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一.词组翻译(10*1`) 二.改错(5*2`)

三.句子翻译(10*2`) 四.Cloze(10*2`) 五.段落翻译(1*50`)

一. 词组翻译(10*1`)

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


strong tea 美术馆 art gallery 展览馆 exhibit hall 打的 take a taxi 白卷

unanswered test paper 红茶 black tea 假钞

counterfeit money; forged note 礼仪小姐 ritual girl 基本工资 basic salary

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

基本设施 infrastructure 浓烟

dense smoke 美术馆 art gallery 展览馆 exhibit hall 打水

fetch water 白丁

illiterate person 红利 bonus 假钞

counterfeit money; forged note 假花

artificial flower


? 我愿与你共甘共苦。

? I want to share your ups and downs.

? 如此恶毒的谎言不啻暗箭伤人。

? Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back.

? 对他那号人你还是敬而远之为妙。

? You’d better give a wide berth to a guy of his sort.

? 我没有添油加醋,我说的都是事实。 ? I didn’t spice up. All I said is true.

? 他在会议上的讲话有点喧宾夺主了。

? His speech at the meeting seemed to have stolen the show.

? 那个歌星也只是昙花一现,除了两张唱片就销声匿迹了。

? That singer was only a flash in the pan. He disappeared into the air after having released

two albums.

? 他试几次都失败了,所以现在也只能听天由命了。

? He failed all his attempts and now he has to resign to his fate.

? 如今木已成舟,你再反对又有什么用?

? Now the die is already cast, what’s the point of standing against it?

? 志向高远是好事,但光有远大的志向是不够的。

? It’s great to hitch your wagon to a star, but that alone is not enough.

? 他的妻子威胁说要跟他离婚,从此他决定改邪归正。

? After his wife threatened him with divorce, he decided to straighten up and fly right.

? 多数人兴高采烈之日,却是少数人伤心失意之时

? For most ( of the people ), it is a day of happiness; for some( of the people ), sadness.

? 外交人员应该立场坚定、目光远大、头脑敏捷、业务熟练、才华出众、风格高尚。 ? The diplomats should be firm in stand, far-sighted in vision, swift in mind, proficient in

talent, noble in personality.


《论语》一开头就记载着孔子的教导:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”孔子这句话包含了极丰富的意蕴,对于我们今天理解和阐明中国文化的根本精神有重要的价值。“远方”暗示着生活方式和思想观念的差异。中国人向来把来自远方的人当做可尊敬的朋友来看待, 并且真诚地相信他们身上必有值得学习借鉴的地方。同时,中国人也希望自己的文化在与外人面前也能展示一种魅力。《论语》 有一段重要的记载:“叶公问政。子曰:近者悦,远者来。”这就说,一个国家的政治搞得好,应该使你的近邻欢乐,还要使远方的人们仰慕你的文化,到你这里来观摩学习。

The Analects (Lunyu) begins (begin) with the Confucius edict: “Is it not a pleasure to meet (meet)friends from afar?” The rich connotation implied in these words is of great value to our understanding and illumination of the essential spirit of Chinese culture today. “Afar” implies (imply) difference in ways of life and ideology. Confucius’s attitude shows (show) that the Chinese have always highly respected (respect) friends from a long way off and aspired to learn (aspire, learn ) from them. At the same time, there existed (exist) the wish to present (present) charm to the outsiders. There is an important record from The Analects:” Magistrate of the Ye County asked (ask) about governance. Confucius replied (reply): Good governance makes (make) one’s neighbors happy and attracts (attract) people from faraway places.” It means that if

well-governed your country will delight the neighboring countries and attract the people afar to admire your culture and to come and learn (come, learn) from you.


Laozi, also known (know) as Classic of the Way and Virtue (Dao De Jing), consists (consist) of just over 5,000 characters. Its 81 chapters are divided (divide) into two parts, Dao (the Way) and De (Virtue). Brief as it is, the book has played (play) a tremendous role in the development of Chinese culture. It served as/ became (become) the basis of Taoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in ancient China. According to its thoughts, Taoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China, came into being with Laozi as its first ancestor. Laozi was first introduced (introduce) into Europe in about the 15th century and has been (be) one of the most widely translated philosophical works of ancient China. Many of Laozi’s enlightening views are based ( base) on the core of his philosophy: naturalness and non-action.