新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第二册unit1教案 联系客服

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However, it doesn’t ________________ to criticize our students. They unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these __________________ because there is a sense that they _________________. On one hand, they are misled by the____________. On the other hand, school fails to _________________ the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary.

Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a _________ and a ___________________: often study the road map (check grammar) and ________ the car engine (adjust vocabulary). Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a ________________ car. __________, _________, and __________ communication depends upon grammar and a good vocabulary, the two __________ assets for students, but they are ________________ in schools.

II. Language Focus Words and expressions

1. oddity: n. [C] a strange or unusual person or thing 怪人;怪物;奇特的东西

With his neat suits on, he felt like an oddity walking in this poor neighborhood.

穿着笔挺的西装走在这个贫民区里,他觉得自己就像个怪物。 2. oblige

The word oblige is most commonly used in the expression be/feel obliged. 1) be/feel obliged to do sth. 指“感到有责任做某事”。

例如: He felt obliged to help his mother, even if it meant leaving college. 他觉得有责任帮助母亲,即使这意味着他要离开大学。

2) be/feel obliged to sb./sth. 指“对某人或某事心存感激”。 例如: Thank you very much, doctor. I am extremely obliged to you. 医生,非常谢谢您。对您,我深表感谢。

3.How was it?: (spoken) often used in conversation to ask sb. about their opinion or experience of sth. 怎么样?(口语常用表达,用于询问看法或经历)

Did you watch the movie last night? How was it?

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I was told that you had traveled to many places in Asia recently. How was it? 有人告诉我你最近跑了亚洲的很多地方,旅行怎么样?

4. full of: (followed by abstract nouns) feeling or showing a lot of particular emotion or quality (感觉、表达或表现出)充满某种情感(特质)的

full of excitement/energy/hope/happiness/praise 充满兴奋/活力/希望/幸福/赞美 The teacher was full of praise for the homework that the students had done. 老师对学生们完成的功课赞不绝口。

Lucy is a happy child and always full of life. 露西是个快乐的孩子,总是充满了活力。

5.“It was, like, whoa!” means “It was really great!”. “It was like …” is an informal expression in conversation, very common for young people who are lazy and incapable to reference their ideas.

The expression is usually followed by an adjective or an exclamation. It was, like, marvelous! 简直奇妙极了!

(It was like) Whoa! How come you got a hundred percent correct on such a hard test? 哇! 这么难的考试你怎么都全答对了?

Note: Whoa is specifically used to show that people are surprised or think something is very impressive. It can be used in different contexts. For example: ﹒

To describe something that you’re not quite sure how to describe: That car is so cool, it’s like, whoa.

To express surprise: Whoa! It’s really amazing!

To indicate a desire to end what someone is talking: Whoa, OK, that’s enough.

6. And that was it. (Para. 4)

Meaning: And that was everything she said, without even mentioning any details of her wonderful experience in Europe.

That was it.: often used in conversation to say that sth. is completely finished or that a situation cannot be changed 就这样(指某事彻底结束或形势不能更改)

That was it. I could no longer hope for a promotion, and my boss didn’t even want to see me again. 就这样吧,我的升职再也没指望了,我的老板甚

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至不想再见到我。 That’s it. There is nothing more we can do. 就这样吧,我们也再没有别的办法。

7. distinguished, distinctive, distinct

这三个词词形相近,但意思有很大的差别,不能互换使用。 1) distinguished指“卓越的;杰出的;著名的”。

例如: His grandfather had been a distinguished university professor. 他的祖父曾是一位杰出的大学教授。

2) distinctive指“(特征、性格或外表)独特的,有明显不同的”。强调“表示差别的”、“有特色的”、“特殊的”。

例如: Irene had a very distinctive voice. 艾琳有一个非常独特的声音。 Can you find the distinctive watermarks of this stamp? 你能看到这枚邮票上明显的水印吗? Pupils in Hong Kong usually have distinctive badges on their school uniforms. 在香港,小学生的校服上常戴有颇具特色的徽章。 3 )distinct表示“分明的;明了的;清楚的”。

例如: I have the distinct feeling that my friend did not realize what was happening. 我明显感到我朋友并未察觉所发生的一切。

The photo you took in Hong Kong Cultural Centre is not distinct enough. 你在香港文化中心拍的那张照片不够清晰。

She has a distinct pronunciation. 她的发音清楚。

There is a distinct smell of smoke in my room. 我的房间里有一股明显的香烟味。 distinct的另一个词义是“明显不同的;有区别的”。例如: Our interests were quite distinct from those of them. 我们的兴趣与他们的兴趣截然不同。

现将distinct和distinctive 用在一个句子里,以便区分: One of the distinctive features of this book is its distinct illustrations. 这本书很明显的特点之一就是其具有清楚明了的图解。 8. proclaim, claim

1) proclaim是正式宣告或公开宣告,“宣告”的中文意思比“声明”要严肃。例如: The government has proclaimed a new law. 政府已公布了一项新法令。 They proclaimed that he was a traitor. 他们宣称他是叛徒。 The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince. 响亮的钟声宣布了王子的诞生。 2) claim是根据权利声明,根据权利要求索赔,根据权利认领。

(1) 声称;断言;主张。例如: They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease. 他们声称已经发现了治疗此病的方法。 She claimed that the ring

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was stolen, not lost. 她声言那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。 (2) 要求;索赔。例如: The old man claimed the land. 老人要求得到这块土地。 I claim payment from my friend. 我要求我的朋友付款。

9.exposure是动词expose的名词形式,动词expose常用于短语be/get exposed to中,表示“接触;体验”。

例如: Some children are never exposed to classical music. 有些孩子从来没有接触过古典音乐。

Having been exposed to all kinds of dangers in the forest, the girl felt helpless and began to cry. 那个女孩在森林里体验了各种危险后,感到很无助,就哭了起来。 10. adequate, abundant

1) adequate表示“在数量或质量上足以满足特定的标准”,强调刚好够用、没有多余。

例如:He doesn’t earn a large salary but it is adequate for his needs. 他挣钱不多,但也够用了。

2) abundant表示“充裕;绰绰有余”,强调数量很多或充足有余。

例如: We have abundant proof of his guilt. 我们有他犯罪的充分证据。 Collocation note: In Paragraph 7, we have two collocation pairs with the same word: advanced/proper vocabulary for our attention. 11. adjust, adapt

1) 当表示“适应…环境”时,adjust和adapt差不多。常与to搭配。可以说adjust (sth./oneself ) to sth.和adapt (sth./oneself ) to sth.。其中adjust和adapt互为同义词。例如: Once you get to the United States, you will have to adjust yourself to a completely new lifestyle. 一旦你到了美国,你就需要进行调整,以适应美国全新的生活方式。

The children found it hard to adapt to the new school. 这些孩子们发现很难适应这所新学校。

The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature. 身体会自行适应温度的变化。 Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines. 智力寻求的是理解、运用、整合和调节,而才学是审视、思考、探究、形成理论、批判和想象。

2 )adjust作及物动词用时,还有“调节;使…适合;校准”之意,而adapt不表示此意。 例如: adjust a radio (dial) 调准收音机的选台指针 adjust color

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