浅谈室内设计简约风格论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章浅谈室内设计简约风格论文更新完毕开始阅读dc511651aa00b52acec7ca30

焦 作 大 学 毕 业 论 文(设计)

题 目:浅谈室内设计简约风格 学 号:100602**8 姓 名:*** 年 级:10级 系 别:艺术系 专 业:电脑艺术设计 指导教师:杜海军

完成日期:2012 年 12 月 9 日


摘 要

论文目的:检验并总结大学期间所学、独立创新和分析问题的能力。 研究方法:运用多看、多读、多记、分析、创作的方法来开发并研究多方面的零碎性问题。




关键词:创作、创新 分析 灵感 简约之美

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Study objective: examine and summarize the University during, independent innovation and the ability to analyze problems.

Research methods: using the read, read, write, analysis, creative approach to the research and development of many aspects of system problem.

Research results: the problem is comprehensive development and make themselves aware of the sources of inspiration in negative summary and analysis. Research conclusions:only the creation and innovation in order to make the problem more likelihood answer, and make access to all aspects of creative inspiration.

Design and application of modern minimalist style, suitable for the social

low-consumption groups. Wall with yellow tone to give people a warm feeling, floor with solid wood composite materials give a comfortable feeling. The overall

embodiment gives simple shape, pure texture, fine craft and its feature. As much as possible to reduce unnecessary decoration and luxurious design, without the use of special parts and any decorative value will increase the construction of luxury, stressed that the overall design more service function to reflect his value! Interior decoration using simple technology products, sofas, chairs, lighting and daily use straight, glass metal have also been used to reflect the style of indoor. When it comes to interior design more use only workers, labor groups to reflect his use value. For the day of young people and working people, cause pressure, family burden, tedious

entertaining brought them great physical and mental exhaustion. Home decoration and design environments will bring them to let his heart be space to relax, let them experience the warmth and comfort of home back!

Key words: creation, innovation analysis inspired by the beauty of simplicity

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目 录

一、中文摘要??????????????????(1) 二、英文摘要??????????????????(2) 三、室内简约设计风格来源??????????? (4) 四、室内设计概述??????????????? (4) 4.1室内设计的含义???????????????(5) 4.2设计作品解析(1)????????????? (6) 4.3设计作品解析(2)????????????? (7) 4.4关于色彩??????????????????(7) 4.5关于色彩对室内设计的应用??????????(7) 4.6现代人对简约的认知?????????????(8) 五、本室内设计适合人群?????????????(8) 六、简约风格设计手法和理念???????????(9) 参考文献 ??????????????????(10) 致谢????????????????????? (11)

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