高级英语-1-答案-(外研社;第三版;张汉熙主编) 联系客服

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its daily doom . Then come the twilight colours of sea and heaven (we have discovered the fallacy of saying that darkness falls suddenly in these latitudes, at any rate on sea level), the wine pink width of water merging into lawns of aquamarine , and the sky a tender of pink and blue. But the green flash is our chief delight.

※ 劳拉和我还有一种白娱的方法,就是等着观看太阳从地平线上消失的那一瞬间产生的一道绿色的闪光。这种绿色的闪光不是每天都能看到的,只有当天空没有一丝云彩时才能看到,而云彩却又特别喜欢沿着日落的轨道聚集。每当我们的这一游戏成功(即看到绿光)时,我们就会像孩子般的兴高采烈,劳拉还会不住的拍手。那道绿色光芒一闪即逝。我们等着看这道绿光时,太阳宛如被刀子切去一半的红球,随即坠落到每日的归宿之处。接着便见大海和天空上出现一片茫茫的暮色(有人说,在这种纬度的地区的海面上,夜幕总是突如其来地降临,我们发现这种说法是错误的),深红色的海面渐渐变成了一块块蓝绿色的草坪,天空则变成了一块柔和的浅红色和蓝色的调色板。但最使我们喜悦的还是那道绿色的

闪光。 ‘creme de menthe , ' says Laura ‘Jade, ' I say. ‘ Emerald , ' says Laura. ' Jade is too opaque ‘Vicious viridian , ' I say, not to be outdone .

'You always did lose yourself in the pleasure of words Edmund. Say green as jealousy and be done with it.' ‘I have never known the meaning of jealousy.' “薄荷酒色,”劳拉说。 “裴翠色,”我说。

“鲜绿色,”劳拉说,“裴翠色太暗了。” “墨绿色,”我不想输给她,又说了一句。

“爱德蒙,你一咬文嚼字起来总是那么忘乎所以。干脆就说绿得发青叫人嫉妒好了,别再争下去了。” “我可从来不知道什么是嫉妒。”

I am sorry to see the sun go, for one of the pleasures I have discovered is the warmth of his touch on my skin. At home in London I never noticed the weather, unless actually inconvenienced by fog or rain; I had no temptation to take a flying holiday to the South and understood little when people spoke or wrote of sunlight on white walls. Now the indolence of southern latitudes has captured me. I like to see dusky men sitting about doing nothing. I like the footfall of naked feet in the dust, silent as a oat passing. I like turning a corner from the shade of a house into the full to

rrid glare of an open space. I put my hand on metal railings and snatch it away, burnt. But it is seldom that I go ashore. ※ 看到太阳落下去了,我感到惋惜,因为我发觉温暖的阳光照到皮肤上是令人舒心惬意的。在家乡伦敦时,我从来不去注意天气情况,除非是雨和雾确实给我带来了不便。我又 从未想过去南方作一次短暂的旅行,因此也不大理解别人谈论或描写阳光洒满白墙的情景。而现在南纬地带懒洋洋的气氛深深地吸引着我。我喜欢看那些晒得黑黝黝的男人无所事事地闲坐着的样子,我喜欢听人们打赤脚踩踏在尘土中所发出的像猫儿一样轻的脚步声,我喜欢绕过一个屋角时从房屋的阴影中一步跨人在烈日照射下赤热耀眼的空旷场地时的感觉。我刚把手搭到金属栏杆上立刻便缩了回来,烫得要命。但我很少上岸。

I would never have believed in the simple bliss of being, day after day, at sea. Our ports of call are few, and when they do occur I resent them. I should like this empty existence to be prolonged beyond calculation. In the ship's library stands a large globe whose function so far as I am concerned is to reveal the proportion of ocean to the landmasses of the troubled would; the Pacific alone dwarfs all the continents put together. Blue, the colour of peace. And then I like all the small noises of a ship: the faint creaking, as of the saddle-leather to a horseman riding across turf , the s

lap of a rope, the hiss of sudden spray . I have been exhilarated by two days of storm, but above all I love these long purposeless days in which I shed all that I have ever been.

※ 若非有了这一回的亲身经历,我永远也不会相信日复一日地航行于大海上竟会是这样的其乐无穷。我们的船停靠的港口很少,真正停靠港口时,我也只感到厌烦。我宁愿这种洒脱的海上生活永无休止地持续下去。船上的图书室里放着一架巨大的地球仪,照我看来,它的作用就是展示海洋与动荡不安的世界上的陆地之间的比例,仅一个太平洋就比所有的大陆加在一起还要大。蓝色,和平的颜色。而且我也喜欢船上的一切轻微的声响:那如同草地上奔驰的骑手耳中听到的鞍皮发出的吱嘎声,绳索的拍打声以及浪花飞溅的嘶嘶声。两天的暴风雨使我欣喜万分,但我首先喜欢的还是这漫长的无所事事的日子,在这些日子里,我抛弃了旧我,脱胎换骨,获得了新生。

第十四课Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R


1. \in very large numbers.\

2. Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win in