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being brought to our domestic market, foreign brands are making constant efforts to penetrate into the Chinese market. Under such circumstances, a question we have to answer is: How can Chinese brands give foreign brands a run for their money?

Many of our enterprises are obsessed with the idea of nudging into the international market and metropolitan areas. They are swollen-headedly stealing the limelight. We have to realize that China has become the world‘s largest market yet to be fully developed. China has a population of 1.3 billion, accounting for 20% of the world‘s population and the growth of its consumer expenditure is faster than anywhere else in the world. It is in our domestic market, particularly in our rural market of 900 million farmers that the odds are in favor of the development of our national brands. This may account for some of the well-established international brands racking their brains over China‘s rural market.

Quality is the lifeblood of a brand, and customers always prefer goods of fine quality. With product quality being wildly inconsistent, Chinese enterprises can hardly build brands in which people have faith, thus creating obstacles to the establishment of China‘s international brands. It is currently urgent for some of our national brands, those who have made up their minds to compete against foreign brands, to improve the quality of their products. Enterprises have to realize that 1% defection of a product equals 100% loss for the customer. The domination of China‘s national brands in the world can never be achieved until goods made in China are better in quality than those made abroad.


When Sports Drinks Kill

For years now, we have been hearing the importance of hydration to avoid heat stroke during prolonged exercise in hot weather. Now, it turns out, too much hydration can kill you.

A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine should give people reason to rethink the wisdom of quaffing vast amount or water or sports drinks while exercising vigorously—at least if they are engaging in such endurance tests as a marathon. The study found that a marathon runner could dangerously dilute the blood with an overdose of liquids, risking a coma and even death. The problem has also been detected during long military maneuvers, extended bike rides and blistering hikes through the desert.

An article in The New York Times describes the slow and belated recognition of the problem. A South African expert who has been warning of the dangers for more than two decades said that he had not found a single case in which an athlete had died from


dehydration in a competitive race, but that several people had sickened and died from drinking too much.

All too often, friends, coaches or emergency personnel assume that the problem is dehydration and administer yet more liquid, making the problem worse. The best treatment is a small amount of concentrated salt solution, given intravenously, to increase blood sodium concentrations. Sports drinks containing electrolytes may not help much as they are mostly liquid themselves.

In the 2006 Boston Marathon, for example, a 28-old woman found herself exhausted after running for five hours and gulping sports drinks along the way. Wrongly assuming that she was dehydrated, she chugged down a sports drink. She promptly collapsed and was later declared brain-dead. The concentration of salt in her blood was found to be lethally low.

Sports authorities have already issued warnings and tips to avoid excessive drinking. The solution is for overly eager endurance runners and hikers to forget the old mantra that they should drink—drink—drink. Too much liquid can be lethal.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 运动饮料也会致命





























Standard & Poor’s and CITIC Securities: New Indices for the China A Share Market

On December 15th, 2003, Standard and Poor‘s and CITIC Securities jointly announced an index for the China A share market. The recent opening of the China A share market to Qualified Financial Institutional Investors has generated interest and excitement in the international investment community. The complete opening of the China A share market will have far reaching impact on investment patterns across the globe in both the short and long term. In the meantime, a critical need has emerged for a comprehensive benchmark for the China market. The current indices are either not representative of the entire market or have severe methodological limitations.

Standard and Poor‘s and CITIC Securities have endeavored to create two index series. One series, which will be used primarily by portfolio managers, will be a benchmark that will represent the market as a whole. The other will be narrower, with constituents drawn from the pool of stocks within the benchmark series. This second index, which consists of the largest, most liquid stocks in the market, will be more useful for the derivative market.

Topics for Discussion

This meeting will focus on issues relating to the indices‘ size and constituents.

Topic 1: A proposed 50 stock index would cover approximately 33% of the total market capitalization of the China A share universe and approximately 25% of the liquidity of the entire market in terms of value traded.

a.Is a 50 stock index representative of the liquidity and volatility of the China A share market?

b.How many stocks on average do QFIIS prefer to invest in? Is this number expected to grow in the future or remain the same?

c.Is sector balance important for an index designed for derivative trading? Or should the focus be entirely on size and liquidity?