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发布时间 : 星期日 文章词汇学 名词解释(张韵斐主编版)更新完毕开始阅读e3935636b52acfc789ebc98e


1,word:fundamental units of speech and hacing a mininum, free form.it is a unity of sound and meaning,capable of performing a given syntactical function.

2,morpheme:the minimal meaningful unit of the english language,possesses both sound and meaning.the morpheme is not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. An allomorph(词素变体)is any of the various form of a morpheme. 3,freemorpheme:is one that can stand by itself as a complete utterance.

4,bound morpheme:cannot exist on its own,mit must appear with at least one other morpheme.

5,roots and affixes:

a root is the basic unchangeable part of a word,and it conveys the main lexical meaning of the word.

Affix is a collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme.

6,inflectional affixes and derivational affixes:

An inflectional affix serves to express such meanings as plurality,tense,and the comparative or superlative degree.it does not form a new word with new lexical meaning when it is added to another word. inflectional affixes have only thier particular grammatical meaning.

derivational affixes are subdivided into prefixes and suffixes,which are used to related to the formation of new words.

7,free root and bound root:

Free root can stand alone as woeds and provide the language with a basis for the formation of new words.

Bound root cannot appear as woeds in modern English, although they were once words,nor can they be used to form new words.

8,hybrid:a hybrid is a word made up of elements from two or more different language.

9,compounding/composition:it is a word-formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit,a conpound word.

10,word-formation rule:the rules of word-formation define the scope and methods whereby speakers of a language may create new words.

11,initialisms and acronyms:

Initialism is a type of shortening,using the first letters of wors to form a proper name,a technical term , or a phrase.

Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scietific term.

12,polysemy:it means a single word having several or many meanings.

13,homonyms:homonyms are words different in meaning,but identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in spelling or sound.

14,syonyms:words which nearly the same denotative meaning are syonyms,and the relationship between them is one of synonymy.

15,antonymy:words that are opposite are antonyms.

16,huponymy:it is the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical item. 17,blending:it is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words , one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not

in their full forms.

18,back-formation: it is a term used to refer to a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language.

19,reduplication:it is a minor type of word-formation by a compound word which is created by the repetition of one word like go-go.

20,grammatical meaning and lexical meaning:

Grammatical meaning is indispensable in determining the position a word occupies in a sentence.it consists of word-class and inflectional paradigm

lexical meaning is that aspect of sense proper to the word as a lexical item.

21,semantic field theory:it is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as a system of interrrelated lexical networks.

22,linguistic context:three main types of linguistic context are the lexical,grammatical and vorbal context in its broad sense.

23,extra-linguistic context/context of situation:

(1) the actual speech situation in which a word(or an utterance,or a speech event)occurs. (2) The entire cultural back ground agaicst ehich a word ,or an utterance or a speech event

has to be set. 24,clipping:deletion of one or more syllables from a word (usually a noun),which is also available in its full form. 词语辨析

1 Plains /pleinz/ a large strentch of flat land Planes /pleinz/ aeroplane

2 row / r?u/ a neat line (of people or things) side by side Row /rau/ uproar,noisy distuibance 3 sound / saund/ n. Pronounce Sound / saund/ adj. Healthy

4 waist /weist/ the narrow part of the human body between the ripes and the hips. Waste /weist/ a useless or profitless spending.

Compound words

(1) 1 someone who writes songs. Songwriter

2 someone who cleans windows. Window-cleaner 3 the race for arms. Arms race

4 the train in the morning. Morning train 5 gold mine 6 sunbathing 7 dirt cheap

8 sun-tanned

(2)1 a drop of rain ; the bed for flowers

2 impermeable to air ; as green as sew

3 a remark that is meant well ; a person that behaves well 4 houses ruined by war

5 one who designs computer ; one who baths in the sun 6 steam powers or operates engine ; an engine prevents fire 7 the worm produces silk ; ;the gas produces light 8 one who writes by hand ; one who finds fault

9 a ship that goes across oceans ; people who love peace 10 one who teaches language ; one who sits with the babaies 11 boys bred in country

1 knee-deep 2 lifelike 3 snow-white 4 nation-wide 5 shoulder-high 6 pitch-dark/black 7 carefree 8 soundproof 9 fireproof 10 lifelong 填空

Reject 拒绝;退回,摈弃 n.不合格产品 Refuse 拒绝做某事 Decline 谢绝帮助

Rapid 瞬间的 Fast 快速的

Range/fury 狂怒 Indignation 义愤


Fair-dark empty-full faint-loud low-high gloomy-bright sad-joyful/cheerful dark-bright rough-soft/gentle decline-accept/rise peculiar-common/average light-dark/heavy fresh-stale/faded thin-fat/thick wild-domestic/garden dull-interesting/clever deep-shallow/surface seldom-often hard-easy/soft over-under scarce-plentiful backward-forward 总分关系