浅谈中学生英语语感的培养 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章浅谈中学生英语语感的培养更新完毕开始阅读e39d922b915f804d2b16c166

分类号: G424 2011届成人高等教育本科生毕业论文

作 者 姓 名: 刘 清

教学点名称: 灵璧教学点

所 学 专 业: 英 语

指导教师姓名: 吴 文 权

指导教师职称: 讲 师

2011 年 4 月 15 日

题目: 浅谈中学生英语语感的培养


Content abstract: the new English curriculum standards emphasizes education for students to strengthen quality, form good learning habits and self-study ability. In language ability, in addition to put forward to make the students master the basic knowledge of certain language outside and basic skills, also raises the student's language sense, causes the student to obtain the ability of using English, preliminary study better for students in English and in English communication to lay the foundation. Teachers should strengthen heard training, train language sense, systematically arranged listening course, charity edition synchronous listening, each topic workbook has a problem sets, content from easy to difficult, gradual, students listen do, training language cognitive skills and reaction ability, is advantageous in the formation of the language. English is an instrument for communication, students must dare say. Oral communication training teachers from easy to difficult, gradual, perserve.

Keywords: Intensive training; Reading and recite; Creating context

摘 要


关键词: 强化训练 ; 阅读和背诵 ; 创设情境


Abstract ⅰ

摘 要 ⅱ Lead speech ⅲ Mesh record 1

1, strengthen heard training, train language sense 2

1.1 through listening activities, training language sensation ability By speaking 1.2 training language abilityBy creating context, 2 1.3 training language ability 3 activities, 2

2, in reading and recite, trained language sense 5

2.1 in reading appreciation language In reading and recite 5 2.2 to perceive the language 5

3, emphasize the students' writing training, development language sense 7 4, creating context, the teachers and students interact, enhancement language sense 8 5, strengthen the function of English in class 9 Bibliography 10 Express one's thanks 11