15级《新视野》第四册词汇补充练习 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章15级《新视野》第四册词汇补充练习更新完毕开始阅读e77ac41732687e21af45b307e87101f69e31fbd4



18. The new law authorizes the police to ______anyone suspected of being in the country. (U5----B) A. entertain B. attain C. detain D. Maintain 新法令授权警方扣留涉嫌在国内的任何人。

19. He ______ into my office while I was having a meeting. (U5----B) A. ran B. plunged C. charged D. Incorporated


20. He is the only one in my office who knows how to______ code for computer programs. (U5----B)

A. compliment B. complement C. compete D. Compile 他是我办公室里唯一一个知道如何编译计算机程序代码的人。


1. These people are willing to ______, walk the dog, go grocery shopping or take the kids off your hands for an hour or two at least once a month. (U6-A)

A. set out B. take over C. run errands D. participate in


2. Governments are more empowered than ever before to _______ how banks make their lending decisions. (U6-A)

A. boil down to B. have a say on C. keep an open mind D. refer to 政府比以往任何时候都更有权力就银行如何做出贷款决定发表意见。

3.The Prime Minister ______ the aims of his government in his memorandum .(U6-A) A. set in B. set out C. set forth D. set up


4. The consequence of discrimination is that people who have been discriminated will lose a(n)

______ opportunity.(U6-A) A. great B. ideal C. missed D. Equal 歧视的结果是,受到歧视的人将丧失(n)平等的机会。

5. In this situation, we need logical ______ to understand the relations among different elements

used in the programming process.(U6-A)

A. conclusion B. hint C. deduction D. Summary




6. Investigators ______ yesterday that he made illegal gains totaling $1.25 billion in a series of

violations of banking and securities laws.(U6-A)

A. Claimed B. affirmed C. alleged D. Alerted


7. When food supplies were cut off that winter, the sick and wounded soldiers managed to ______on

wild herbs. (U6-A)

A. scrape up B. scrape by C. live though D. go through


8.______ reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is

informally called a \

A. Effective B. Inventive C. Creative D. Deductive

演绎推理从更一般到更具体的。 有时,这被非正式地称为“自上而下”的方法。

9. A new house of any size was now almost invariably _______.(U6-A)

A. vertical B. systematical C. symmetrical D. Reciprocal


10. Allied armies ______ France from the Nazis-she is free now .(U6-A)

A. liberated B. alleviated C. emancipated D. Released 盟军把法国从纳粹手中解放出来,她现在自由了。

11. The inhabitants of the island ______ their drinking water ______ underground sources. (U6-A)

A.picked----up B. pulled ---out C. drew---from D. extracted ---from 岛上的居民从地下水源中提取饮用水。

12. The governors are passing welfare reforms that expand employment, limit dependency, and ______ parasitic social workers.(U6-B)

A.displace B. replace C. discharge D. Display


13. Our newspapers try to cater ______ all opinions.(U6-A) A. to B. for C. with D. Up


14. He could ______ forget about the experience ______ he could forget his own name.(U6-A)



A. no rather--- than B. no more ---than C .not more --- than D. not rather ---than


15. There were times ______ he thought his career might be over after he suffered a knee injury last December. (U6-B)

A.that B. what C. how D. When


16. When the workers held demonstrations last week, one department manager was ______from his

office by an angry crowd. (U6-B)

A. projected B. ejected C. rejected D. objected 上周工人们举行示威游行时,一个部门经理被愤怒的群众赶出了办公室。

17. His parents never force him to do anything ______ his will. (U6-B) A. to B. over C. against D. With


18. More people than ever before are ______ the city council this year. (U6-B)

A. running to B. running for C. running after D. running with


19. Trump has repeatedly called for the ______ of NSA (National Security Agency)leaker Edward Snowden. (U6-B)

A. execution B. segregation C. mediation D. Discrimination 特朗普一再要求执行国家安全局(国家安全局)的爱德华·斯诺登。

20. They were charged with plotting the ______ of the state. (U6-B)

A. detention B. pilgrim C. overthrow D. throne 他们被控密谋推翻国家。 Unit 7

1. Two hundred years ago, the world experienced an energy_______ that launched the Industrial Age.( U7-A)

A. change B. growth C. rise D. Revolution 二百年前,世界经历了一场能源革命,开启了工业时代。

2. Ever since then, with the rapid increase of population ________, the industrialized world’s thirst for energy has more than tripled. ( U7-A)



A. density B. width C. strength D. breadth


3. Part of my happiness is ________ from my ability to help others. ( U7-A) A. caught B. arrived C. reached D. Derived 我的一部分幸福来自于我帮助别人的能力。

4. We should do everything possible to combat fake drugs because they ________ a risk to consumers. ( U7-A) A. take B. pose C. make D. hold 我们应尽全力打击假药,因为它们对消费者构成风险。

5. The fate of this project _______ on the decision the council. ( U7-A) A. looks B. dwells C. hinges C. Reflects


6. All reservoirs will eventually fill ________ with mud and require very expensive excavation to clear them up to become useful again. ( U7-A) A. out B. up C. on D. Through


7. Hydroelectric power is considered to be environmentally friendly because it a source of clean and _______ energy. ( U7-A)

A. reusable B. recycled C. regained D. renewable


8. Making solar energy work ________ a large scale, however, is much easier said than done. ( U7-A)

A. on B. at C. in D. For 然而,使太阳能大规模地工作,说起来容易做起来难。

9. His illness _______ him with no choice but to retire at an earlier age. ( U7-A) A. offered B. gave C. left D. Brought 他的病使他别无选择,只能早退休。

10. Many species are still going ________ because humans are destroyed and disrupting their habitats. ( U7-A) A. extinct B. distinct C. instinct D. Exotic