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29 Anthony twisted to face her. \and ambulance.\again, more sharply, \Ma'am, listen! Go to your house and call the police ─ call an ambulance. Go!\

安东尼扭转身子面对着她。“女士,”他对她说,声音很镇静, “回家去。叫警察和救护车来。”凯特没听进他的话,伸着手要抱孩子。安东尼又开口了,口气严厉了许多,“夫人,听着!回家打电话叫警察——叫救护车,快!” 30

Kate tore back to the house, made the calls, then reached her husband, Gary, via his beeper.

凯特飞奔回家,打了电话,又通过寻呼机找到她丈夫加里。 31

When the first police car arrived, Anthony was still holding little Scott. The conductor knew from the child's cries that he was alive, but Scott might have internal injuries that any movement could worsen. So Anthony insisted the emergency personnel check the boy before he would release his grip. Miraculously, Scott's injuries were not serious, requiring just 13 stitches.

第一辆警车到达时,安东尼仍然紧抱着年幼的斯科特。列车员从孩子的哭声知道他还活着,但斯科特可能有内伤,稍一动弹就有可能加重伤势。因此安东尼坚持让急救人员先对孩子进行检查,然后才放手。真是奇迹,斯科特伤势不重,只需缝十三针。 32

There had been only 14 inches between the plow blade and the ground. Reporters later asked Anthony if he had hesitated before risking his life.

雪铲与地面之间只有十四英寸。记者后来问安东尼他在冒生命危险救孩子之前有否犹豫。 33

\ahead of them, and if I do nothing, they're dead. There was no way I could let that happen.\ “没有,”他回答道,“我当时所想到的就是那两个孩子前头还有整个人生,如果我不采取行动,他们必死无疑。我决不能让这样的悲剧发生。” 34

Soon after the incident, Anthony visited the Pritchards' home. He recalls putting his arms around Todd and Scott and lifting them. \sheltered them under the train. It was a strange feeling, holding them again ─ and wonderful too.\ 事故发生后不久,安东尼去普里查德家探望。他还记得他用双臂抱住托德和斯科特并将两人举起的情景。“这让我想起当时在火车底下我护着他们的情景。再一次抱住他们的感觉是奇特的——也是美妙的。” 35

Since that first visit, the Pritchards say that Anthony has almost become a member of the family. They also report that a fence now separates their neighborhood from the railroad track. 普里查德夫妇说,自从第一次来探望之后,安东尼几乎成了他们家庭的一员。他们还说,现在有道栅栏把他们的街坊与铁轨隔开了。

Part Text B The Night the River Came InⅢ

China is no stranger to the dangers of floods. But in this she is not alone. Others too have had to learn to live with the possibility that the gentle river on their doorstep may one day reach out to grab them, turning their lives upside down.

中国常常遭受洪水之害。但是中国并不是惟一的洪水受害国。其它国家的人也不得不学会接受洪水为害的可能性 :他们家门口那条平静的大河也许有一天会漫溢出来,把他们卷走,并彻底改变他们的生活。

The Night the River Came In

William Hendryx


Dan Dykstra stood next to his 11-year-old daughter, Jennifer, his long arm wrapped round her shoulders, as they peered from their cabin on the Guadalupe River into the rain-filled darkness.



丹·迪克斯特勒站在十一岁的女儿詹妮弗身旁,长长的手臂挽住她的肩膀,两人从瓜达卢佩河畔的小木屋里望着大雨如注的茫茫夜色。 2

(1) It had rained most of the day, swelling the southern Texas river beyond its banks. But there seemed no need for concern. The wood cabin sat on piles several feet above the flood plain. (1) 雨已经下了差不多一整天了,南得克萨斯河的河水猛涨,溢出了堤岸。不过看来不用担心。小木屋搭建在高出这一洪水泛滥地几英尺的柱子上。 3


“看来最糟糕的情况已经过去了,詹,”晚上十点钟光景,迪克斯特勒说,“咱们睡觉吧。” 4

But Jen couldn't sleep. She trusted her Dad, but couldn't help recalling television images of floods and people clinging to treetops, wet and cold. After a couple of restless hours, she started for the bathroom. Stepping on the carpet she noticed it was damp.

然而詹睡不着。她信赖爸爸,可还是忍不住回想起那些洪水肆虐的电视画面,人们紧抓着树顶,又冷又湿。辗转不眠几个小时之后,她去卫生间。她踩在地毯上,发现地毯湿了。 5

She paused, listening intently. What was that sound It was odd ─ like the sound of rapids.

她停了下来,聚精会神地听着。那是什么声音奇怪 —— 像是湍流的声音。 6

It was rapids! And they were rushing directly under the house. She ran to her father's bedside.


正是湍流!而且就在屋子正下面奔涌。她冲到父亲的床边。“爸爸,爸爸,”她一面大声叫喊,一面拼命摇晃他, “醒醒。家里进水了!”

7 Barefoot and wearing only shorts, Dykstra walked to the entry and opened the door. What he saw shook him wide-awake. Duchess, their dog, was standing just outside the door, her feet in six inches of water. (2)That meant the river had to be more than 400 feet beyond its banks, flooding the roadway, their only means of escape. 迪克斯特勒光着脚,只穿着短衣裤,走到门口,打开了门。眼前的景象顿时使他睡意全消。他们那条叫达奇斯的狗就站在门外,四条腿浸在六英寸深的水里。(2) 这意味着河水已溢出河岸,泛滥到四百英尺之外,淹没了大路 —— 他们脱逃的惟一途径。

8 They were trapped.

他们被困住了。 9

The chill water lapped at his ankles. Quickly Dykstra pulled the dog inside the cabin and slammed the door. Then he grabbed two life jackets. \ 冰凉的河水拍打他的脚踝。迪克斯特勒急忙把狗拉进木屋,使劲关上门。随后他抓过两件救生衣。“穿上这个,宝贝,”他对詹妮弗说。 10

Dykstra looked around. The muddy water was inching up the wood-paneled walls. \we do\asked Jen, her voice shaking.

迪克斯特勒朝四周打量了一下。浑浊的河水顺着四壁护墙板一点点上升。“咱们怎么办”詹问道,她声音在颤抖。 11

\conceal his own anxiety. \

“咱们不会有事的,”迪克斯特勒回答说,尽力掩饰住自己的焦虑。“咱们到楼上去。” 12

They climbed up the ladder-like stairs to a loft above the living room. From there they could hear the water filling the room below, creeping towards them. Windows exploded under the pressure. The television slammed against the wall.

他们攀上梯子般的楼梯,爬到起居间上面的阁楼。在上面,他们听见洪水在往下面的房间涌涨,并慢慢接近他们。窗子在水的压力之下爆裂。电视机被冲着撞上了墙壁。 13

Suddenly the whole house trembled as if caught in an earthquake. Then it pitched violently upward, before sinking several feet. My God, thought Dykstra. We're floating.

突然,整个屋子像遇上地震似地摇晃着。接着木屋先是猛地朝上一掀,然后又摔下去几英尺。我的天哪,迪克斯特勒心想,咱们是在水里漂了。 14

Looking out from the window they could see that they were moving, the house being swept along by the river. (3) Terrified that the cabin would sink, taking them down with it, Dykstra decided they would have to get out. Wrapping his arms tightly round his daughter, he plunged into the icy water.

从窗子望出去,他们看到自己在移动,屋子正被河水冲着走。(3) 迪克斯特勒害怕木屋下沉会把他们一起拉到水底,于是决定离开木屋。他双臂紧紧搂着女儿,纵身跳进冰冷的水中。

15 The cabin was behind them now, chasing them through the darkness. Before he could get out of its path, Dykstra found himself thrown against a submerged tree. An instant later the cabin ─ pushed by the tremendous power of the river ─ pinned him to the trunk. His ribs were crushed. His left leg snapped. He screamed.

木屋就在两人身后,在黑夜中紧追不舍。迪克斯特勒还没来得及避开,就被冲到一棵被淹没的树上。刹那间,木屋在河水巨大冲力的推动下,把他死死挤压在树上。他肋骨被压断。左腿喀嚓一声折了。他失声惨叫。 16

Then his mind seemed to cut loose. Dykstra felt as if he were watching himself from far off. He saw himself and Jen settling to the bottom of the river. He was surprised by the sense of peace that settled on him. \sorry, honey,\he said. \so sorry.\And then he lost consciousness.

紧接着他的脑子失去了控制。迪克斯特勒只觉得自己是在远处遥望着自己。他看到自己和詹沉到了河底。他对自己的平静感到惊讶。“对不起,宝贝,”他说,“真对不起。”接着他就什么也不知道了。 17

As he did so the house shifted, releasing him and spinning away from them. Jennifer found herself drifting downstream, her unconscious father beside her. \ \

他失去知觉时,屋子移动了一下,松开了他,打着旋漂离了他们。詹妮弗发觉自己顺水漂流而下,身边是不省人事的父亲。“不要死,爸爸!”她叫道,“千万别死!” 18

Perhaps it was the sound of the little girl's voice that stirred Dykstra to consciousness. He gave Jen's hand a gentle squeeze, and her heart jumped.

或许是小女儿的声音唤回了迪克斯特勒的意识。他轻轻捏了捏詹的手,她的心猛地一跳。 19

In the pale moonlight, Dykstra ─ now more alert ─ spotted an island formed by some rubbish that had got caught in some treetops. Fighting against the current and his pain he swam towards it. Jen climbed onto the small pile of timbers and pulled her father from the rushing water. He collapsed in pain, shivering and fighting for breath.

惨淡的月光下,迪克斯特勒 —— 此刻清醒了些 —— 看到缠在树顶上的一些垃圾形成的孤岛。他忍着伤痛,挣扎着逆流而上游了过去。詹爬到那一小堆木头上,把父亲从湍急的水流中拉起。他疼得倒了下去,浑身哆嗦,透不过气来。 20

They were far from safe and Jen knew it. The rubbish could shift at any moment, plunging them back into the river. She wanted desperately to curl up in her father's arms, but that would only add to his pain. Now, she realized, it was up to her to help him.

他们还远远谈不上安全,詹对此很清楚。那堆垃圾随时可能漂散开来,把他们重新抛入水中。她真想蜷伏在父亲的怀里,可这只会增加他的伤痛。她明白,此刻,得靠她来救爸爸了。 21

Just then she was astonished to see a figure appear out of nowhere. \the wet dog climbed up to join them. She took comfort in the pet's presence.