北京中考英语长难句专项练习 联系客服

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赵中考语法 句法专项

25、Music provides a kind of perception(感知)that cannot be acquired any other way. (石景山2012年二模D)

26、The arts are ways we give form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others. When we do not give children an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses. (石景山2012年二模D)

27、Music is an important way we express human suffering, celebration, the value of peace and love. (石景山2012年二模D)

28、A desert is a very dry land where there is hardly any rain. (顺义2012届二模C)

29、The Great American Dessert has cliffs (悬崖) that have been made into amazing and beautiful shapes by the wind. (顺义2012届二模C)

30、But there is water deep under the ground and some plants have roots that go very deep to find it. Other plants have roots that spread out a long way so they can suck up the rain as soon as it falls. (顺义2012届二模C)

31、One desert plant is the cactus, which has long, spreading roots. (顺义2012届二模C)

32、They have special fur which protects them from the sun during the day and keeps them warm at night. (顺义2012届二模C)

33、No wonder, then, that the company pays close attention to the way its fries are prepared. (西城2012二模C)

34、Before any fry makes it to the people who eat at this popular restaurant, it must pass many separate tests.


35、If there were no patent protection there would be little encouragement to invent, for once the secrets of an invention became known, those who did not experience the inventor's risks and expenses(花费) might well fill the market with their copies of his product and steal much of the benefit (益处) of his efforts.


36、During the rule of Queen Elizabeth I in England, the growing technology was furthered by the giving of exclusive privileges (独家特权) to people who had invented new processes (程序) or tools—a step that did much to encourage creativity.Later, an important value was added: society had everything to


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gainand nothing to lose by giving exclusive privileges to an inventor, because a patent for an invention was given for something new that society never had before.(西城2012二模D)

37、In 1936, the Patent Office became a separate department and it has grown into an organization of over 2,500 people who every week deal with more than 1,600 patent applications, and of those, give more than 1,000. (西城2012二模D)

38、Our patent laws, like the Constitution from which they grew, have stood the test of time. They have encouraged creative processes, brought great benefits to society as a whole, and enabled American technology to outstrip that of the rest of the modern world. (西城2012二模D)

39、Your nose and your tongue work together to make food taste the way it does. (延庆2012年初三毕业试卷C)

40、Oh, you might use this science secret the next time you are forced to eat something you don’t like the taste of.


41、I study the psychology of technology, and it seems to me that we are sleepwalking into a world where technology is severely affecting our well-being. (延庆2012年初三毕业试卷D)

42、In many homes, the computer, with which we work and play, has become the centre of attention. (延庆2012年初三毕业试卷D)

43、People who place a high value on material goals are unhappier than those who are less materialistic. (延庆2012年初三毕业试卷D)

44、We need ways to help recover those increasingly large parts of our lives that have been controlled by technology, to regain mastery over technology and learn to use it in a healthy and active way. (延庆2012年初三毕业试卷D)

45、If you are in a mountainous area, watch out for falling rock and other debris that could be loosened by the earthquake.


46、He has since authored and co-authored over 100 books that have appeared in more than 30 languages.


赵中考语法 句法专项


47、Draw the first image that comes to mind on the topic you are mind mapping. (丰台区2013年毕业及统一练习D)

48、Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some connections. (通州初三英语2013年一模C)

49、However, I know there are times when I need to move away from these things and truly communicate with others.


50、The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversations. (通州初三英语2013年一模D)

51、I have been teaching my history class in this way for many years and the evaluations (评价) show student satisfaction with the environment that I create. Students realize with deep conversation and difficult tasks, they learn at a deeper level – a level that helps them keep the course material beyond the classroom.


52、In a new programme ―Colour me Healthy‖, Verity looks at the ways that colours can influence how hard we work and the choices we make. (东城2012学年初三综合练习二C)

53、We respect a company which writes its name in blue or black, but we don’t respect one that uses pink or orange. People who design(设计)new products can use these ideas to influence what we buy. (东城2012学年初三综合练习二C)

54、She meets people who work in the colour industry, from people who design food packages, to people who name the colours of lipsticks. Some of the people she meets clearly have very little scientific knowledge to prove their ideas, such as the American ―Colour Doctor‖ who believes that serious diseases can be treated successfully by the use of coloured lights. However, she also interviews real scientists who are studying the effects of green and red lights on mice, with some surprising results. (东城2012学年初三综合练习二C)

55、I also got to hear all the family secrets of the newcomers who were afraid to be starting at a new school.


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56、Our bus would often pass a place where we could see some alpacas (羊驼) in front of a farm house. (2012朝阳九年级综合练习一C)

57、Now, it’s necessary to think how many lives I’ve been responsible for throughout the years, and how many kilometers I’ve driven in order to get my passengers home safely. (2012朝阳九年级综合练习一C)

58、The study found that a person’s happiness depends on the happiness of people he connects with. (2012朝阳九年级综合练习一D)

59、People whose diet contains a high percentage of trans fats are at risk of heart disease and stroke. (2012海淀区九年级第二学期期中练习C)

60、Because of the way the nutrition(营养) labeling(标注) laws work, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has allowed that if a food has less than 0.5 grams per serving (一份) it can be classified as trans fat free.


61、Anything on the label that says hydrogenated(氢化的) or partially hydrogenated, even if the package states \(2012海淀区九年级第二学期期中练习C)

62、They had been divided into two groups to watch two different videos of the same teacher, who happened to have a strong Indian accent. (2012海淀区九年级第二学期期中练习D)

63、In one the teacher appeared to like teaching and students, and in the other he came across as someone powerful who didn’t like teaching at all. (2012海淀区九年级第二学期期中练习D)

64、The same as the halo effect infers, students who saw the ―warm‖ one evaluated him more attractive, his mannerisms more likeable and even his accent as more pleasing. (2012海淀区九年级第二学期期中练习D)

65、After we got him out, we went back to find the gun that he had thrown down. (东城区2012学年第二学期初三综合练习一D)

66、There are exceptions, of course, and once in a while a man does get into some strange difficulty that puts him into the ―lost‖ column.