浙江省名校协作体2019届高三上学期第一次联考英语试题及答案解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章浙江省名校协作体2019届高三上学期第一次联考英语试题及答案解析更新完毕开始阅读e57a94d2a4e9856a561252d380eb6294dc88226a



1.A 【原文】

W: Sarah and John want to go to the ice cream shop after school. Do you want to meet them there before our study group?

M: No, I’ll go to the library earlier and study. I did badly on the last test, so I need extra time. 2.A 【原文】

M: Oh, no! The power goes off again. I haven’t finished this novel yet. W: You can read the book tomorrow morning. M: But I have to write a report then. 3.B 【原文】

W: John, have you ever heard of a shop called Big Bargains?

M: I heard someone talking about that the other day, but I’m not sure how to find it. W: It has opened on City Road. They have some really cheap products there. 4.C 【原文】

W: What is the price of admission to the museum?

M: The museum is free to enter, however several exhibitions require an entrance fee. Most are $10 except for the Modern Art section which is $15. W: I do love Modern Art. I’ll take two tickets please. 5.C 【原文】

M: What time will mum and dad be home? They seem to be spending a lot of time at their friend’s house these days.

答案与解析 第1页,共13页

W: Their friend is a co-worker who hasn’t been feeling very well for the past week so they are helping her with some of her chores. 6~7.A B 【原文】

W: I need you to change that shirt. I refuse to go to Ian’s party with you looking like that. Literally, in every picture we have together you are wearing that shirt. I know you have other clothes! M: This is my lucky shirt! I met you when I had this on. It was the reason why you came up to and talked to me in the first place!

W: It’s a formal event, Peter! Are you afraid to take it off?

M: Okay, here’s the truth. I tried to wash the suit I bought last weekend and I had left a chocolate bar in my pocket. It’s all ruined.

8~10.A B A 【原文】

W: Hello? Poison Control Center? I think I swallowed some apple seeds!

M: Are you allergic to apples? You need to eat at least a cup full of apple seeds before they would do any damage to you.

W: No, it was one apple with all the seeds inside and I feel strange now. It feels like my heart is going to explode. Am I going to die?

M: You are having a panic attack. Are you having trouble breathing as well? W: Yes! Oh, no! How long do I have left to live?

M: I can’t predict the day you will die, Miss, but it will not be from eating a few apple seeds. Please just calm down. Have a glass of water and relax.

W: I would feel more comfortable in the hospital. I will call a friend for a ride there instead of talking to you.

11~13.C B C 【原文】

W: Your cat is so loud. Does it need something? M: Charlie is just hungry. He gets like that around dinner.

答案与解析 第2页,共13页

W: Should we feed him? I think I saw cat food in the garage.

M: No, that is just an old bag I use for trash. I usually keep the new stuff in the basement, but I had to move it to the locked cupboard because he figured out how to open the door! Charlie is just fat. I fed him before you got here. If I don’t keep watch during feeding time, he will eat both the dogs’ foods, too.

W: Wow, that is a fat cat, but he is smart, too. I bet he is very interesting to watch sometimes. M: You have no idea. Sometimes I even catch him trying to open the fridge. He actually really loves fruit. Pears are both of our favorite fruits. Before I put a lock on the fridge, I would sometimes come home to find broken juice bottles he knocked over in there! The dogs are well behaved compared to him, the most they ever do is bite the furniture. W: I wonder if they can open doors too.

14~17.C A B C 【原文】

W: Did you see the news today? China has introduced a robot newsreader on TV.

M: That sounds strange! Who will believe it? All the viewers’ attention will be focused on the robot but not on the news.

W: It’s not an actual robot. It doesn’t have a physical presence. It’s a computer picture, based on a real person and brought to life through artificial intelligence. I think it’s funny.

M: You won’t think it’s funny when cheap robots start taking over your job…and my job. At the speed progress is going, everything will be done by reliable robots soon, and everything will be produced by robots. Where will we humans earn the money to buy the things the robots produce? W: Don’t be so desperate. Perhaps it will be a lovely world in the future, with robots doing all the hard work so people can do the things they really want to do.

M: Or maybe it will go the way it is already going, where a few smart business people gradually control more and more.

W: Try to look on the bright side. Robots can’t think original thoughts. They can’t produce original art. Creativity — that is where value will be found in the future.

18~20.C B D

答案与解析 第3页,共13页



18.细节理解题。根据第一段第一句I started to worry when the golf car taking me, Steve, and our suitcases stopped in the middle of the Maine forest.(当载着我和史蒂夫的高尔夫车停在缅因森林中央时,我开始担心起来。)可知作者对这次旅行感到紧张和不安。故选C。

19.细节理解题。根据第五段中He jammed a chair under the door handle. \He smiled.(他在门把手下面塞了一把椅子。在那里,他笑了,因为有了额外的安全保障。)可知史蒂夫在门把手下面放了一把椅子,免得作者担心。故选B。

20.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第一句I started to worry when the golf car taking me, Steve, and our suitcases stopped in the middle of the Maine forest.(当载着我和史蒂夫的高尔夫车停在缅因森林中央时,我开始担心起来。)以及文章主要记叙了作者在圆顶帐篷担惊受怕过完一晚的故事。故D选项符合文章标题。故选D。

21~23.D B D 【解析】



21.推理判断题。根据第一段中Not only does it get you out of the airport faster but it's also free. Not any longer. however.(它不仅能让你更快地离开机场,而且还是免费的。然而,现在不是了。)可知第一段想要传达人们将不再有免费随身携带行李箱的选择。故选D。

22.细节理解题。根据第四段中You might assume that the new carry-on bag guidelines are due to space limitations in the overhead bins, but it has more to do with on-time rates(你可能会认为新的随身行李指南是由于行李架的空间限制,但它更多地与准时率有关。)以及For every minute a plane isn’t in the air, it's losing money.(每有一分钟飞机不在空中,它就在赔钱。)可知越来越多的航空公司开始对随身行李收费的原因是空间限制、准时率和预算的增加。没有提到乘客的支持。故选B。

23.主旨大意题。根据文章第二段第一句Recently, some airlines are starting to charge for carry-on bags, and travelers aren't at all happy about it.(最近,一些航空公司开始对随身携带的

答案与解析 第4页,共13页