航海专业 英语听力与会话标准版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章航海专业 英语听力与会话标准版更新完毕开始阅读e611f7f8c8d376eeaeaa312c

第4章 装卸业务


第一节 备舱 第二节 工作安排 第三节 甲板值班 第四节 理货业务 第五节 装卸计划 第六节 货物交接手续 第七节 事故处理 第八节 特殊货物作业 第九节 进入封闭处所 第十节 污泊水处理

基本要求:掌握备舱、工作安排及甲板值班用语 本章重点:掌握理货业务及装卸计划用语


第4章 第一部分 单句


本部分应重点掌握下列专业词汇: 索引 1 2 6 7 11 14 14 18 19 21 21 24 27 32 39 45 49 70 73

词汇 replenish Heavy lift ventilator separation Interlock Emit flammable gas goods tarpaulin bulkhead Sling bottled extinguishing fasten consignee jumbo drug Kraft paper carton 重吊杆 含义 补充、供给 重大件 通风装置 隔离(lots票) 嵌锁,联锁装置 放出易燃气体 油布 舱壁 索 引 2 2 7 11 12 14 19 20 21 23 27 32 36 词汇 Double bottom tank ballast stowage To be secured clip Away from segregation foodstuff drum container Guy rope Mate‘s Receipt facilitate 压载 积载 绑扎 含义 双层底 吊货夹,闭锁把手 远离 隔票(lots票) 食品 感染性物品 桶(包装形式) 集装箱 稳索 大副收据 便利 货物(尤其指危险货物) 17 Infectious substances 司令扣(一种装卸工具0 瓶装的 灭火器 系结,固定 收货人consignor发货人 毒品 出口/进口舱单 牛皮纸 (大的)纸板箱 Floating derrick, jumbo, heavy derrick, derrick, boom, carne 46 68 72 75 12

Smelling cargo Batten tally oxidizing 气味货 板条 理货 氧化剂 Export /import manifest 79 89 93

Spontaneous heating and combustion Stained by ?? Fragile cargo 有??锈渍 易碎品 自热自燃 92 93 rusty Broken space 生锈 亏舱 第4章 第二部分 对话


本部分为一组较简单的对话,并附一个问题,根据题干含义,选择一个最佳答案。 本部分应重点掌握下列专业词汇: 索引 1 6 14 18 24 28 29 31 34 44 53 58 60 TEU gantry scupper gangs stevedore Mac Gregor handsomely Cargo runner Free of dirt 词汇 Bale capacity 含义 包装舱容 20ft标准箱 跨运吊车,门式起重机 免于油污 排水孔 装卸工人 一种舱盖名称 吊货索 索引 1 13 14 23 26 30 32 44 词汇 Grain capacity Grain elevator Rubber seal Absorbent materials GENCON tent tackle frayed Frozen pork dunnage 含义 散装舱容 吸粮机 橡胶密封 吸收材料 金康合同 天蓬 辘轳,滑车 n. 受磨损 冻猪肉 垫舱物料 Handling turnover 工作幅度 工作小组,shift工班(从时间上来分) 为航运界一种航次租船的标准合同范本,charter party航次租船 漂亮地,慢又稳地 38 N/R, notice of readiness Not Responsible for ? Sagging, hogging canvas 帆布 对?不负责 55 59 中拱,中垂 装卸准备就绪通知书

第4章 第三部分 短文



第4章 第四、五部分 口述题和问答题


索引 词汇 含义 索 引 词汇 含义 13

11 18 22 47 62 69 80 92 25 37 44 57 66 67 stowpiece IMO Class IV pier Snatch block cleanliness tier Contagious Lid Sea-vavlve Boom Cargo runner hatchway Bulge shortship 码头 开口滑车 列 会感染的/infectious 盖子,眼睑 海水阀 舱口 凸出 12 21 32 52 67 76 89 23 30 38 53 63 67 二 Rope clips drum Mate‘s Receipt Pre-cooled Plank/batten combust Stain Rubber seal Charter party Tackle Notice Readiness athwartship pilfer transshipment 桶 大幅收据 燃烧 弄污染 橡皮密封阀 租船条约 滑车 of 装卸准备就绪通知书 横向的 盗 转载


Charter 4

1. Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board. a) The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargo. b) Precaution on loading and discharging. c) Maintenance during the voyage.

What name, IMO-Class ,package of the dangerous cargoes are. These also should be noticed to stevedores. The chief officer should make a stowage plan according to the IMDG.

Before loading or discharging dangerous cargoes, the officers should tell stevedores how to stow or leave the cargoes, where they are stowed and how to segregation them. Hoisted letter B flag and approved by the harbor master. Near the spot ,notice NO SMOKING.

When a vessel carrying dangerous cargoes, the carrier should take care of the dangerous cargoes. To control the temperature and ventilation during the voyage. 2. Describe the precaution before entering an enclosed space. a) The potential dangers in an enclosed space. b) The normal procedures. c) The important precautions.

The potential dangers in an enclosed space are lack of oxide and having dangerous gas. The person who enters an enclosed space may loss his life or cause poison or other dangers.

When you want to enter an enclosed space, the first you should ventilate the space, the second you should notice chief officer or others, the third you should test the mount of the oxide and dangerous gas in the enclosed space. If any doubt, you should put on self-breath appliances. The important precautions are ventilation, another crew standby. 3. Describe the procedures of cargo stowage.


a) The acquisition of information about the cargo to be carried. b) The principles and considerations on navigation safety. c) The modification of stowage plan.

What name, IMO-Class ,package of the dangerous cargoes are. These also should be noticed to stevedores. The chief officer also ask how many tons of dangerous cargoes will be carried.

Before loading or discharging dangerous cargoes, the officers should tell stevedores how to stow or leave the cargoes, where they are stowed and how to segregation them. Hoisted letter B flag and approved by the harbor master. Near the spot ,notice NO SMOKING. The carrier should take care of the dangerous cargoes. To control the temperature and ventilate during the voyage. When a vessel carrying dangerous cargoes, The chief officer should make a stowage plan according to the IMDG. If any modification of stowage plan, this must be noticed to the chief officer and be approved by the chief officer.

4. Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board. a) The initial responses

b) Tthe actions following up according to the SOREP(船舶防止油污染应急计划)on board. c) The precautions to be taken.

The initial response in case of an oil spill is sent oil spilling signal , notice the termination not to pump oil.

According to the SOREP, the first step is stop pump oil, then close the valves and all deck drainages. The third is to handle the spilling oil with absorbent materials or other means.

To stop pump oil is an important matter. To close the valves and all deck drainages are must be done.

5. Describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo. a) General factors to be taken into account in cargo stowage. b) Special considerations for cargo stowage.

The term stowage factor means the cargo‘s volume been divided by its weight. It is very important. From it, we can calculate how many cargoes can be carried. For example, if one ship‘s capacity is 12000 cubic meters and a kind of cargo‘s stowage factor is 1.5 cubic meters per ton, we calculate that ship can carry the cargo 8000 tons in weight. Of course, the ship‘s net dead weight is equal or bigger 8000 tons.

When we use cargo‘s stowage factor to calculate s ship‘s capacity, we must consider the broken space and ship‘s net dead weight. We also should consider that how many holds the ship has and the kinds of cargo. As us usually, we arrange these cargo, which has small stowage factor, in low hold, and those cargo, which has big stowage factor, in the tween-deck.

1. How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some?

There are nine classes of dangerous goods according to the IMDG Code. They are Explosives, Gases, Inflammable liquids, Inflammable solids, Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, Poisonous and infectious substances, Radioactive substances, Corrosive substances and Miscellaneous dangerous substances.

2. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?

If the cargo is easy to flame, for example, if one liquid‘s closed cup flash is less 61 centigrade, we will class it as flammable cargo—inflammable liquids. 3. Please describe the general nature of general cargo.