【完整打印版】小学三年级英语下册教案新 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章【完整打印版】小学三年级英语下册教案新更新完毕开始阅读e16f7b0c53d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e3f72

习:brother, father, mother.

3.Let’s discuss

(1)呈现对话:Is she your mother? Is ’t. Yes, ’t. (4)呈现一些学生爸爸妈妈的照片,在教师引导下看照片作对话。 T:Who’s that man/ woman? T: Is she your mother? / Is ’t. 4.Let’s practice

用笑脸和哭脸来操练Is she/ ’t. Step3 Extension 1.Let’s chant:

Who’s that? Who’s that? Who’s that boy? Brother, brother. He’s my brother.Who’s that? Who’s that? Who’s that man? Father, father. He’s my father. Who’s that? Who’s that? Who’s that woman? Mother, mother.She’s my mother.

2.Let’s play


3.Free talk:

Who’s that boy/ girl? Guess.

Is she your mother? / Is ’t. He/ she is?

4.完成作业本相关作业。 Step4 Summing up

1.总结本课所学的三会单词和三会句子。 2.Homework: (1)背诵对话。 (2)读一读,并选择

( )(1)---Who’s that man? ---_______

A. He’s my father. B.She’s my mother C.It’s my brother. ( )(2)Who is _________woman? A. it B.this C. that


(1)She’my mother.(2)No, she isn’t. (3)Guess!(4)Is she your sister?(5) Who’s that woman?


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Unit2 My family B.Let’s talk

Whos’ that boy? He’s my brother. Is she your mother? Yes, she is. Is ’t. He’s my teacher!



教学内容: B.Let’s learn 教学目标:

1.能够听、说、认读单词:sister, grandmother, grandma, grandfather, grandpa, family.. 2.能够听、说、读句型:This is my family. This is my grandpa.并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。


4.培养学生要尊敬老人、团结友爱的品德。 教学重点:掌握三会单词和句子。

教学难点:能够在具体的语境中灵活运用句型:This is? 教学准备:课件,录音机,磁带,词卡,照片。 教学过程:

Step1 Warming up & Revision

1.Enjoy a song”Come and see my family” 2.Let’s chant

This is mother, kind and dear. This is father, standing near. This is brother, see & practice 1.Let’s learn

(1) Enjoy a film, learn the word “family”.

呈现公益广告影片“Family”,让学生们感受家庭的爱和自己的责任。学习单词family. (2)Whose family photo is this?

呈现全家福照片:Whose family photo is this? 学生:This is my family phot. 引导学生用学过的句子来提问:Whos’ that man? Who’s that woman? Who’s that boy? Who’s that girl?通过学生之间的对话,引出新单词并学习。

(3)学习新单词:sister, grandfather, grandpa, grandmother, grandma.(grandpa, grandma

- 14 - 多用于口语中)

(4)Describe the pictures

呈现Let’s learn动画,让学生用This is my?描述family tree 上的人物。 2.综合操练

让学生拿出自己的全家福照片,在小组内向其他同学进行介绍。 Step3 Extension 1,Let’s chant (1)呈现chant动画。


(3)学生可以以本课的chant为依托,以小组为单位改编chant,并进行展示。 2.学唱歌曲I love my family. 3. Make a family tree.

让学生制作自己的family tree, 并在小组内进行介绍和交流。 4.完成课堂作业本的相关作业。 Step4 Summing up

1.总结本课所学的单词和句子。 2.Homework:


(2)读一读,画一画 1.This is my grandpa. 2.This is my grandma. 3.This is my sister. 4.This is my mother. (3)读一读,制作一个家庭树

father mother grandfather grandmother sister brother me(uncle aunt) 板书设计:

Unit2 My family B.Let’s learn

This is my family. This is my sister/ grandmother/ grandma/ grandfather/ grandpa. (四线格)




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2.能够准确完成Start to read和Let’s check的内容。

3.了解Story time部分的故事内容,能够听懂、会说,分角色表演故事。 4.学唱歌曲I love my family.


教学重点;完成Start to read和Let’s check部分的内容,了解Story time部分的小故事。 教学难点:正确理解歌曲的含义,能够分角色表演小故事。 教学准备:课件,录音机,磁带,词卡。 教学过程:

Step1 Warming up & Revision

1.Enjoy the song”I love my family”. 2.Sing a song.

(1)播放歌曲“Mommy finger”。


3.Review the words:快速认读本单元的单词。最后创编一个小歌谣,如Father, father, this is my father?

4.Free talk:用全家福照片,进行会话交流。 Step2 Presentation & practice 1.Start to read

Read and match.呈现P19Read and match内容,讲明题意,让学生仔细观察,认真阅读,完成连线。

2.Let’s check:(1)Listen and number:教师呈现P20该题内容,先让学生描述一下书上4幅图片的内容,然后播放录音,让学生听音完成编号。最后师生一起核对答案。

(2)Look and tick:教师呈现P20该题内容,让学生看图,根据图片从A和 B中选择正确的一项。然后核对答案。最后让学生对图片进行简单描述。

3. Story time

(1)教师出示故事的图片,播放动画,让学生整体感知故事内容。 (2)以教师为主导,解决故事中的难点词句。

A.actress:;课件呈现女演员的照片,进行学习。对比学习actor和 actress.

B.Wait a minute! 复习上册Recycle2 Read 里面的情节内容,以此复习Wait a minute!组织学生进行学说。

C.How beautiful! 课件呈现很漂亮的图片,教师用夸张的表情说该句子,让学生理解意思。然后呈现其它漂亮的图片,让学生赞美图片。

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