2014年10月自考《英语一》讲义 Unit 11 - (含课文、生词表、课后练习及答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2014年10月自考《英语一》讲义 Unit 11 - (含课文、生词表、课后练习及答案)更新完毕开始阅读ea5f648f6294dd88d0d26bf4

15、paraphrase v.to express what somebody has said or written using different words, especiin order to make it easier to understand 解释,释义,意译

16、chance n.a possibility of something happening, especially something that you want 可能性 17、party n.one of the people or groups of people involved in a legal agreement or argument人;一方

18、chain reaction n.a series of events, each of which causes the next 连锁反应 19、refine v.to improve something by making small changes to it 改进;改善

20、partner n.the person that you are married to or having a sexual relationship with 配偶;侣

Phrases and Expressions

1、do wonders to have a very good effect on somebody/something 创造奇迹;产生神奇作用

2、in other words used to introduce an explanation of something 换句话说;也就是说;换言之 3、come up with to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc.找到(答案);拿出(一笔钱 4、let's say used when making a suggestion or giving an example 譬如说,比方说,例如

5、the bottom line the most important thing that you have to consider or accept; the essentpoint in a discussion, etc.要旨;基本论点;底线

6、set off to start a process or series of events 引发;激起

Text B Effective Communication

Pre-reading Questions

1.Have you ever failed to understand others' messages or been misunderstood by other people 2.How did you avoid or clear up the misunderstandings?

Effective Communication

Developing the skill of effective communication can do wonders for the quality of your lifeyour relationships.① One of the major causes of arguments and disagreements is not being able convey the right message.Far too many marriages have ended in divorce due to

miscommunication.Moreover, in the business world, lack of proper communication can cause all soof problems from loss of sales and loss of jobs to the collapse of companies.Let's explore someyou can improve your communication skills in order to better send your message to the other per So what is effective communication? Simply put, it is the condition where a receiver gets tmessage from the sender in exactly the way the sender has intended it.In other words, if you tesomeone your phone number and they get it correctly, you have succeeded.If, however, you give yphone number but the other person gets it wrong, then there is a problem.It can be the sender'sfault, the receiver's fault, or both.These misinterpretations of the message are called barrier So what are some common barriers to effective communication? One common problem is that thereceiver doesn't want to listen to the sender.I'm sure you have experienced this.You are tryingtell someone something and they just won't listen to you.It can be because they aren't focused,they are upset and don't want to bother, or they just don't care.② Another common barrier has with the sender not conveying the message clearly.This can be due to things like not being ablecome up with the right words, giving a bad example, or simple not understanding the message enoto explain it to the receiver.

Having effective communication skills can be critical in business.Let's say your boss asks to do something and you end up doing the wrong thing.Whether it's the boss's fault for not giviyou clear instructions or yours for not receiving the message correctly, the bottom line is thajob wasn't done.That could cost the company money.This is why having effective business

communications is so vital, whether they are verbal or written.Miscommunication can cost a lot money.Taking time to develop effective communication in the workplace will not only help the business run more smoothly but also prevent resentment and arguments.

When communicating a message to the other person, one thing you can do is to make sure the person understands your message.Don't just assume that they do; make sure of it, especially if something really important.You can do this simply by asking them to explain what you just told

them.Just make sure you do it in a nice way.

As the receiver or listener, it's good practice to paraphrase what the other person has justold you.This will accomplish two things.First, you will make sure you have understood the messin your own words.Secondly, the other person will know that you are truly listening.This will areduce the chances of any miscommunication.

There are a lot of courses you can take and books you can read about the subject of effecticommunication.Sometimes you can say the right things, have the listener hear exactly what you hsaid, and still miscommunications happen.This can occur when the two parties have different definitions of certain words or even of facial expressions.This is especially important in relationships, where just using one wrong word can set off a chain reaction that can end the relationship.

Constant communication and refining the quality and effectiveness of the communication can wonders for a relationship.It might not be the easiest thing to do but, since having effective communication is so important, you need to spend the time to develop that skill yourself as welget your partner to learn it with you.

Key Sentences

1.Developing the skill of effective communication can do wonders for the quality of your liand your relationships.


2.It can be because they aren't focused, or they are upset and don't want to bother, or thejust don't care.



1.In British English (BrE)some words have different meanings or shades of meaning from whthey have in American English (AmE).For example, the word \BrE refers to Associafootball, also known as soccer.In AmE, \\BrE refers to field hockey and in AmE, \Winston Churchill, the opposite meanings of the verb \meeting of the Allied forces.In BrE \discussion whereas in AmE, it means to remove it from discussion, or at times, to suspend or dediscussion.

Text B Effective Communication


I.Checking Your Comprehension Section A

Directions: Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes)if the statement agrees witinformation given in the text; N (for No)if the statement contradicts the information given itext; NG (for Not Given)if the information is not given in the text.

( )1.Effective communication can enhance our social status in the business world. [答疑编号506494110601:针对该题提问]



( )2.Misunderstanding may drive companies into bankruptcy. [答疑编号506494110602:针对该题提问]



( )3.The barriers of communication may lie with the sender, the receiver or both. [答疑编号506494110603:针对该题提问]



( )4.Stuttering is mentioned as one of the reasons for the unsuccessful delivery of messages.




( )5.To make sure your partner understands you correctly, ask him or her to repeat yourwords.



【答案解析】译文:为了确认对方是否正确理解了你的意思,可以让他重复你说过的话。 文章第五段提到:向别人传达某个信息时,你首先得保证他们能听懂。对于很重要的信息,你可以让他们explain你刚刚告诉他们的事情。explain与repeat表达的意思与语气不一致,前者委婉,后者生硬,带命令语气色彩,不符合沟通礼仪。答案为N。

( )6.So long as the listener hears the exact words spoken to him or her, everything wilsmoothly.




Section B

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text.

1.In the business world, ineffective communication can lead to loss of _________, loss of jand even the downfall of companies. [答疑编号506494110607:针对该题提问]



2.When effective communication is achieved, the receiver gets the message from the sender ________the sender has intended it. [答疑编号506494110608:针对该题提问]

【正确答案】as/in exactly the way

【答案解析】文章第二段第二句给出了相关的信息,simply put, it is the...intended it。答案为as/in exactly the way。

3.People may be unwilling to listen when they are not ______or when they are upset, and donwant to bother.




4.When the sender cannot find the right words or gives _______, the message will not be expressed clearly.


【正确答案】a bad example

【答案解析】阅读文章第三段第七个句子可以知道,空格处应填a bad example。答案为a bad example。

5.Effective communication in the workplace will not only help the business run more smoothlalso prevent ________.


【正确答案】resentment and arguments

【答案解析】阅读文章第四段最后一个句子可以知道,空格处应填resentment and arguments。答案为resentment and arguments。