一时找不全答案,

可提示:What does his mother tell him to write ?或Anything else?)

Read Paragraph 2 after the tape. 5. Read the text in rolls.

6. Liu Tao wants to show Peter?s details to his mum. Complete Peter?s details.

Name: Peter City: London

Family: mum, dad , a brother and a sister

Hobbies: listerning to music and making model planes

Step 5 Consolidation

1. 请给自己设计一张名片,要求有以下内容: Name: Family: Age: Hobbies: City:

2.“Friends? Club”将要举办一次征笔友活动,请会员写一份自己的简介以作资料。内容包括:姓名、年龄、居住地、家庭、兴趣爱好…


1. Copy the text.