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Analysis and Discussion on the planning and design of

modern ecotype housing district

Abstract: in this paper, combined with the practice of many years of planning and design work of the author, analyzes the characteristics and functions of modern ecological residential district, the overall planning and design idea are discussed; and an example is described to illustrate the main points of planning and design of modern ecotype housing district. Keywords: ecological residential area; planning and design; ecological construction; ecological balance; sustainable development



1 Introduction

In recent years, people continue to study methods and approaches to ecological and sustainable development \architecture\become the mainstream of the architectural design, green ecological residential district will emerge as the times require. The author thinks, principles and methods of ecology, sparingly use and transform nature, seeking the most suitable for human survival and sustainable development, the building environment to maintain as an organic, with the structure and function of the whole system, this is the basic principle and the development direction of the ecological architecture.

The basic principles of ecology is to maintain the state of equilibrium is relatively stable within the ecosystem -- the planning and construction of ecological balance, ecological residential, can improve the survival of the human and the environment for sustainable development. Ecological residential district is multi-dimensional, three-dimensional, environmental engineering, have practical function, environmental benefits, high technology content and concept of sustainable architecture and architectural patterns, and the balance of natural ecology system of residential building into the region of. Ecological residential areas need not only adapt to the ecological environment, and does not destroy the ecological environment construction, and saving water and energy, improve the ecological environment, the advantages of low pollution,



non-toxic, harmless, prolonging the service life of the building, expression of humanized design, good ventilation and lighting, is the human movement seeking harmony with nature the ideal living environment with science and technology means, to form a benign circulation between the building and the natural ecological environment

The characteristics and function analysis of 2 ecological residential district

Characteristic of 2.1 ecotype residential quarters

Ecological residential district in addition to pay attention to comfort, health, but also should reflect the ecological benefit, and showed a relationship between a new human life style and environment, which is characterized in:

1) increase the rate of greening. But the green environment is no simple planting flowers, but a combination of ecology, architecture and aesthetics, biological engineering, geography, city and district environmental planning, water resources, properly handle the ecological balance and make full use of green building.

2) saving land resources. Pay attention to the use of green building materials, which can save land. The limited land area of the return of human, and the rational use of the contemporary and later generations benefit.

3) conservation of water resources. This is not to be ignored in the



content of the ecological residential development and construction. Water is the source of life, our country is a country short of water, for the reclaimed water and rainwater collection and utilization of resources, far less than the western and some developed countries. We don't have to wait for the water resources expert forecasts to 2025, saving water crisis erupted just research on water resources, by then it's too late.

4) the full and effective use of natural resources. Ecological design into the design of residential district, because every ecological system has its own structure and the corresponding material circulation ways and means, the normal state, the circulation and energy flow have a certain stability. Such as the use of light and heat, interior design, the use of energy-saving lamps system, can reduce the cost of the project, and the development of ecological benefit.

5) the implementation of classification of garbage treatment. This work does not belong to the residential construction, but it is the green environmental protection, residential property management.

Function 2.2 ecological residential district

Green ecological residential district can keep the city ecosystem biodiversity and regulating regional climate and reduce the total pollutant effects, mainly reflected in the:

1) to keep the city ecosystem biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to many biological and ecological environment with complex formation in sum and