2018南京盐城高三一模英语答案 联系客服

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2018届南京、盐城高三年级第一次模拟考试·英语参考答案 第页(共4页) (这是边文,请据需要手工删加)



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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. A

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分35分) 21. B 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. D

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 36. D 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. B 41. D 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. A 50. C 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. B 55. C

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 56. D 57. C 58. B 59. C 60. D 61. A 62. D 63. B 64. C 65. D 66. C 67. C 68. B 69. A 70. D

第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 71. unavoidable/inevitable 72. strategic/strategical 73. potential/possible 74. allowance(s) 75. degree/extent 76. damaged/spoiled

77. deserve 78. Benefits/Advantages 79. Chances 80. face/stand

第五部分 书面表达(满分25分) 81. One possible version

Though challenged by the development of new technologies and e-books, public libraries still play an important role in our life and appeal to increasing numbers of people, especially the young.

There are several reasons accounting for public libraries surviving the wave of digitalization. To begin with, they are open to all, providing free access to the latest resources and technologies. What's more, one of the drawbacks of digital materials is that they're not always trustworthy while public libraries can offer a large collection of reliable reference books. These practical functions aside, we still need the physical space, where we can concentrate on our study without easily getting distracted.

To better develop public libraries, the government should first give more financial support. Meanwhile, the facilities of the libraries are expected to be updated accordingly and the employees should be professional. Only in this way can libraries meet the needs of various age groups.



21. B 考查动词。swap意思是“交流,交换”,又如:They swapped stories about their army days. 他们互相讲述了他们在军队中的经历。circulate表示“循环,环行,传阅,传播,流传,流通”;spread表示“传播,伸展,散布”;plot表示“密谋,策划”。根据句意,选择B。

22. D 考查形容词。《寻梦环游记》这部电影聚焦追寻梦想与珍惜亲情这两个经典永恒的主题,融合展现了丰富多彩的文化元素。universal theme 共同的主题。

23. A 考查名词。gesture 除了表示“手势”之外,还可以表示“示意的或表明态度的(通常为友好的)动作或姿势”,又如:The invitation was meant as a friendly gesture. 那邀请是友好的表示。impact影响;scheme 计划、方案、阴谋;concept概念。根据句意,选择A。

31. C 考查习语。face the music 自食其果;cry for the moon 要求不可能得到的东西;walk on eggshells 小心翼翼;wake a sleeping dog 自找麻烦。从答语知道老板是个挑剔的人,因此David一直小心翼翼。

33. B 考查状语从句。句意为:很多人必须等到没有其它选择才会做出改变。此句中的will表示“愿意”。

35. D 考查交际用语。it counts for nothing 这不算什么;it doesn't hurt to ask 问一下无妨;it's not the case 情况并非如此;it's all Greek to me这个我可一窍不通。



39. C 考查形容词。从当前居住的小镇回到自己心爱的故居。 42. C 考查名词。给母亲准备惊喜,故需要寻得“巧匠”而非仅仅对木工手艺的“热爱”。 43. B 考查动词。compile“编制,编辑”。

44. A 考查名词。这礼物和背后的故事值得提一提、说一说。

45. D 考查动词。honour sth常表示“完成/兑现承诺的事情”,常见搭配有honour a promise等,honour sb表示“致敬”。

47. B 考查名词。此句统领本段,着力描述“规划和设计的过程”。

49. A 考查短语。visit with表示“和某人谈话”,hold with表示“批准,同意”。 50. C 考查名词。从下句“She would tell me thoroughly what something looked like or where it was in the house.”可知,答案为arrangement,表示“摆布,摆放”。

54. B 考查动词。在庆祝宴会上,Emily把精心准备和包装好的生日礼物送给母亲。这里选择wrap表示“包装,包裹”;sort“梳理,分类”,fold“折叠”常适用于纸质的物品,restore“修复”,这里的礼物是仿制品而非修复品。



内容梗概:作者向读者推荐了三个可以看到奇观的地方。 56. D 细节理解题。从大约每11.2 years 的时间频率和significant rainfall 这一前提可知,这种景象很难看到,从季节来看在九至十一月之间,北半球美国和中国的四季划定基本一致。因此,答案为D。


内容梗概:随着科技的发展,摄像头、手机已广泛地应用在我们的工作和生活中,body cams(运动相机)也应运而生。作者对body cams的大量使用提出了自己的反思。

58. B 题干中average people 是指普通人,未具体到行业和具体人群,故C和D选项不正确。

59. D 此题考查对作者态度的推断。从文中中文注释“算法”后,“but at what cost to

privacy and freedom of choice”得知,大公司搜集数据的做法对个人隐私和自由造成威胁,用者深表担忧。

60. D 根据undesirable behavior定位到最后一段,其功能为“while those might not be desirable behavior, they oil the wheels of our social interactions”, oil the wheel 表示“使??顺利进行,推进”之意。


内容梗概:“smart drug”(指能够提升智力的药物,主要成为Oxiracetam—奥拉西坦)能够缓减极度海拔所导致的认知障碍。文章虽以中国进行的实验为例,但文章来源于New Scientist,而非国内网站。

61. A 考查词义推断。根据下文的“this takes time and doesn't always work”来确定为adapt 最为贴切,C的exit多指“leave a place”。

62. B 文中的实验为对比实验,组别是服药和不服药组,实验的目的不在于证明高度对人认知的影响(客观既存在事实),而是证实“smart drug”是否对这样的认知障碍有缓减作用。

64. C 考查语篇主旨。文章主体不是介绍Oxiracetam这种药,C选项中的sharp为intelligent, 和文章的cognitive difficult相对应。


内容梗概:本篇为一篇文学评论。《星运里的错》中文版译名为《无比美妙的痛苦》,作者为John Green。该书自2013年出版以来,连续80多周占据了《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜首位的位置。美国女诗人艾米莉·狄金森的诗歌《有一种斜落下来的幽光》,是小说灵魂所在,台湾著名已故文学家,诗人,散文家余光中先生曾有对该诗的一则译文,感兴趣的老师可自行百度探索。

65. D “You don't read a great book, it reads you.”这里的含义是书的内容能够使读者产生“共感”和“共鸣”,英文中经常以empathy和sympathy这两个词来进行表达。

66. C 从原文第二段中“The friendship tied by the shared intellectual curiosity and dreams”可得出答案。干扰选项D和文章第三段中描述两个人“和而不同”,“you will find out Hazel and Augustus have widely different ideas of what they think is a ‘good life’.”相矛盾。

67. C 从文章第三段“Here I find a reflection of my soul in Augustus's, with all his desire to leave a mark on the world.”得知文章作者读后觉得Augustus更像是自己的缩影。

68. B 从所给句子中“how Hazel and Augustus take chances and make the best out of them”得出下文将具体列出两个主角做了哪些take chances和make the best out of them的事例。

69. C 通读倒数第二段进行理解两个主角做了什么,以理解take chances to create infinities,即“利用一切可能创造无尽的可能”,再着重理解最后一句的if we fail while doing so, fail和doing so的所指,可以知道“若我们在创造无尽可能时失败了,因为我们的努力抓住机遇,我们无须自责,而更应归咎于stars”;这里stars指的是星座,理解成命运或者是运气。

70. D 本题考查对这本书主要受众体的推断。文章最后一段提及到“definitely one of the best young adult fiction book in the century”, 再根据第一题设问中提到书能够引起共鸣得知,此书的受众体主要为“有一定阅历的青年人”。


71. unavoidable/inevitable 信息概括题。从第一段第一句话Everything we do in life involves risk以及第二段中We cannot avoid risk yet we often avoid thinking about it可以知道,无论我们做什么,风险都是不可避免的。故填unavoidable或inevitable。

74. allowance(s) 信息转换题。由原文中Once you have a list of risks, evaluate each one on two scales可知列清单时要考虑两个方面,故考查了短语make allowance(s) of。

75. degree/extent 信息概况题。由原文中Go back through your initial list and consider how you might make each potential negative outcome less likely to occur, and also how you might minimize the damage to your project if one does happen. 可知第二步要考虑如何尽量避免负面的结果发生以及万一发生了如何最大程度减少其伤害。故填degree或extent。

80. face/stand 信息转换题。由原文中And this gives you a better chance to make plans that will withstand the failure of at least a couple of those assumptions 以及It is easier to go ahead and take a big risk when you know that you have mitigations in place and a backup plan if things go wrong. 可以知道填face/stand up to这个短语。

听力文稿 Text 1

W: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

M: I'd rather stay at home and watch TV. I have to get up early to attend a meeting tomorrow. Text 2

M: Gosh, I 'm hungry. What's for supper? I hope you've made plenty of chips.

W: I haven't, actually. I've just made a large salad, but there's a loaf of fresh bread if you want it.

Text 3

W: I'm sorry, but I can't let you keep these books past their due date. I have other students waiting for them.

M: But what am I going to do? I need these books to finish my term paper that's due next week.

Text 4

M: Excuse me. Could you tell me where I am? W: Uh, yes. You're at the Empire State Building.

M: I see. Could you tell me how to get to the Rockefeller Center?

W: Walk up Sixth Avenue to 49th Street. Turn right on 49th Street, walk to City Hall, and turn left. Got that?

Text 5

W: Have you given out your monthly report yet?

M: No, I haven't. I was planning to give it out this afternoon. W: I suppose it's to be given out before lunch hour. M: I'm sorry, I didn't know that. I'll do it right away. Text 6

W: Hmm, sleeping on the job, Alex? You must have a busy social life.

M: Ah, oh! No! My motorbike is in the shop being fixed. So I have to get up at 5:00 am, walk to the station and then take a train downtown. Next, I take the bus. Finally I have to walk again for about 15 minutes. I takes about two hours altogether.

W: So when will your motorbike be fixed? M: In one week. Text 7

W: You know, I've just finished some very interesting research for the newspaper about things people do in their spare time.

M: Really? What did you learn?

W: Well, I talked to 20 people, and 19 of them watch TV.