15级《新视野》第四册词汇补充练习 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章15级《新视野》第四册词汇补充练习更新完毕开始阅读e77ac41732687e21af45b307e87101f69e31fbd4


A. manipulate B. stipulate C. nominate D. dedicate 新的标准规定,检察官不能使用从强迫供词,酷刑或暴力中收集到的证据。

Unit 4

1. He set a ______ example of all of us. (U4----A)

A. definitive B. infinitive C. infinite D. Definite 他为我们树立了一个明确的榜样。

2. The mouse had a quick wit and was able to ______ his way out of danger . (U4----A) A. elbow B. maneuver C. fight D. Struggle 老鼠有一个快速的机智,能够摆脱危险的方式。

3. It looks like this boxing match is going to be a ______. (U4----A)

A. cutoff B. kickoff C. takeoff D. standoff 看来这场拳击赛将是一场僵局(势均力敌)。

4. The pay that the soldiers received was ______. (U4----A)

A. negligible B. intelligible C. credible D. Compatible 士兵收到的薪酬是微不足道的。

5. No other organization was able to or willing to ______ the job. (U4----A)

A. take on B. take in C. take to D. take off 没有其他组织能够或愿意承担这项工作。

6. The civil rights movement fought against practices that ______ blacks and whites. (U4----A) A. segregate B. aggravate C. aggregate D. Separate 民权运动反对隔离黑人和白人的习俗。

7.At this age your baby can’t ______ one person from another. (U4----A)

A. differ B. differentiate C. insulate D. isolate 在这个年龄,你的宝宝不能区分一个人与另一个人。

8. Though she is over 60 years old, she still chooses work _____ retirement. (U4----A) A. at B. on C. over D. Upon


9. Your ideals and expectations of higher education may be quite ______ with reality. (U4----A) A. incompatible B. intelligible C. negligible D. Visible




10. They do not see the significance of their mother tongue and Chinese culture does not _____ them. (U4----A)

A. put up with B. run against C. call upon D. strike a chord with 他们看不到母语的意义,中国文化并没有与他们产生共鸣。

11. Place a plate over the cake tin and ______ it. (U1----B)

A. avert B. invert C. divert D. Convert 在蛋糕烤模上盖一个盘子,然后将其翻倒过来。

12. He tried to remain emotionally ______ from the prisoners, but failed. (U1----B)

A. attached B. detached C. sensitive D. Indifferent 他试图与囚犯保持情感上的距离,但失败了。

13. Fantasies cannot harm you, no matter how ______ or far out they are. (U1----B)

A. bizarre B. brisk C. bleak D. Brutal 无论幻想多么怪诞、多么离谱,都不能造成伤害。

14. We ______ violence against civilians. (U1----B)

A. explore B. deplore C. expose D. dispose 我们谴责针对平民的暴力行为。

15. I’ve personally never ______ to the view that either sex is superior to the other. (U1----B) A. subscribed B. described C. prescribed D. Ascribed 我个人从来没有认同任何一种性别优于另一种。

16. The burglar thought old people are easy______.(U4----B)

A. attack B. prey C. cheat D. Pray 窃贼认为老年人容易受骗。

17. His second wife, Alice, was determined to ______ him from his two sons. (U4----B) A. alienate B. refrain C. prevent D. Alleviate 他的第二任妻子爱丽丝决心将他与他的两个儿子疏远。

18. Consumption of alcohol ______ your ability to drive a car. (U4----B)

A. empower B. impart C. impair D. Impose 饮酒会影响你开车的能力。



19. Who presides ______ the meeting has not been decided. (U4----B)

A. in B. over C. of D. About 谁主持会议还没有决定。

20. She kept trying to ______ a little fun into their relationship. (U4----B)

A. reject B. object C. inject D. Project 她一直在为他们的关系注入一点乐趣。

Unit 5

1. Don’t worry because it was an accident and no blame is attached ______either of you. (U5----A) A. to B. of C. in D. On


2. She is the ______head of our college—the real work is done by the vice dean. (U5----A) A. formal B. optional C. nominal D. Literal 她是我们学院的名义校长,真正的工作是由副院长做的。

3. At the meeting, the manager wanted to get to the ______ and deal with the issue. (U5----A) A. point B. crust C. exterior D. Gulf 在会上,经理想抓住要点,处理这个问题。

4. There is nothing nasty in her tone. _______, she might have simply been a little impatient that day. (U5----A)

A. For nothing B. If anything C. Of something D. For anything 她的语调没有什么讨厌。如果有的话,她当天可能有点不耐烦。

5. It’s clear that politicians are often______ in with their own interests. (U5----A) A. pledged B. hedged C. forged D. Edged 很明显,政客们常常被限制在自己的利益范围内。

6. Many people were______ of the vote count. (U5---A)

A. suspicious B. conspicuous C. malicious D. Courteous 许多人对投票数表示怀疑。

7. We should settle the dispute through negotiations without resorting to legal_______. (U5----A) A. processing B. pudding C. preceding D. Proceeding 我们应该通过谈判解决争端,而不诉诸法律程序。

8. They are at a ______meeting where important personnel matters are discussed. (U5----A)



A. presidential B. confidential C. confident D. Residential


9. Trembling hands and legs may ______feelings of fear or nervousness. (U5----A) A. denote B. devote C. decode D. define 颤抖的手和腿可能表示恐惧或紧张的感觉。

10. This is now the sixth ______ weekend that I’ve spent working hard, and I’m fed up with it. (U5----A)

A. distinctive B. deductive C. executive D. Consecutive


11. The ______of these two companies would create the world’s biggest accounting firm. (U5----B) A. charger B. merger C. danger D. Exchanger 这两家公司的合并将创造世界上最大的会计师事务所。

12. The mayor has remained ______ about plans to reduce the budget deficit. (U5----B) A. numb B. untouched C. mute D. Malicious 市长对减少预算赤字的计划一直保持沉默。

13. Future office buildings will be ______ into apartment. (U5----B)

A. convertible B. intelligible C. incompatible D. Negligible 未来的写字楼将可改造成公寓。

14. They are trying to ______our attention to something else. (U5----B)

A. revert B. convert C. divert D. Introvert 他们试图把注意力转移到别的地方。

15.The oil which is ______ from olives can be used for cooking. (U5----B)

A. extended B. extracted C. exempted D. Expended 从橄榄中提取的油可用于烹饪。

16. I don’t want anyone to think that we have ______ him out unfairly. (U5----B) A. shut B. reached C. sealed D. Singled


17. The supervisor put her ______eight babies, which kept her so busy in the morning that she had no time to eat. (U5----B)

A. in charge of B. in case of C. in face of D. in favor of