八年级上期英语寒假作业 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章八年级上期英语寒假作业更新完毕开始阅读e82158de312b3169a551a47d

4. Helen does well in math(同义句). Helen ___ ___ ___ math. 5. 我很愿意去看电影。 I ___ ___ ___ go to the movies.

6. 这两个女孩都喜获唱歌。_____________________________. 四.喜欢阅读吗?那就试试吧!

In China, more and more middle school students are getting shorter1___ time than before. Most students sleep less than nine hours every night because they have much homework2_____ some homework is given by the teachers and3_____ are given by parents. Also, some students don’t know4 ______ save time. They are not 5_____ enough while they do their homework, so it 6_____ them a lot of time. Some students spend too much time 7_____TV programs or playing computer games. They stay up(不睡觉) very late. Some students have to 8_____early every morning on weekdays to get to school 9_____ by bus or bike. It can be a long way from home to school.

Schools and parents cut down some of the10______so that the children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. As we know, children are our country’s future. They should be well cared for. A. work B. sleep C. working D. sleeping A. do B. to do C. doing D. to be done A , others B. some C. the others D. some other A. what to B. how to C. what to do it D. how to do it A. careful B. sad C. unhappy D. good A .take B. takes C. spend D. spends A. watching B. watch C. are watching D. to watch A. get up B. go to sleep C. go to school; D. put on A. in time B. on time C. hurry D. fast A .sleeping time B. homework C. housework D. playing time 中考瞭望台---解中考之谜, 走成功之路。 五.句子搭配。(2005年宁波市中考题)

1. How are you feeling? a. Thank you. 2. What does your mother do on weekends? b. Me, too.

3. How was your holiday? c. Much better now. 4. Well done! Congratulations, Li Ping! d. I’m sorry, there isn’t. 5. May I borrow your pen, please? e. Sure, here you are. f. Great.

g. She usually goes shopping

At the doctor’s

病人陈述病情: I’m not feeling well; I feel dizzy.

医生询问病情: what’s your trouble? What’s wrong\\the matter with you? How do you feel?\\ How are you feeling now? 医生医嘱用语: You’ll get over it soon.\\ You’ll be all right soon.

One tablet each time, and three times a day after meal.

★做完本卷, 你一定有了成功的体验,祝贺你!.

Exercise 6

Hi, boys and girls. 很高兴我们又见面了,做好这套练习,它会给你带来信心和惊喜,快快行动吧。Let’s go!


1. tall______ 2. smart_______ 3. heavy______-_ 4. thin______ 5. wild________ 6.calm_________ 7.funny_____ 8.quite_________ 9.athletual_______ 10.slim______ 11.intellectual_____ 12.outgoing_____

二.人比人,气死人。正有了比较,才使我们奋发向上。那就找出下列词的反意词吧。 1. tall______ 2. short______ 3. thin_______

4. wild ______ 5. calm_____ 6. intellectual_______ 7. athletic_______ 8. quite_______ 9. outgoing________ 10. funny_______ 11. curly_________ 12. fat________ 三.对号入座

1. I like to have friends who are___ us.

A . different from B. difference from C. different D. difference 2. --- Mom, could you buy me a dress like this?

--- Certainly, we can buy ___ one than this, but___ this. A. a better, better than B. a worse, as good as

C. a cheaper, as good as D. a more important, not a good as 3. The weather in Guangdong is ___ than ___ in Hebei. A. hot, that B. hotter, that C. hot, \\ D. hotter, \\

4. This coat is too___ for me. Cam I have a ___ one? A. long, Short B. long, shorter C. longer, shorter D. longer, short 5. Although my friend is ___ than me, I like her.

A. moody B. too moody C. very moody D. moodier 6. The Changjiang River is one of ___ in the world. A. the long river B. the longest river C. the longer river D. the longest rivers 7. ---Happy New Year to you. --- __________

A. really B. Too lucky C. so am I D. the same to you 8. He began to catch up with ___ in this team.

A. another B. the others C. other D. the other

9. ---Remember this children.____ careful you are, ____ mistakes you will make. A. the more, the more B. the fewer, the more C. the more, the less D. the less, the less 10. ---Did your parents go to the film yesterday evening? ---No, we___ stayed at home watching TV.

A. both B. either C. none D. all 潜能挑战----激活思维, 展示能力,大胆尝试吧! 四. 选词填空

a. funny, b. intellectual c. calmer d. laugh e. wilder f. as, g. kind h. popular i. good j. both 1. He is a ______ man. He always helps others. 2. These songs are more_______ in the school. 3. Don’t ______ at others.

4. I like ________ English and Chinese. 5.Tom is as tall _______ his friends.

6. Are you ______ at singing and dancing?

7. Mary is a _____ girl. She often makes me happy. 8. Ruben is very smart, but Tom is more _______. 9. I’m quite. I am not like my brother. He’s _______. 10. He’s much ____ than me when we met terrible things. 五.下面是三则广告, 看一看是否适合你。

---We know, Miss Gao. Driver Wanted 1. Clean driving license 2. Good---looking 3. Age over 25 Apply to:Caps Taxi, Shenzhen Tel: 0755--6561382 Teacher Needed 1. For private language school. 2. Teaching experience necessary. Apply to:Instant Languages Ltd, Dalian Tel: 0411---4313861 Air Hostess(空姐) Age between 20and33 Height from 1.6to 1.75 Two foreign languages College graduate Apply to:ChinaAirlines, Beijing Tel: 010--88488970 1. If you want to work in the south, you can apply for a job as___ A . a drive B. an air hostess C. a teacher D. all of above 2. You may call_____ when you wish to be a teacher.

A . 0755-6561382 B. 0411-4313861 C. 010-88488970 D. A and B

3. Mary, aged 26, knows English and Japanese. Which job can be given to her?_____ A. Driving for Capes Taxi. B. Working for China Airlines. C. Teaching at Instant Languages Ltd. D. None of the above.

4. What prevents Jack, an experienced taxi driver, workings for Caps Taxi A. liking beer and wine

B. Being unable to speak a foreign language.

C. Not having college education D. Breaking traffic rules

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the three ads?_____ A. Height. B. Age. C. Language. D. Health.

---六. 探索显毅力,书写展才华。

正在成长着的我们,每天都有新的变化, 你觉察到了吗?比较一下升入初中后一年前的你现在的你有什么不同? 请运用学过的知识介绍一下。

内容应包括: 性格方面, 穿戴方面,智力方面 …… 注意: 短文意思连贯, 语句通顺, 符合逻辑.

提示: more outgoing, more popular, better and better……
