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⑵《建筑空间论——如何品评建筑》 张似赞译,北京:建工,1985,台北:2001

Architecture as Space: How to Look at Architecture

17. (日) 芦原义信 ⑴(《外部空间设计》,尹培桐译,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1985 ⑵《街道的美学》,尹培桐译,百花文艺(这个出版社的建筑书经常有错别字),2006

18. (美)C?詹克斯 Jencks, Charles. ⑴《后现代建筑语言》,李大夏摘译,北京:建工,1986 The Language of Post-modernism ⑵《晚期现代建筑及其他》,刘亚芬译,建工,1989

Late-Modern Architecture and Other

19. (美)凯文?林奇 Lynch, Kevin. ★

⑴《城市的印象》项秉仁译,北京:建工,1990; 《城市意象》,方益萍等译,华夏出版社,2001

The Image of the City

⑵《城市形态》 林庆怡等译,华夏出版社,2001(华夏这一套书好像翻译得不大好) Good City Form,

⑶(美)凯文?林奇, 加里?海克,《总体设计》,黄富厢等译,北京:建工,1999。 台湾有陈迈译本《敷地计划》

Lynch, Kevin. Hack, Gary. Site Planning

20. 《世界建筑史丛书》,一套12本,北京:建工 ★ ⑴(英)S?劳埃德和(德)H?W?米勒,《远古建筑》 高云鹏译, 1999 S. Lloyd, H. W. Müller, Architttura dello origini, Storia dell’architettura ⑵(法)罗兰?马丁《希腊建筑》 , 张似赞、张军英译,1999

Rolan Martin, Greek Architecture ⑶(英)约翰?B?沃德-珀金斯,《罗马建筑》, 吴葱、张威、庄岳译,1999 John B. Ward-Perkins, Roman Architecture ⑷(德)汉斯?埃里希?库巴赫,《罗马风建筑》,汪丽君译,1999 Hans Erich Kubach, Romanesque Architecture ⑸(美)西里尔?曼戈,《拜占庭建筑》,张本慎等译,2000 Cyril Mango, Byzantine Architecture ⑹(法)路易斯?格罗德茨基,《哥特建筑》,吕舟、洪勤译,2000 Louis Grodecki, Gothic Architecture ⑺(英)彼得?默里 《文艺复兴建筑》,王贵祥译,1999

Peter Murray, Renaissance Architecture ⑻(挪)克里斯蒂安?诺伯格-舒尔茨,《巴洛克建筑》,刘念雄译,2000

Christian Norberg-Schulz, Baroque Architecture ⑼(英)米德尔顿和戴维?沃特金,《新古典主义与19世纪建筑》,邹晓玲等译,2000 Robin Middleton, David Watkin , Neoclassical and 19th Century Architecture ⑽(意)马里奥?布萨利,《东方建筑》,单军、赵炎译,段晴校,1999 Mario Bussagli, Oriental Architecture

⑾(美)约翰?D?霍格 《伊斯兰建筑》,杨昌鸣等译,刘壮羽中校,1999

John D. Hoag, Islamic Architecture

⑿(意)曼弗里多?塔夫里和弗兰西斯科?达尔科,《现代建筑》, 刘先觉等译,2000 Manfredo Tafuri, Francesco Dal Co, Architettura contemporanea

21. 简?雅各布斯,《美国大城市的生与死》★ Jacobs, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities

22. (挪)克里斯蒂安?诺伯格-舒尔兹, Norberg-Schulz, Christian. ⑴《建筑的意向》

Intentions in Architecture ⑵《存在?空间?建筑》》 尹培桐译,北京:建工,1985。台北有王淳隆译本。 Existence, Space and Architecture

23. (英)尼古拉斯?佩夫斯纳《反理性主义者与理性主义者》,邓敬等译,建工,2003 Pevsner, Nikolaus. Richards, J. M. Sharp, Dennia. The Anti-Rationalists and Rationalists

24. (美)柯林?罗、弗瑞德?科特,《拼贴城市》,童明译,李德华校,北京:建工,2003 Rowe, Colin. Koetter, Fred. Collage City

25. (美)肯尼斯?弗兰姆普敦,Frampton, Kenneth.

⑴《现代建筑——一部批判的历史》原山译,北京:建工,1988;三联,2004 Modern Architecture: a Critical History ⑵《建构文化研究——论19世纪和20世纪建筑中的建造诗学》王骏阳译,建工,2007 Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Contruction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture

26. (美)克里斯?亚伯,《建筑与个性——对文化和技术变化的回应》,张磊等译,建工,2003

Abel, Chris. Architecture & Identity: Response to Culture and Technological Change 27. (英)爱德华兹,《可持续性建筑》,周玉鹏、宋晔皓译,建工,2003 Edwards, Brian. Sustainable Architecture 28. (英)布莱恩?劳森,《空间的语言》,杨青娟等译,建工,2003

Lawson, Bryan. The Language of Space 29. (美)塔勃特?哈姆林编,《建筑形式美的原则》,邹德侬译,建工,1982

Hamlin,Talbot. Forms and Functions of Twentieth-Century Architecture Volume II: The Principles of Composition

30. (美)克里斯托弗?亚历山大 Christopher Alexander 北京:知识产权出版社 ⑴《建筑模式语言》 王听度、周序鸿译,2002 A Pattern Language

⑵《建筑的永恒之道》 赵冰译,冯纪忠审校,2002 The Timeless Way of Building

⑶《城市设计新理论》 陈治业、童丽萍译,2005 A New Theory Urban Design

⑷《俄勒冈实验》赵冰,刘小虎译,2002 The Oregon Experiment

31. (美)汤姆?沃尔夫,《从包豪斯到现在》,关肇邺译,清华大学出版社,1984年。★

T. Wolfe. From Bauhaus to our House(很滑稽很好看的一本书) 32. (意)P?L?奈尔维,《建筑的艺术与技术》,黄运升译,建工,1981 Nervi, Pier Luigi. Aesthetics and Technologyin Building 33. (美)卡斯滕?哈里森,《建筑的伦理功能》, 申佳、陈朝晖译,华夏,北京,2001 Harries, Karsten. The Ethical Function of Architecture

34. (美)伊恩?伦诺克斯?麦克哈格 《设计结合自然》芮经纬译,建工,1992★ MacHarg, Ian. Design with Nature 35. 西蒙兹,《大地景观——环境规划指南》,程里尧译,建工,1990

J.O. Simonds, Earthscape: A Manual of Environmental Planning 36. (日)针之谷钟吉,《西方造园变迁史:从伊甸园到天然公园》,邹洪灿译,建工,1991

(译者是龙先生的学生) 37. (美)保罗?拉索,《图解思考:建筑表现技法》,邱贤丰译,建工,1988,1998,2002

Laseau, Paul. Graphic thinking for Architects & Designers 38. (苏)金兹堡,《风格与时代》,陈志华译(自1982英文版),建工1991;陕西师大2004

Гинзбург, M. Я. Style and Epoch 39. 查马耶夫?亚历山大,《社区与私密性》,王锦堂译, 台北:台隆书店1979 40. Joedi Jurgen,《近代建筑史》,孙全文译, 台北:台隆书店1982 41. 雷诺?班汉(Reyner Banham),《近代建筑概论》,王纪鲲译, 台北:台隆书店1975 42. S.E. Rasmus,《城镇与建筑》,宋伯钦译,台隆书店,台北,1974年第一版。 43. (德)犹根?伊奥迪克,《一九四五年以后的建筑》 李俊仁译,台北:台隆书店,1980

Joedicke, Jürgen. Architecture Since 1945

(记得很久以前冯纪忠先生翻译过约迪克的《建筑设计方法论》) 44. (美)埃德蒙?N?培根,《城市设计》,黄富厢、朱琪编译,建工,1989,2003 Edmund N. Bacon, Design of Cities

45. (英)迈克?詹克斯、伊丽莎白?伯顿、凯蒂?威廉姆斯编著,《紧缩城市:一种可持续发展的城市形态》周玉鹏等译,建工,2004

Mike Jenks, Elizabeth Burton, Katie Williams. The Compact City: A Sustainable Urban form?

46. (意)L?贝纳沃罗,《世界城市史》, 薛钟灵等译,北京:科学出版社,2000 Benevolo, Leonardo. Die geschichte der stadt 47. (美)芒福德,《城市发展史:起源、演变和前景》,倪文彦等译,建工,1989年。 Mumford, Lewis. The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects

48. (英) 卡莫纳等《城市设计的维度》冯江、袁粤、万谦、傅娟、张红虎译,南京:江苏科技,2005★

Carmona, Mathew. Heath, Tim. Oc, Taner. Tiesdell, Steven. Public Places- Urban Spaces: the dimensions of urban design.

还有许多译著未来得及列入,例如William Mitchell所著《比特之城》《我++:电子自我和互联城》以及刘东洋博士翻译的《城之理念》和Rykwert的另一本书《亚当之家》等。

遭到过评论者强烈抨击的部分译著也未收录。 〖英文部分〗A-Z

根据作者或者译者姓氏的第一个字母排序。大量的书目推荐直接来自刘东洋博士。 东方建筑文化研究所已藏的标以 ㊣

1. Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. The University of Chicago Press. 1958,1998 2. Benedikt, Michael. For an Architecture of Reality. Lumen Books. 1987

3. Edited by Benedikt, Michael. Center Volumn 9: A Journal for Architecture in America. The University of Texas at Austin, 1995

4. Blier, Suzanne Preston, The Anatomy of Architecture: Ontology and Metaphor in Batammaliba Architectural Expression. The University of Chicago Press, 1987 ㊣ 5. Bloomer, Kent C. and Moore , Charls W. Body, Memory, and Architecture. Yale University Press, 1977

6. Edited by Borden, Ian. Kerr, Joe et al. The Unkown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space. The MIT Press, 2002 ㊣

7. Boyer, M. Christine. Dreaming the Rational City Planning: the Myth of American City Planning. The MIT Press, 1986,1997(6th printing) ㊣

8. Boyer, M. Christine. The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainments. The MIT Press, 1996, 2001(5th printing)

9. Calthorpe, Peter. The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community, and the American Dream. Princeton Architectural Press, 1993

10. Edited by Campbell, Scott. Fainstein, Susan S. Reading in Planning Theory. Blackwell, 1996, 2003(2nd edition)

11. Castelles, Manuel. The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach. Translated by Alan Sheridan. Edward Arnold. 1972,1979

12. Edited by Christopher Tilley. Reading Material Culture: Structuralism, Hermenertics and Post-Structuralism. Basil Blackwell, 1990

13. Edited by Corner, James. Recovering Landscape: Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture. Princeton Architectural Press, 1999

14. Crowe, Norman. Nature and the Idea of a Man-made world: An Investigation into the Evolutionary Roots of Form and Order in the Built Environment. The MIT Press, 1997 15. De Landa, Manuel. A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History. Swerve, 2000 ㊣ 16. Dirks, Nicholas B. Eley, Geoff et al. Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory. Princeton University Press, 1994

17. Doczi, Gy?rgy. The Power of Limits: Propotional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture. Shambhala, 1994

18. Edited by Dodds, George and Tavernor, Robert. Body and Building: Essays on the Changing Relation of Body and Architecture. The MIT Press, 2002. For Joseph Rykwert on his seventy-year birthday.