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2008~2009 学年 第 2学期

课 题 §22、Weather Routing and Weather Message 课 型 理论课 班级 航海07 时第1周 星期3 间 第6.7节 导 学 At the end of the class, the students will be able to grasp the futher 目 标 detailed information about the chart(types of charts, chart correction and procedurs ). 重 点 chart correction 难 点 教学方法段 手 precedures Reading & Writing 导 学 过 程 设 计 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 时 间 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision Review what they’ve learnt in the last lesson by asking some questions. Step 3 New Lesson 1. Pre-reading Lead-in questions 2. While-reading Explain the main points in details. Step4 Summary(Post-reading) Summarize the important points for the whole lesson. Step 5 Homework 1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today 2) Learn by heart what we have learnt today about nautical chart Listen and simulate Listen and simulate 5min 10 min 15min 25min 10min 15min 10min Listen and simulate Listen and simulate 目标测试题目 教材复习思考题:Required revision and preparation; Respective Exercises 课 题 §22、Weather Routing and Weather Message & Radar and ARPA 课 型 理论课 班级 航海07 时第2周 星期3 间 第6.7节 导 学 At the end of the class, the students will be able to grasp the basic 目 标 knowledge about Notices to Mariners. 重 点 basic information about NM 难 点 教学方法段 手 some related information Reading & Writing 导 学 过 程 设 计 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 时 间 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision 1. Some questions according to last class 2. Dictate the words and phrases Step 3 Lead-in (ask questions) Step 4 New Lesson 1. Learn new words and expressions 2. Ss read passages about 3. Some translations Step 5 Summary Ask some questions to check if Ss have understood the text Step 6 Homework 1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today 2) Learn by heart what we have learnt today Listen and simulate Listen and simulate 5min 10 min 15min 25min 10min 15min 10min Listen and simulate Listen and simulate 目标测试题目 教材复习思考题:Required revision and preparation; Respective Exercises