新视野第三版第一册讲稿1-6单元 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章新视野第三版第一册讲稿1-6单元更新完毕开始阅读e8b86b20b9f3f90f77c61ba8

真正聪明的人往往会虚心地听取他人的意见,但永远不会被他人的思想所禁锢。 (keep an open mind / be bound by )

A wise man tends to keep an open mind to others, but he will never be bound by the ideas held by other people.

5) give sb. the benefit of the doubt 姑且相信某人 听了他的解释,我准备姑且相信他。

After hearing his explanation, I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. 6) evolve to the fullest potential发挥出最大的潜力

观众的鼓励与喝彩使他的运动潜能发挥到了极致,最终获得了金牌。 (encouragement and cheering / sports talent / evolve to the fullest potential)

The audience’s encouragement and cheering helped his sports talent evolve to the fullest potential, thus winning the gold medal in the end. 7) be born to do / be sth. 天生适合做某事


Nancy was born to be a dancer. She danced so well without having any dance training. 8) can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事


After he succeeded in the job interview yesterday, he could not wait to tell his mother the good news.

3.Functional patterns

1) There has been no greater joy than watching you arrive at this moment. (Para.2, L2) There has been no greater joy/sorrow/pride/shame than doing something.


人的一生中可能会经历许多挫折,但最令人遗憾的莫过于虚度光阴,一事无成。 (go through / dream hours away / accomplish)

A person may go through many setbacks in his life, but there has been no greater regret than dreaming hours away and accomplishing nothing significant.

2) College will be the most important time of your life. It is here that you will truly discover what learning is about. (Para.3, L1)

Sb. or sth. will be + 最高级of / in… It is sb. or sth. that... 用于―强调某人或某事的重要性或作用‖。


acquires abundant knowledge / conduct oneself)

School is one of the most important places during one’s growth. It is here that one not only acquires abundant knowledge but also learn how to conduct oneself in society.

3) It is better that your greatest effort earns a lesser grade than that no effort earns you a


decent or higher grade. (Para. 5)

句型提炼 It is better that sb. does sth. than that sb. does sth. else. 用于表达―某人做某事比他做其它事情要好‖。

无论将来如何,我们尽最大努力应对危险总比坐以待毙要好。 (future holds for us / approach the dangers / passively )

No matter what the future holds for us, it is better that we do our very best to approach the dangers than that we do nothing waiting passively for our end. 4) More importantly, make friends and trust others. (Para.6, L1) 句型提炼 More importantly, (sb. should) do something 用于表达―突出强调做某事的重要性‖ 。

性格相似、志趣相投会有助于你与他人交友。更为重要的是,要真诚相待,开诚布公。 Similar personality and common interests may contribute to making friends with others. More importantly, be honest and open to each other.

Unit 2 Section A A child’s clutter awaits an adult’s return Teaching Objectives :

1)To talk about the love between the parents and children

2)To understand the love between the mother and the daughter in the text 3)To apply the phrases and patterns

4)To write an essay creatively based on the understanding of the text Ⅰ. Warming-up activities : work in pairs and discuss the following questions. 1. How close are you and your parents?

I have been missing my parents a lot since I left for college.

I often chat with my parents.

I like sharing my joys and sorrows with my parents. I always remember my parents’ birthdays. I know about my parents’ hobbies.

My parents allow me to make my own decisions.

2. To what extent are you close to your parents?

? ? ? ?

be like friends;

never keep secret from them; ask them for advice;

give me directions about life …


Ⅱ. Text study

1. Main idea & structure

The text depicts a mother’s responses to her daughter’s fight for independence through detailed description of the mess left behind by the daughter. Part one (Paras.1-4): General situation & my responses

The daughter is leaving home for independence and the mother feels glad on the one hand and expresses her concern on the other.

Part II (Paras. 5- 12): The mess left by the daughter and my responses The daughter left a mess in her rooms and the mother straightens up the rooms. Part III (Paras. 13- 22): Concluding part

After the mother finds a large envelope with all the memorable things the parents gave to the daughter, the mother’s attitude changes completely. Ⅲ. New words&Phrases

1) await vt. 1 wait for sth. 等待;等候

The little boy was still awaiting his father’s return when the clock struck 11. 当时钟敲响11 点时,那个小男孩仍在等着他爸爸回来。

2 if sth. awaits you, it will happen to you (某事)将降临到…身上

The biggest surprise awaiting the birthday girl is that her father is flying to London for her birthday. 那个过生日的女孩即将得到的最大惊喜是她爸爸将飞到伦敦来为她庆祝生日。

2) embarrass vt. make sb. feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable, esp. in front of other people (尤指在社交场合)使尴尬,使窘迫

I felt embarrassed, going to the wrong classroom on the first day of college. 大学的第一天我走错了教室,感到非常尴尬。

Embarrassment n.1 [C] sb. or sth. that causes problems or makes you feel ashamed 让人难堪的人;使人为难的事

He is such an embarrassment to his family. 他让他的家人感到非常难堪。

The court case was an embarrassment to the company. 这个案子对该公司来说是个麻烦。 2 [U] a feeling of being nervous or ashamed because of what people know or think about you 尴尬;难堪;窘迫

To her terrible embarrassment, there were many people around when one of her high heels broke off. 她一只高跟鞋的鞋跟断了,当时周围有许多人,这让她很尴尬。

3) polish n. [C, U] a chemical substance that you rub onto an object to make it shine 上光剂;擦光剂

The girl was told by her parents to remove the polish from her nails because she was too young for make-up. 女孩的父母让她把指甲油擦掉,因为她还太小,不适合化妆。 vt.1 make sth. smooth, bright, and shiny by rubbing it 擦亮;擦光

He polished his glasses with a handkerchief in order to see more clearly. 他用手帕擦了擦



2 improve a piece of writing, a speech, etc. by making slight changes to it before it is completely finished 修改;润色

Your essay is good; you just need to polish it a bit. 你的文章不错,你只要稍加润色就可以了。


4) historical a. 1 describing or based on events in the past 描写历史事件的;基于史实的 Historical novels are a marvelous blend of fact and fiction. 历史小说是事实和小说的奇妙结合。

2 relating to the past (有关)历史的

It is important to look at the novel in its historical context. 从历史背景来看待这部小说很重要。

5) strain vi. pull hard at sth. or push hard against sth. 使劲拉;使劲推;绷紧

The dog strains at the rope fastened to its collar, eager to be off. 那只狗使劲拽着拴在脖子上的绳子,拼命要挣脱。

vt. injure a muscle or part of your body by using it too much or making it work too hard 拉伤;扭伤;损伤

I strained a muscle in my back when playing tennis. 我在打网球时拉伤了背上的一块肌肉。 n.

[C, U] worry that is caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time 焦虑;紧张

We know that a long time without change can lead to boredom, and physical and mental strain. 我们知道,长时间没有变化会导致乏味,以及身体和精神上的紧张。 6) strip vt. (also ~ off) 1 remove sth. that is covering the surface of sth. else 剥去;除去 She asked us to strip off the sheets and bring them downstairs when we leave. 她叫我们离开时把床单撤下来并带到楼下。

It took me several hours to strip the wallpaper from the walls. 我花了好几个钟头把墙纸从墙上揭下来。

2 take off your clothes or take off sb. else’s clothes 脱去(…的)衣服

Jack stripped off his sweater and threw it onto the couch. 杰克脱掉毛衣,把它扔到长沙发上。

7) reverse vt. change sth., such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before 推翻,彻底改变(决定、判决、过程等)

The Jones had planned to sell their house and move into an apartment, but later they reversed their minds. 琼斯一家打算把房子卖掉,搬到公寓去住,但是他们后来改变了主意。

n. (the ~) the exact opposite of what has just been mentioned 相反情况;正相反