2019-2020骞撮珮鑰冭嫳璇畬褰㈠~绌鸿缁冮闆?闄勭瓟妗? - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2019-2020骞撮珮鑰冭嫳璇畬褰㈠~绌鸿缁冮闆?闄勭瓟妗? - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读db2ec323c9d376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef713a8

experiences. They have __59__ me to care about other people more than about myself. I 60 who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago. 41.A. since B. before C. or D. unless 42.A. famous B. simple C. different D. skilled 43.A. education B. career C. tour D. change 44.A. balance B. homework C. degree D. interest 45.A. talked B. wrote C. lied D. reported 46.A. careful B. lonely C. curious D. guilty 47.A. argument B. game C. experiment D. defence 48.A. dared B. offered C. hesitated D. happened 49.A. dream B. problem C. duty D. step 50.A. us B. which C. them D. whom 51.A. attitude B. hobby C. hope D. luck 52.A. friend B. partner C. guide D. guest 53.A. polite B. happy C. strange D. confident 54.A. bothered B. answered C. visited D. trusted 55.A. explain B. guess C. declare D. see 56.A. homeless B. heartbroken C. bad-tempered D. hopeless 57.A. quieter B. busier C. better D. richer 58.A. forget B. face C. improve D. analyze 59.A. forced B.preferred C. ordered D. taught 60.A. miss B. like C. wonder D. expect

Passage 2

My grandmother was always encouraging me to set goals and work hard to achieve them. She would tell me not to be a follower and not to set 41 on what I could achieve. She 42 believed that there were no limits that you could 43 whatever you wanted. I would never forget the following story that she once told me:

A farmer won first 44 at the country fair for his huge radish (小萝卜) that was the exact shape and 45 of a milk bottle.Many were 46 as to how the farmer was able to grow this radish that was the exact shape of a milk bottle. 47 one gentleman went up to the farmer and asked the question. The farmer replied, “ It was 48 . I got the seed growing and then I put it into the milk bottle. It had 49 else to go.” You can use this story as an analogy (比喻) to life-our lives are 50 by the kind of surroundings we place ourselves in, the people that we allow to 51 us, and the goals we give ourselves. If we only 52 and take no action, then we get no further. But if we 53 , set a goal and take action, then our life takes a 54 shape.

Goals and actions can help us acplish more in a year than what some people will acplish in a lifetime. To prove this 55 , read the biographies of 56 people and you will see that goals and actions 57 played a big role in their success.

Remember the 58 of Mary Kay Ash, who said, “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go 59 your mind lets you. Whatever you believe, remember, you can achieve. In summary, don’t put yourself in a bottle; in other words, move out of what is 60 and secure if you want to move forward.

41. A. expectations B. rules C. limits D. lines 42. A. truly

B. naturally

C. tightly D. partly

43. A. win B. grasp C. realize D. achieve 44. A. remark B. prize C. position D. award 45. A. size B. length C. weight D. height 46. A. doubtful B. worried C. anxious D. curious 47. A. Immediately B. Gradually C. Finally D. Actually 48. A. strange B. easy C. funny 49. A. nowhere 50. A. shaped 51. A. understand 53. A. struggle 54. A. beautiful

D. secret

B. everywhere C. somewhere D. anywhere B. formed C. controlled D. improved B. help C. influence D. contact

D. change

B. insist C. continue D. plan B. different C. solid D. clear

C. friendly D. careful

52. A. dream B. refuse C. doubt

55. A. theory B. lesson C. point D. evidence 56. A. successful B. brave 57. A. as usual 59. A. as if

B. above all C. at all D. in fact B. in case

C. as far as D. as long as

D. boring

Passage 3

Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program. In my application letter, I was careful to 16 how much I wanted to see France; evidently, my excitement really came through in my words. Once I 17 that I was going, all I could think about was the fun of foreign travel and making all sorts of new and 18 friends. While traveling was inspiring and meeting people was 19 , nothing about my term in France was what I 20 .

The moment I arrived in Paris, I was 21 by a nice French couple who would bee my host parents. My entire experience was joyous and exciting 22 I received some shocking news

58. A. example B. wisdom C. statement D. speech 60. A. fortable B. valuable

C. ordinary

from my program coordinator(协调人); there had been a death in my host parents' extended family. They had to travel outside France for several weeks. That afternoon, I had to 23 out of one family's house and into another. The exchange coordinator told me I'd have a 24 this time and asked whether I could share a bedroom with an English speaker. To avoid the temptation(诱惑) to 25 my native language, I asked not to be 26 with an English-speaking roommate. When I got to my new room, I 27 myself to my new roommate Paolo, a Brazilian(巴西人), the same age as I, whom I was surprised to find playing one of my favorite CDs! In just a few hours, we knew we'd be good friends for the rest of the 28 .

I left France with many 29 , so when people ask me what my favorite part of the trip was, they are always 30 to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and the scores of weekdays in class, weeknights on the town, and weekends 31 France we enjoyed together. I love how people 32 seem so different, but end up being so 33 . The most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasn't just to respect the foreign people 34 to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away. I would remend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and gain meaningful 35 . 16. A. discuss B. express announce D. argue

17. A. approved B. knew C. warned D. denied

18. A. stubborn B. anxious C. universal D. interesting

19. A. boring B. upsetting C. exciting D. promising

20. A. expected B. liked C. doubled D. feared

21. A. sponsored B. witnessed C. greeted D. supported 22. A. until

B. when C.

since D. while

23. A. move B. travel C. walk D. rush

24. A. housekeeper B. leader C. roommate D. colleague

25. A. learn B. appreciate C. speak D. master

26. A. bined B. fitted C.


involved D. placed

27. A. added B. introduced C. devoted D. adapted

28. A. term B. week C. month D. vacation

29. A. presents B. suitcases C. stories D. dreams 30. A. surprised B. disturbed embarrassed D. concerned

31.A. analyzing B. exploring C. describing D. investigating

32. A. need B. shall C. must D. can 33. A. generous B. independent similar D. distant

34. A. and B. but

C. or D. so 35. A. instructions B. friendships C. facts D. data

Passage 4

We all like a sweet treat. But sugar can be too much of a good thing. That's why a lot of 41 , such as bread and cakes, contain artificial (人工的) sweeteners. The first one was actually a tasty 42 . In the late 1870s. Constantin Fahlberg was _ 43 at work in his lab when a beaker (烧杯) of chemicals 44 tipped over. He cleared away the mess but the 45 chemicals spilled all over his 46 . Without hesitating to wash, Fahlberg went on with his work. When he went home to 47 , the chemical remains was 48 on his fingers. Sitting down at the table with his 49 hands, Fahlbcrg began his meal. When the chemist 50 into a piece of bread he'd picked up, it tasted strangely 51 . It wasn't the bread. It was something on his hands that got onto the bread. But 52 ? Fahlberg rushed back to work. He tasted everything in 53 , but they were not exactly the chemicals in the lab. Eventually, the chemist 54 what he was looking for: The matter in the beaker that had spilled was sweet-much sweeter than sugar. He 55 his discovery saccharin (糖精),the first artificial sweetener. Dirty? delicious! If this 56 shows us anything, it's that we all make mistakes, and that's not 57 . Mistakes often take us in new 58 and help us invent new things. People who say something is impossible aren't always right. A lot of things were “impossible” before someone 59 how to do them. If you don't 60 right away, don't be afraid to try again and again.

