2014年10月自考《英语一》讲义 Unit 11 - (含课文、生词表、课后练习及答案) 联系客服

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Unit 11 Effective Communication


Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. 像智者那样思考,像大众那样交流。



William Yeats (1865-1939), Irish poet, playwright, and perhaps the greatest poet of the 2century.He won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1923 and was the leader of the Irish Literary Renaissance.


Speaking Activity

Talking about Future Events

Sample Dialogue

Read the following conversation.Pay attention to how the speakers talk about future events. Jack: Are you going to London next week? Ann: Yes.

Jack: It's rather cold there.

Ann: Yes.I'm afraid I couldn't fall asleep at night. Jack: Have you reserved a hotel? Ann: Yes.Holiday Inn.

Jack: Holiday Inn is offering a human bed-warming service at three hotels in Britain this m Ann: A human bed-warming service?

Jack: Yes.If requested, a bed-warmer at the hotel will dress in a fleece sleeper suit beforslipping between the sheets.

Ann: That sounds great, but I hope the warmer will shower first.

Guided Practice

Directions: Ask your partner what he/she plans to do during the coming vacation.You may usefollowing tips to help you.

Are you going to…next week? …is offering…service How long will you stay…? I will…for…

That sounds great, but I hope...

Text A

New Word

1、frustrated adj.feeling annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you w懊恼的;沮丧的

2、anxious adj.feeling worried or nervous 焦虑的;忧虑的;担心的

3、essential adj.completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or forparticular activity 必不可少的;极其重要的

4、co-worker n.a person that somebody works with, doing the same kind of job 合作者;同事 5、passively adv.accepting what happens or what people do without trying to change anythingoppose them 消极地;被动地

6、establish v.to start having a relationship, especially a formal one, with another persongroup or country 建立(尤指正式关系)

7、tip n.a small piece of advice about something practical 指点;实用的提示 8、nonverbal adj.not involving words or speech 不涉及言语的;非言语的

9、percentage n.the number, amount, rate of something, expressed as if it is part of a totawhich is 100; a part or share of a whole 百分率;百分比

10、tone n.the quality of somebody's voice, especially expressing a particular emotion 语气调;口吻

11、facial adj.connected with a person's face; on a person's face 面部的 12、truthfully adv.giving the true facts about something 真实地;如实地

13、manner n.the way that somebody behaves and speaks towards other people 举止;态度

14、signal n.a movement or sound that you make to give somebody information, instructions, warning, etc.信号;暗号

15、point of view n.the particular attitude or opinion that somebody has about something 观态度;意见

16、echo v.to repeat what somebody else has just said 重复(别人的话)

17、rephrase v.to say or write something using different words in order to make the meaningclearer 换个说法说,改变词句

18、perform v.to do something, such as a piece of work, task or duty 做;履行;执行

19、technique n.a particular way of doing something, especially one in which you have to lespecial skills 技巧;技艺;工艺

20、temptation n.the desire to do or have something that you know is bad or wrong 引诱;诱惑

Phrases and Expressions

1、be aware of to know or realize something 知道;意识到

2、be responsible for to be the cause of something 作为原因;成为起因

3、put…aside to ignore or forget something, usually a feeling or difference of opinion 忽视理睬;忘记

Text A Active Listening

Pre-reading Questions

1.Have you ever found yourself turning a deaf ear to your friends? 2.What kind of body language do your friends and yourself use?

Active Listening

Do you ever get frustrated when you realize that the person you've been talking to was not really listening at all?

Do others ever complain that you don't listen?

Don't be too anxious if the answer to either or both questions is \

Although we may not be aware of it, many of us have poor listening skills, and strong listeskills are important for everyone, not only for second language learners.Good communication is essential to forming good relationships with people of all kinds, from family, friends and neighbours to co-workers, bosses and even government officials!

We often focus on saying what we want to say in an effective way and forget that listening

carefully to others is just as important.The good news is that we can learn how to improve our listening skills.One key to improvement is developing \listen passively.By making an effort to listen actively, we can improve our learning skills andestablish successful relationships more easily.

Here are a few tips to help you start listening more actively:

Firstly, never underestimate the importance of nonverbal communication.\\

communication effectiveness.While not all experts agree that the percentage is as high as this,do agree that nonverbal communication is extremely powerful.①

So, when you listen to another person, pay close attention to their tone of voice, facial expression and body language.Sometimes, for example, a person's words may be positive but theirnonverbal communication is not.When a person's words do not agree with their nonverbal signals,may need to consider how truthfully they are speaking.

Also, you can use nonverbal methods to encourage another person to communicate with you.Makeye contact, using friendly facial expressions and having a relaxed and open manner are all helpful.You can use nonverbal signals such as nods of the head or smiles to let the speaker knoare interested and truly listening without interrupting their speech too much.

Another key to active listening is having an open mind.Do your best to put your own feelingopinions aside while you listen, and encourage the speaker to fully express their ideas.Try to imagine that you are in the same situation as the speaker.In this way, you will better understatheir point of view.

One more tip is to \as by saying, \important functions of an active listener.One is showing the other person that you have been following what they have been saying, and the other is giving the speaker the chance to correctif you have misunderstood.This technique is especially useful in highly emotional situations orsituations where there is disagreement.

Avoid the temptation to start talking about your own ideas or views.If you do that, you havstopped listening and started talking.

Once you put your mind to listening more actively, you will find the practice has many bene②

Key Sentences

1.While not all experts agree that the percentage is as high as this, they do agree that nonverbal communication is extremely powerful.


2.Once you put your mind to listening more actively, you will find the practice has many benefits.



1.In the book Leader Effectiveness Training, Thomas Gordon coined the term \active listenin 2.Active listening is used in a wide variety of situations, including public interest advoccommunity organizing, tutoring, medical workers talking to patients, HIV counseling, helping pewho are suicidal, management, counseling and journalistic settings.

Text A Active Listening


I.Checking Your Comprehension

Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passa 1.A large number of people fail to realize that _________. A)they feel annoyed and impatient easily

B)their language learning ability varies a lot C)their listening skills are poorly developed

D)they lack essential negotiating skills [答疑编号506494110301:针对该题提问]


【答案解析】阅读文章第四段第一个句子Although we may not be aware of it, many

of us have poor listening skills可以知道,很多人并不知道自己缺乏聆听的技巧。答案为C。

2.Active listening contributes to the improvement of_________. A)social relationships B)mental health C)social status D)physical health



【答案解析】阅读文章第四段第二个句子:Good communication is essential to

forming good relationships with people of all kinds…可以知道,积极的聆听可以改善一个人的社会关系。答案为A。

3.One study has found that communication effectiveness owes much to____________. A)direct eye contact B)shared experience

C)good personal relationships D)nonverbal factors



【答案解析】阅读文章第七段第三个句子:One study found that nonverbal factors

were responsible for 93 percent of communication effectiveness可以知道正确答案。答案为D。

4.____________can encourage another person to continue his talk. A)Avoiding eye contact B)Nods of the head C)A blank expression D)Constant interruptions



【答案解析】阅读文章第九段第三个句子You can use nonverbal signals such as nods