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13 A short time later Tibby disappeared again. One day Maxwell received a call from a person who had been alarmed by an otter that had acted strangely, even trying to follow him indoors. \don't by any chance use a walking stick, do you\

过了一段时间,蒂比又失踪了。一天,马克斯韦尔接到一个电话,那人对一头行为怪异,甚至想跟他进屋的水獭感到惊恐不安。“你不会是使用拐杖的吧”马克斯韦尔问道。 14


“是呀,” 他回答说,声音里露出惊讶,“可你究竟是怎么知道的呢” 15

(4) While the idea of love among animals has been generally rejected by science, doubts remain. For stories such as these suggest that some animals may experience joy, love and heartbreak remarkably like our own.

(4) 虽然科学界普遍不接受动物间存在爱的看法,但是疑问并未消除。因为这些故事表明有些动物可能体验着和我们人类极其相似的快乐、爱情和悲伤。

Unit 7 Emergency

Part Text A Ⅱ “Kids on the Track!”

At first it seemed as if it might just be an old box or rags ahead of the train. But then they realized just what it was.



Jack Murphy


Monday, May 1, 1989 was a pleasant morning in Ramsey, . Kate Pritchard bent over her car trunk and struggled with the bags of groceries she'd just brought home. She heard the distant cry of a locomotive horn. The trains of Conrail passed less than 300 feet from the Pritchards' house. No fence separated their backyard from the track ─ only a thick row of trees. But, her sons, 3?-year-old Todd and 18-month-old Scott, were nearby, playing on the driveway.


杰克·墨菲 1989年5月1日,星期一,新泽西州的拉姆齐上午天气宜人。凯特·普里查德俯身站在车尾行李箱前,费力地收拾着刚买回家的一袋袋食品杂货。她听到远处火车的鸣笛声。联合铁路公司的火车经过的地方离普里查德家不到三百英尺,可在后院与铁轨之间没有栅栏,只有一排长得密密的树木。然而,她的两个儿子,三岁



\have lunch, okay \

“就呆在这儿,”凯特说,“妈妈去把食品放好,然后我们进屋吃午饭,好吗” 3

\thumbs-up gesture he'd seen his father make.

“好!”托德一面说,一面竖起大拇指,做着他以前看他父亲做的这个手势。 4

\echoed Scott, trying to copy his older brother.

“好!”斯科特随声应和,试着模仿他哥哥的样子。 5

They watched their mother enter the house with several bags.

他们望着母亲提着几个袋袋走进屋子。 6

Kate shut the refrigerator and hurried outside. Good. The boys were playing right where she'd left them.

凯特关好冰箱门匆匆走出屋来。还好。两个孩子正在原地玩耍。 7

As she lifted more bags from the trunk, Kate heard a train race past ─ a passenger express, she judged from its speed. She carried more bags into the house.

当她从车后行李箱里又提出几个袋袋时,凯特听见有一列火车疾驶而过 —— 是特快客车,她根据车速判断。她又将几个袋袋拿进屋去。 8

The sounds of the train apparently drew the boys' attention to the track. After making their way through the trees, they climbed to the top of the steep roadbed, knelt down along the railroad and began to play.

火车的声音显然把两个孩子的注意吸引到铁轨上。两人穿过那排树木,爬上笔陡的路基,跪在地上玩了起来。 9

A few thousand feet west, a freight train rolled slowly toward the children. Overhead lights signaled to engineer Rich Campana that the passenger train ahead was out of the way, and they could resume their normal speed of 40 miles per hour. The engineer adjusted the accelerator, then turned to conductor Anthony Falzo, a man, medium in height and strongly built, who had worked for Conrail for almost half of his 35 years.

往西几千英尺处,一辆货车缓缓地朝两个孩子驶来。头顶上的灯向司机里奇·坎普纳发出信号,指示前面那辆客车已经开走,他们可以每小时40英里的正常速度继续运行。司机调整了加速器,转身面对列车员安东尼·法尔佐。安东尼中等身材,长得结结实实,现年35岁,已经为联合铁路公司干了差不多十六、七年。 10


“你周末都干点啥,安东尼” 11

\messing around ─ a little TV, then bed. What else\

“唉,不干什么。大多是瞎混——看点儿电视,然后睡觉。还能干什么” 12

Campana smiled. \Hey, you'd better cool down, Anthony ─ you're getting to be a real animal!\


坎普纳笑了。“嘿,你最好悠着点,安东尼——你都快成派对狂了。” 13

The two men laughed. They were still laughing as the train began gathering speed, moving at 21 miles per hour.

两人哈哈大笑。就在他们大笑的时候,正以21英里的时速运行的机车开始加速。 14

Rich and Anthony spotted something ahead at the same instant.

里奇和安东尼在同一瞬间发现火车前方有什么东西。 15

\that up there\asked the engineer. Anthony didn't answer. Staring intently, he was trying to identify the curious shape on the track ahead. A box Old rags

“那前面是什么”司机问道。安东尼没回答。他目不转睛盯着前方看,试图辨识前方铁轨上那怪形怪状的东西。是盒子还是旧衣裳 16

Suddenly both men realized what it was. Rich threw on the emergency brake and pulled on the air-horn handle with all his strength.

猛然间,两个人都明白过来那是什么东西。里奇用尽全力猛地紧急刹车,并拉响了汽笛。 17

The horn's blast and Anthony's words exploded at the same time: \

汽笛嘶鸣,与此同时安东尼大声嚷道:“铁轨上有孩子!” 18

Anthony sprang through the cab door onto a narrow running board six feet above the wheels and raced to the front of the swaying train. Climbing quickly down a steel ladder, he paused at the bottom, two feet above the roadbed flashing by.

安东尼冲出驾驶室,跳到车轮上方六英尺处一条狭窄人行踏板上,接着跑到摇摆的火车头前。他疾速攀下铁梯,停在梯子最后一级上,离他脚下飞速掠过的铁路路基有两英尺。 19

Now he could clearly see the two little children. They were sitting alongside the rail. Anthony waved wildly and shouted, \

现在,他可以清楚地看到两个孩子,他们正坐在铁轨旁边。安东尼拼命挥手示意,并大声喊叫:“走开!走开!” 20

He mentally calculated the train's deceleration rate and groaned. We'll never stop in time.

他心里计算着火车的减速速度,痛苦地哼了一声。我们绝对不可能及时停车的。 21

Absorbed in play, Todd and Scott did not hear the train. Finally, as the sound became thunderous, Scott looked up and froze.

托德和斯科特正玩得起劲,没听到火车的声音。最后,当火车轰隆隆驶近时,斯科特抬头一看,惊呆了。 22

Though the train was slowing, Anthony knew it was still going faster than he could run. So he forced himself to wait until he would be close enough to leap off and grab the boys. With perhaps ten feet left between them and the sharp-edged snowplow blade at the front of the train, Anthony sprang forward from the ladder. Landing on the loose, fist-size stones alongside the

track, he had to struggle to keep his balance. In two giant steps he almost reached the children. They stared up at him in wide-eyed shock. Anthony, throwing his body into space, flew toward them.

尽管火车在减速,安东尼知道车速仍比他奔跑的速度快。所以,他强迫自己等待,等到离孩子足够近的时候,他再一跃而下一把将他们抓住。在孩子与火车头前的犁雪机锋利的雪铲只有约十英尺的时候,安东尼从梯子上纵身向前一跃。他落在铁轨旁拳头大小的散石上,使尽力气才保持住平衡。他跨出两大步,几乎就要够着两个孩子了。两个孩子吓坏了,目瞪口呆地望着他。安东尼纵身跃起,朝他们扑去。 23

The unending blast of the train horn struck Kate Pritchard like a hammer blow. \cried, and raced out the door. They were gone!

火车汽笛不停地嘶鸣,凯特·普里查德听着就像是被铁锤猛击了一下。“孩子!”她一声惊叫,冲出屋门。两个孩子不见了! 24

The track, she thought. I must get to the track!

铁道,她心想。我得去铁道那儿! 25

As his body crashed downward, Anthony covered Todd while reaching out with one arm to grab Scott and pull him clear of the track. But the train had caught up to them. Anthony saw the black steel edge of the snowplow blade hit the young child under the chin, driving his head back and scraping over his face. Instantly, blood flashed across the boy's forehead.

安东尼身子砸下地时,他一边护着托德,一边伸出一只手臂去抓斯科特,好把他拉离铁轨。但火车压了过来。安东尼只见雪铲的黑色钢刃击中幼孩的下巴,将他的头往后一推,铲子从他脸上括过。顿时,鲜血从孩子额头溅出。 26

Part of the train then punched into the back of Anthony's work jacket, tearing the nylon fabric. Still, Anthony managed to pull Scott completely under him.

车身猛撞安东尼工作服的后背,把尼龙布都撕破了。但安东尼还是把斯科特完全拉到了自己身下。 27

He's dead, Anthony thought. He felt sick with horror. Burying his face in the stones, he pushed

downward on the two boys with all his strength as the train passed inches above them.

他死了,安东尼心想。他毛骨悚然,一阵恶心。他的脸紧贴在石子上,使尽力气将两个孩子往下压,火车就从他们上面驶过,离他们只有几英寸。 28

The first person Kate saw when she reached the halted train was Todd. Her older boy was jumping up and down and crying uncontrollably. But Kate could see he wasn't injured. She grabbed and hugged him. Then she saw the still figure of a man lying under the third car. Scott's head, a mask of darkening blood, was visible under him. Kate ran to them. \ 凯特奔到停下的火车前,首先看到的便是托德。她的大儿子失去控制,在那儿乱蹦乱跳,大声哭喊。但凯特看出他没受伤。她抓过他紧紧抱住。随后她看见第三节车厢下一动不动躺着一个人。只见这人身子下面斯科特的脑袋上黑糊糊一片血污。凯特冲过去。“斯科特!”她尖声叫道。