内布拉斯加大学招聘昆虫毒理学方向访问学者 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章内布拉斯加大学招聘昆虫毒理学方向访问学者更新完毕开始阅读e161f5bb647d27284a735178



内布拉斯加大学林肯分校昆虫学系招聘昆虫毒理学方向访问学者,交流访问时间9个月。要求昆虫学、分子生物学、毒理学等相关领域博士或同等学历,擅长昆虫毒理学研究,有博士后研究经验预先。 INSECT TOXICOLOGIST. The Department of Entomology at the University of

Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources invite applications for a tenure line position of Insect Toxicologist at the Assistant to Full Professor rank (9-month appointment) with expertise and interest in one or more related areas of expertise: resistance to insecticides in cropping systems (including natural products, pathogens, transgenic, and novel technologies such as RNA interference), target site discovery, and assessment of ecological risk to non-target organisms. Expectations are to develop a nationally recognized program in Insect Toxicology that will complement existing programs and participate in the academic unit’s undergraduate and graduate instruction. A Ph.D. degree or equivalent in entomology, molecular biology, toxicology, or related field before employment begins, and research expertise in Insect Toxicology. Preferred qualifications include postdoctoral or other relevant experience and success or potential for success in grantsmanship, scholarship, and student mentoring. Research experience involving xenobiotic stress in insects, target site discovery providing sustainable and environmentally safe pest management approaches, or risk assessment to non-target organisms. 学校简介:

内布拉斯加大学(The University of Nebraska),简称NU,是于1869年根据《土地拨赠法案》创建的公立大学,是内布拉斯加州最大的大学系统,也是内布拉斯加州唯一的公立大学。该大学系统由内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 位于该州首府林肯市, 该大学系统的旗舰校区,也是该州的学术文化中心)、内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校 (University of Nebraska at Omaha), 位于该州最大城市奥马哈)、内布拉斯加大学医学中心(University of Nebraska Medical Center) 和内布拉斯加大学卡尼尔分校 (University of Nebraska at Kearney) 四个校区组成。该大学系统还包含一个名为内布拉斯加大学农业技术学院 (Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture) 的农业技术与培训学校, 由内布拉斯加大学林肯分校代为管理。

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/