动词和短语动词50题 联系客服

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1. I’ve ______ my umbrella in the office and I’ll have to fetch it. A. forgot B. left C. remained D. lost

2. Don’t let yourself be ______ into doing anything you don’t want to do. A. told B. made C. talked D. asked

3. The designs of the few tools should be _____ carefully, so that we can pick out the one that best suits our job.

A. tried B. examined C. experimented D. experienced 4. The child was told to ______ for being rude to his classmate. A. excuse B. forgive C. apologize D. pardon 5. Quite a lot of people watch TV only to ______ time. A. waste B. spend C. kill D. enjoy

6. The lady ______ the boy with two dollars for bringing back her lost dog. A. rewarded B. paid C. offered D. presented

7. In the middle of the grass stands a little board that ______ “Keep off the grass”. A. writes B. speaks C. reads D. tells 8. --- Now day has ______.

--- OK. We have been staying up the whole night.

A. begun B. gone C. lighted D. broken

9. The open university was started to help those who ______ having a university education when they were young.

A. failed B. stopped C. passed D. missed 10. Moore is the only person who ______ my opinion.

A. shares B. agrees C. holds D. keeps 11. --- Have you got the time for tea? --- Yes.

--- Well, I’ll ______ it for you.

A. boil B. cook C. make D. do

12. The young performers ______ the audience’s attention the moment the curtain went up.

A. caught B. took C. gathered D. paid 13. Full of fear, Jim ______ that someone was moving about upstairs. A. told B. spoke C. recognized D. whispered

14. Being much too fat, Maria was advised to reduce her food for each meal, yet she would ______ that.

A. have none of B. accept C. take care of D. listen to 15. The manager has ______ to improve the working conditions in the company. A. accepted B. allowed C. permitted D. agreed 16. --- May I speak to Mr. Thomas, please?

--- I’m afraid he isn’t in. Would you like to ______ a message? A. take B. write C. leave D. tell

17. When I saw Smith, I stopped and smiled, but he ______ me and walked on. A. ignored B. refused C. denied D. missed

18. It is so hard for people to understand his action. You can never ______ his thoughts. A. learn B. study C. master D. read

19. Something about his manner ______ a lack of interest in what we were doing. A. expressed B. explained C. suggested D. described

20. In Britain today women ______ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A. build up B. make up C. stand for D. send for 21. Let’s go ______ everything and find out where the trouble was. A. up B. on C. over D. without

22. I was telling him about my travels when he ______ with a story of his own. A. broke in B. broke into C. broke away D. broke through 23. We had to ______ the match as the ground was too wet to play on. A. call off B. call up C. call out D. call for 24. When Rose was looking for her passport she ______ those old photographs. A. came out B. came from C. came across D. came on

25. The young man who stood a few meters away ______ to me and said, “You can’t park here.”

A. came back B. came down C. came up D. came about 26. The old woman ______ all her books to the children in the village school. A. gave away B. gave in C. gave over D. gave up 27. I read the papers to ______ what’s happening in the outside world. A. keep off B. keep back C. keep up with D. keep out of 28. He got 800 yuan a month for ______ fifteen rooms. A. looking for B. looking forward to C. looking after D. looking on

29. She didn’t want to go to the party, so she ______ an excuse. A. made up B. made out C. put up D. put out 30. David likes country life and has decided to ______ farming. A. go in for B. go through C. go on to D. go with

31. Minster Street is being widened. They’ll have to ______ a lot of lovely old houses. A. pull away B. pull down C. pull up D. pull out 32. ______ your book, and do your work first. You may read it later. A. Put out B. Put away C. Put up D. Put on 33. Don’t worry, Miss Gao. The climate here will ______ you before long. A. get used to B. be fit for C. agree with D. get on with 34. --- Mum, it is nice. I want to skate this afternoon.

--- Don’t you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _____ your weight? A. lift B. bear C. catch D. take 35. --- What time will you go off to Washington, D.C.? --- I’m not sure. It ______ the weather.

A. depends on B. lies in C. asks for D. deals with 36. It seems difficult to ______ hurt from injure in meaning. A. judge B. divide C. tell D. separate

37. Although the working mother is very busy, she still ______ a lot of time to her children.

A. devotes B. spends C. offers D. provides 38. --- That’s a lovely dress.

--- Do you think so? My aunt gave it to me for my birthday, but I don’t _____ the color.

A. interest in B. care for C. please with D. fond of

39. The college is planning to offer more English courses to ______ the needs of beginners of English.