2017年山东济宁英语中考试题及解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2017年山东济宁英语中考试题及解析更新完毕开始阅读dbb37c7df6ec4afe04a1b0717fd5360cba1a8df8

Li Yaoyou never thought his writing would become popular online. The 14-year-old at Wuhan Wuluolu Middle School wrote biography (传记) for each of his 57 classmates in classical (古典的) Chinese. And now people are admiring his great talent.

Li’s biography has more than 8,000 words. He wrote about each of

his classmates, including their birthdays and personalities (个性). The ninth-grader sees it as a graduation gift to them.

In fact, writing a biography was part of his Chinese homework for winter vacation. Students were asked to read Historical Records (《史记》). Then they had to write a biography for others.

At the beginning, Li just wrote about six classmates he knew well. His teacher then

encouraged him to write more. It was a big project, but Li worked hard to complete it successfully. He didn’t know everyone well. So he talked with his classmates’ friends and observed (观察) them carefully. “Once, to write about a girl who I didn’t know well, I talked with her friends for a few days,” he said. “My hard work paid off. I got to know she likes Pikachu and food!”

Expressing his ideas in classical Chinese was not easy. Sometimes, he searched online to learn it. But gradually, his language skills improved. “When I wrote the last 10 pieces, the words came to my mind naturally,” he said. Also, he tried to say something more about each person’s special side. “Even if it is not a good, shining point, I keep it. I want to be objective (客观的)”,he said.

1. What did Li Yaoyou write about in his biography? (not more than 14 words) ________________________________________________ 2. Why did Li write a biography? (not more than 12 words) ________________________________________________ 3. What do you think of Li? ((not more than 4 words)

________________________________________________ 4. 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。

________________________________________________ 5. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。


1. He wrote about each of his classmates, including their birthdays and personalities. 根据文章第二自然段第二句话“He wrote about each of his classmates, including their birthdays and personalities.”可知答案。

2. Because it was part of his Chinese homework for winter vacation. 根据第三自然段第一句话“In fact, writing a biography was part of his Chinese homework for winter vacation.”可知答案。 3. He is very hard-working. 根据短文的内容可知他坚持不懈进行写作,可以用hard-working来形容他。

4. 而且,关于每个人的个性,他也努力去说更多。 5. Li Yaoyou and his biography


近年来,使用手机引发的事故越来越多。某英文报社开辟了“Mobile-related Accidents”专栏,征集案例,警示大众。请你根据下图英文写一篇记叙文,叙述Liu Mei和Li Dong 放学路上发生的事情。


提示词汇:1.人行道 sidewalk 2. 耳机 headphones 3. 装上 bump into/ hit 4. 鸣喇叭 bonk the horn 5. 喇叭声 honk 注意:

1. 短文应涵盖前三副图片的主要信息,并对第四幅图片中可能发生的情况作出合理推断和简要评述。

2. 词数:100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 3. 文中不得出现可能透漏考生真实身份的任何信息。


One possible version:

One day, Liu Mei and Li Dong were on the way home. They were going along the sidewalk. They weren’t talking with each other. But why? That’s because while Liu Mei was playing on the mobile phone, Li Dong was listening to the music with headphones.

Unluckily, without looking around carefully, Liu Mei bumped into a big tree. And her friends Li Dong didn’t realize what happened to her because of the music.

Li Dong kept on walking. Just then, behind him, there was a car honking the horn to the boy who was in the way. But he didn’t hear the honk, either. Finally, the driver had to stop the car, got off to catch up with the silly boy and taught the boy a good lesson. The boy felt so embarrassed that he made a promise that he would never do like that again.

Safety is the most important thing. We should try our best to keep ourselves away from all kinds of danger.