最新2020年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(四) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章最新2020年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(四)更新完毕开始阅读d919c4c1cad376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef71339

The game we now know as football developed in England in the early nineteenth century.Football was played in many schools and clubs as early as 1823.These schools and clubs often had different rules, but in 1863, the Football Association or FA was created, and standard rules were agreed for everyone to follow.These are the rules that many parts of the world use for football today.In 1871, a cup was given for the best English club, called the FA Cup.Football soon spread across the world.

In the United States and Canada, however, a different type of football game developed, where the football players could pick the ball up and carry it.The ball is also in a different shape.In American football there is also more violent contact(激烈交锋) between players, who have to wear special clothing to protect themselves.

Football is now certainly the most popular game on earth.Why is that? One reason may be that it's a simple game.All we need is a ball, and a few things to mark the goals.It's a more relaxing game which can be enjoyed by just a few people of any age, on any piece of ground or even in the street.Another reason may be that it allows people to show their special skills.Some footballers become very rich and famous, like David Beckham.For this reason, many young people dream of becoming football stars and getting very rich.Television too has made football more popular.Millions of people can watch international matches such as the World Cup, which is held every four years.

17.What helps you know about games played by kicking a ball?

18.Where did the football game develop in the early 19th century?

19.When were the football standard rules made for everyone to follow?

20.Why do American football players have to wear special clothing?

21.Why is football now the most popular game on earth?





Ⅱ.[主旨大意] 本文主要讲述了英国与美国的零食,以及西方国家年轻人对待零食的态度。

13.A 第二段提到英国年轻人吃零食的比例是64%, 德国58.7%,法国53%,西班牙40.7%,所以英国是最高的。故选A。 14.D 根据第四段第二句后半句“I was surprised to find huge aisles just for snacks that were bigger than some stores I'd been to in the UK.”可知“我”惊讶地发现在美国超市里巨大的过道都是零食,比“我”去过的英国商店要大,说明美国的超市里有大量小吃。故选D。

15.D 根据最后一段可知如果你吃瓜子而不是薯片和巧克力也许更健康,但是偶尔吃这些美味的零食也许没什么错,对吧?所以作者知道薯片和巧克力不健康,但是偶尔吃一回也没什么大不了的。故选D。 16.B 通读全文可知本文主要讲述了英国和美国的零食。故选B。 Ⅲ.17.Ancient Chinese, Roman and Egyptian writings. 18.In England. 19.In 1863.

20.To protect themselves (from the violent contact).

21.One reason may be that it's a simple game and another one may be that it allows people to show their special skills.